I really loved THE IRISH WARRIOR as you can see from my review below. The hero, Finian, is the sole reason I started the Hero To DIE For feature on the website. I loved him, really, really loved him. He was seriously everything you could and would want in a hero. He is sexy as all get up, strong, passionate, loyal, did I say sexy as hell? And there is nothing, and I mean nothing, he would not do for the woman he loved. Because when Finian loves, he loves with the whole scope of that emotion. Sigh.
So, please welcome the fabulous, wonderfully talented Kris Kennedy who gave us this incredible Hero to DIE For! Feel free to ask Kris questions. Commenters will be entered to win an autographed copy of June’s Top Pick, THE IRISH WARRIOR! Winner will be posted June 4th.
The Allure Of The Alpha
We do love our alpha heroes. They abound in historical romances. Warriors, knights, outlaws, rakes. These are men who are very bad, in all the good ways. Because there is something inherently tempting about an alpha hero.
But why? What is it about the alpha?
I suspect one of the most powerful reasons we are drawn to the alpha is competence. Mastery.
Humans are attracted to people who do what they do really well. It connected to our survival mentality, but also reaches to the opposite end of that continuum: affluence. Resources. Luxury. When someone is a master at their endeavors, he or she is going to be highly successful. Rise to the top.
I think this is why, in romances, we see deadly swordsmen, expert archers, accomplished spies, successful businessmen, and rakes who can work a room, circling in toward what they want. It’s a cue for the reader: this man can excel. And we know this is inherent in the person, this capacity for greatness.
A master.
From martial arts to the art of seduction, a masterful man is inherently alluring.
When someone has exhibited mastery, readers know, in their gut, that there’s only one route to attain such heights: devotion, dedication, hard work and utter focus. Oh, and he’s got to be smart.
A masterful person absorbs information, accurately determines what’s relevant to his goal, distills that knowledge into something meaningful, and adapts in response. The true alpha is flexible. This means we have one smart cookie on our hands. 😉 The hero uses these abilities to get better at whatever he does, to hone in on—and conquer–the target of his attention.
And then he turns that all focus and devotion and intelligence on the heroine, and . . . oh, my, yes, there it is. The allure of the alpha. 😉

Now, this doesn’t mean the ‘beta’ hero is any less competent. I love a beta hero. In ways, Finian has ‘beta’ traits, in that he doesn’t compete with the heroine. He has no problem with letting her shine. He doesn’t compete with anyone. He’s just damn good.
And knows it.
But our alphas . . . This is part of why we love them: because they know they’re good. And thus, are not afraid to take charge.
And therein lies another part of the allure of the masterful alpha: he not only is willing to take charge, he does it well. That is old, reptilian brain stuff. Very potent.
Now, it’s possible that someone could evidence all these capacities and you’d still end up with a great, big clod. Or a sociopath. He might be good at what he does, but he’s not someone we’d trust with our heart, or even want to have a drink with some evening. It may be sexy at first glance, but it’s not ‘long-haul’ material.
So where’s the line in the sand?
I believe it’s two-fold. I think we’re ultimately seduced by the man who uses his power for good, the masterful man who could wreck great harm . . . and doesn’t.
And we need a reflective, self-aware hero. I don’t mean a man who’d do do good in a psychotherapy session. 🙂 I mean a man who is aware of what’s happening to him. A man who is aware of what he’s feeling and experiencing, and, in the dark night of his soul, is willing to work harder, reach further, and ultimately, change.

In my debut novel THE CONQUEROR (May ‘09) the hero, Griffyn ‘Pagan’ Sauvage is a warrior and returning lord, seeking vengeance. He gets what he wants by dint of utter focus and high competence. There it is, the romance trope. But it’s a trope because it’s potent. The wronged person immediately evokes our sympathy. The intent, masterful, confident one evokes our respect.
