The Cobra’s Got Charm: Dazzling new series launches in NovemberΒ from Stephanie Laurens!

UNTAMED_frontcover Have a hankering for an exotic new spin on one of your favorite authors?Β  Avon Books has a veritable feast for you with the launch ofΒ Stephanie Laurens’ amazing new series, “The Black Cobra Quartet.” Starting with THE UNTAMED BRIDE (on sale 10/27/09) — romance readers are going to get a taste for four dashing officers of the British East India Company, who must come to the aid of the Crown, battling insidiousΒ cultists with nefarious aim…and for the four unforgettable heroines who help these dashingΒ heroesΒ vanquish this ruthless enemy!

Want a foretaste of the feast to come?Β  Check out the series’ book trailer, created by the ever-talented filmmaker Brady Hall.

We’ve only just whetted your appetite?Β  If you want a sneak peek at the opening chapter of THE UNTAMED BRIDE, visit; and if you’re really curious, and want a foretaste of the passion to come in February 2010 with the release of THE ELUSIVE BRIDE (book two in the quartet!), visit

Now, why do I want to go out to Bombay Palace for lunch today?

One lucky commenter will win an advance copy of THE UNTAMED BRIDE.

56 Replies to “Avon Books Presents”

  1. I can’t wait to for the first book in the Black Cobra Quartet to be released. I’m hoping we’ll see some familiar characters in this series.

  2. I can’t wait for this book to come out. I’m a Stephanie Lauren’s fan girl and her books are comfort reads to me.

  3. I’ve been lucky enough to have already read THE UNTAMED BRIDE and I loved it. It’s a fabulous launch of what I hope will be an equally terrific series!

    **Please exclude me from the giveaway since I already have a copy of the book. Thanks!

  4. I can’t wait to read this… but at the same time, I kind of want to, because I know that the wait for the next book will drive me nuts. I love series, but I hate waiting!

  5. Oh my….any book is a delight by Ms. Laurens! I am excited about this new series and look forward to THE UNTAMED BRIDE.

    She is…The Lady of Regency!

  6. I love the video I’m looking forward to reading this it sounds so good! Wonderful blog today, thank you

  7. I can’t wait to read these! Stephanie Laurens is one of my favorite authors and I really love her series!

  8. This looks like a series I’ve been waiting for…really sounds good. I can’t wait to tell my mom about it because I know she will enjoy it too πŸ™‚

  9. The buzz about THE UNTAMED BRIDE has been great. I’m really looking forward to reading it!

  10. Love Stephanie’s book, have seen ehr twice on her whirlwind visits through Ohio. I’ve got my pre-order in and am waiting not too patiently for the new quartet. BTW, I have the audio tapes of Devil’s Bride and most of the others. I love listening to them, too.

  11. A historical series about the British East India Co. sounds really exciting! Can’t wait to read them all!

  12. I have enjoyed all of Ms. Laurens’ books, so look forward to reading this one. The premise is intriguing.

  13. PICK ME! PICK ME! PICK ME! *SnoopyHappyDancing* Cannot wait to read it! Pretty please? There are COOKIES in it for you!

  14. Ah I’m so excited for this new series. On her website she has the prelude to the series and ever since I’ve read it I’ve been patiently (ok not very patient) waiting! Plus, there are mentions of some familiar gentleman. I can not wait til I get my hands on this book!

  15. huge fan of stephanie laurens and would LOVE to get a copy of this new book/first in series. can’t wait for it either way! thank you!

  16. I love Steph’s writing and am excited for this new series to start. I’m a series junkie so I’m really hoping I win so I can get my fix.

  17. Ohhhhhhhhh, for everyone who can’t wait for the NEXT books in the series…all four will be published within the span of a year! Currently, UNTAMED BRIDE is Nov 09, ELUSIVE BRIDE is Feb 10, BRAZEN BRIDE is July 10; and RECKLESS BRIDE is Nov 10. (And for those who hope to see familiar characters interspersed through this new series…just know that Stephanie Laurens would never let you down!)

