Demon's Bride
Zoe Archer

ISBN-13: 978-1420122282
Publisher: Kensington
Line: Zebra
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Pages: 370
Retail Price: 6.99

Genre: Paranormal
Heat Level: Hot

Leo Bailey may have been born to poverty, but ruthless business sense and sparkling intelligence have made money worries a thing of his past. It doesn’t hurt that the Devil himself has granted Leo the ability to read the future.

But even infallible predictions are a déclassé commoner’s trick to some members of the ton. They’ll never see Leo as their equal—one good reason to prove himself their better. And a noble marriage is an obvious start.

Bookish Anne Hartfield, daughter of a baron, is hardly the flashiest miss on the marriage market. But her thoughtful reserve complements Leo’s brash boldness in an attraction neither can deny. A whirlwind courtship sweeps Anne and Leo into a smoldering marriage before either can believe their luck. But happiness built on Leo’s dark powers can’t last. Soon, Anne will have to save her husband…or lose her heart…


He may not be a titled gentleman, but Leopold Bailey is definitely the catch of the season—if you overlook the fact that he made a deal with the devil.

Whether for ill or good luck Leo’s brand new wife Anne has no clue her husband’s vast wealth is a product of evil bargains, nor does she seem to care. In fact, Anne just wants her marriage to be a success, as she’s lucky to have been asked by anyone at all. Coming from a family with connections, but no funds, Anne knows what it’s like to have little and in this retrospect she’s able to relate to her husband. Soon it’s more than just an eager desire to please, but a raging passion and companionship that knows no bounds.

Leo’s keeping the secret of his devilish pact and the scars on his back for as long as he possibly can. He wants to create a successful marriage and surprisingly finds himself attracted to his wife. Looking to ensure that Anne has everything he knows that she can never find out the truth behind his success, but as the war between good and evil because to take shape Anne is unwillingly drawn into the battle. Now they must decide if love is worth fighting for or if their marriage should be cast aside.

This book, in fact this particular series, is refreshing and a great blend of historical with the paranormal. The first few pages grabbed me, until halfway through I realized I hadn’t moved from my seat in two hours. The characters were engaging, especially Leo. He’s the perfect example of vengeance gone wrong, and someone attempting to better his social standing in all the wrong ways. Leo is incredibly intelligent and talented on his own, but the devil’s gift makes him even more formidable. His backstory drives who he is at the beginning of the book, and how Anne’s ability to give to her new husband transforms him into a better person. Really the book is about the healing power of love, it truly conquers all. Plus a little heat in the bedroom doesn’t hurt and Archer knows exactly how to ratchet up the tension. My favorite part when Leo and Anne are at ton ball and they both engage in the most scandalous behavior for married folk.

He turned to face Ann as they stood in the entryway of Lord Overbury’s home. Leo searched her face for anger, even as he knew he didn’t care whether or not she was angry. He had acted, primal instinct pushing his body into motion, heedless of consequence.

Her eyes were bright. But not with anger. Something far more visceral. Excitement.
“Tomorrow.” He advanced on her, stalking her, yet she did not back up in fear. She met him straight on, until their bodies were less than an inch apart. “You teach me how to dance.”

“You have taken a sudden interest in it.”

He shook his head. “If anyone partners my wife, it will be me, and no other.”

Color stained her cheeks. “Dancing exclusively with one’s spouse is considered unfashionable at best. Gauche at worst.”

“Don’t. Bloody. Care.” He brought his mouth down on hers. Her lips were soft, silky. And eager…

Whoo—let me say it doesn’t end there, and I love Leo’s desire to be better for his wife.  My only caveat is Anne was a bit too reluctant, for me, to see the truth about things. I could accept it, but I still felt like she was a bit of fool to not see or accept situations where the proof was right in front of her. Yet, she’s human and allowed to be flawed.

Regardless of my little nugget Demon’s Bride is a great read; entertaining and definitely a page turner. You won’t be bored and if you love the paranormal, but enjoy a historical twist then this is worth the buy.

Reviewed by Landra