4 Replies to “Blogging at MamaWriters”

  1. Children definitely liven up the house. It is nice just to have 30 minutes of “me” time at night. It makes a huge difference.
    Would love to have your book.

  2. Interesting interview. More power to you being able to write with little children at home. My girls were not a big problem when they were young, but my son was another story. You had to keep your ears open for him 24 hours a day. He had a habit of waking up at 2 or 3 AM and that was it for the night. I’d find him “cooking” in the kitchen, dismantling the furnace, or outside in a snow bank – all this while he was under 3. My house was also the “Kool Aid” house in the neighborhood. All the kids were usually there playing, I wasn’t serving Kool Aid. (I had no idea what it meant when one of the parents made the comment one day.)
    I look forward to your next books. After all there is the brother and other best friend that need an HEA.

  3. @denise Liven the place is a very tame word. LOL. But my son is a joy! Just very stubborn and active. Runs me ragged.

    @carol L I’ll be waiting. LOL

    @librarypat. Thanks so much. I’m looking forward to all my men’s HEA. Especially Alex. 😀

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