  18. I love Ms. Laurens’s work and can’t wait to read her new series. Winning this book would help get me started. *crossed fingers for the win*

  19. Congratulations on the new series! I can’t wait to read these books. I love your stories and I really love series books. I would love to win! This would make a great birthday gift to me. πŸ˜€

  20. I am soo excited for this new series! I wanted it to be out months ago, but alas we have all had to patiently wait. What I love about Laurens is that even in her little sneak peek into the series, you dive right in and get caught up in it. Her books truly are escape fiction and wonderful. Congrats to Stephanie for what I’m sure will be another knockout seeling series πŸ˜€

  21. I can’t wait for 10/27! Besides loving Stephanie’s books, I’m looking forward to catching glimpses of Dalziel, whom I fell in love with in the Bastion Club books.

  22. Here’s Karen in the corner, jumping up and down, hollering “PICK ME, PICK ME!” LOL

    Seriously folks, I so want this book (and I am not alone in that wish, am I?) Stephanie is one of favorite authors. From what I’ve read about this book, we are in for a rousing good time and some of the Cynsters and the Bastion Boys will be back.

    I wanted to mention something that caught my attention when I was reading the excerpt from this new book. The heroine’s last name is Duncannon. I am reading ‘Beware a Scot’s Revenge’ by Sabrina Jeffries right now and Duncannon is the heroine’s father is the Earl of Duncannon. I just thought it unusual that the same name would appear in books written by different authors about 2 years apart. I’ve never run across that before and wondered if there are other books out there where this has happened?

  23. I know I’m repeating the sentiments of others, but I can’t wait for this book to come out. I have a been a fan of Stephanie’s for years. I’m really looking forward to meeting her new characters and seeing what unfolds.

  24. I’m just now wrapping up reading the last of the Bastion Club series. I love how she intersperses characters from past books – it’s almost like getting micro-epilogues so that you can see what your old favorite characters are up to without distracting from the current story. I can hardly wait to see what she does, shifting the focus to the BEI Company!

  25. I love the passionate writing of all Stepahnie Laurens’ books and I’m positive her new series will top the charts and draw her readers in with the very first sentence. No one can describe a kiss or the emotions of passion like she can.

    Hey, I sure would like a chance to win. Please enter my name in the drawing.


  26. Please enter me into this drawing. I love her books, and I really love books that are in a series. Can hardly wait to read this one!

  27. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one! MASTERED BY LOVE was absolutely fabulous! It went immediately onto my keeper shelf. The Untamed Bride promises to be another SL “keepable” read.

    And PJ, I am SO jealous you have already read it!!

    I got to meet Stephanie in Birmingham, Alabama at a book signing and she is one classy lady.

    Another Stephanie Laurens series to love. YAY !!!

  28. I admit, I have never read Ms. Lauren’s work. This book sounds AMAZING!

    Please enter me in this drawing.

    Thank you,
    Fallon H.

  29. Oooh, I can’t wait for this book to come out. I’m so looking forward to it. I loved her Cynster series

  30. I loved the video – and the Black Cobra Quartet sounds great. I’m looking forward to reading this series.

  31. Now I need to make more room on my keepershelf. I have everything she has ever written. Love Stephanie’s books. Can’t wait.

  32. I read all the Bastion Club books and a few others as well and now need to get into all the others she has written. I cannot wait for this book though since I have her latest Cynster to read at the moment by my bed.

  33. Can’t wait for this new Stephanie Laurens book, I have read everyone of her previous books. A great writer of our times.

  34. Please enter me in this giveaway! I love Stephanie Laurens’ books, and can’t wait tell the release of “The Untamed Bride”. Thanks

  35. Such a huge fan of Stephanie Laurens. I think I have every one of her books πŸ™‚ Even the older ones! She’s a great author and has great characters!

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