In THE IRISH WARRIOR (June ‘10), Finian O’Melaghlin is a roughish charming warrior on a mission for his king to recover dangerous military intelligence. He’s smart, clever, confident, and good at everything he does, particularly charming the heroine. 🙂 But when she gets entwined in the web of deceit and power, he has to make choices that tap into his greatest fears and threaten to topple his greatest hopes. He is tested far beyond what he thought were his limits, and has to decide if he’s willing to go further yet, to save the woman he loves.
In the end, I think we love a hero who wields great power and is willing to use it to make the world a better place. One heroine at a time. 🙂
Kris Kennedy writes sexy, adventure-filled medieval romances for Kensington and Pocket Books. At her website, you can sign-up for the newsletter and drop Kris a line saying Hi! THE IRISH WARRIOR, winner of the 2008 Golden Heart® Award for Best Historical Romance, released June 1. Read a sexy excerpt!
Great analysis on alpha heroes 🙂 I agree completely!
THE CONQUEROR and THE IRISH WARRIOR sound great and their heroes like the ones described as ultimate alphas
Great blog! I do adore my alpha heroes. I’m starting THE IRISH WARRIOR today. Now I’m more excited than ever! 🙂
You nailed the description that draws us to these men. Masterful, strong, charming–and a good heart. The kind of man who can meet every need! 🙂
I can’t wait to get my hands on this book.
I love a good medieval romance and Ms. Kennedy delivers!! Huzzah!
Fabulous post, Kris. That’s why your heroes work for me so well. And it’s the sum of those things that make them oh so sexy.
Just love those heroes! Can’t wait to get myself a copy of this one.
Hello ladies!
So nice to wake up on release day to women chatting about why they love a good hero. 🙂
I hope the story satisfies on every level, and be sure to let me know what you all thought!
Sounds really good, can’t wait to read it. 🙂
I can’t wait to read this book! I just noticed it’s free in the Amazon Kindle store today.
Honestly, just looking at the covers of these books makes me want to read them…YUMMY!
You had me at ‘Irish’. I LOVE reading of Celtic heroes from another age, and your book sounds just wonderful, and that was quite a review from Bev, I’m convinced! All the best for your release!
I *know*! Didn’t Kensington do an absolutely terrific job with this cover? I am in love with it. Glad it caught your eye as well. 🙂
Yay, you go you Celtic-loving girl! I love reading them too. I hope you love IRISH–be sure to let me know!
That goes for all the great historical romance readers who’ve said Hi here: be sure to email me and let me know what you thought of the book. I’d love to hear from you!
I like being introduced to new authors like Kris! Love medieval historical romances, anything Irish and Celtic!
I think I would like to meet Finian.
I actually like beta heroes a lot more, but I think that is because I have encountered too many alpha heroes who are over the top, ridiculous, and really not well-done in romance. The alpha hero dominates (hah) the romance genre, but I haven’t encountered too many alpha heroes that I really loved. Congratulations on this new book. I have The Conqueror on my TBR, and The Irish Warrior looks interesting as well.
So cool. ^^ I’m definitely going to look for the book. ^
Congratulations! You were blessed by the Cover Art Gods with this one! Your hero and story sound amazing.
Kris, you are a new author to me. This book sounds really great and I look forward to reading it. Thanks for the post today.
Great looking cover. I am looking forward to reading this one!
Kris, great post on alpha males. I read your debut book and LOVED IT! I cannot wait to read TIW!!! The cover is gorgeous.
I absolutley loved The conqueror and recommend it highly. I can’t wait to read The Irish Warrior!
Enjoyed reading the comments. I like all kinds of heroes, alpha or not. and The Irish ones are read-worthy too.
Hi Kris!
So nice to see you hear at The Season! 🙂
THE IRISH WARRIOR sounds like such a good and romantic book. Bev reviewed it and it sounded great!
I’m really interested in reading about your “hero to die for”! 🙂 What woman doesn’t love them!!
I LOVE alpha heroes too! I love “masterful men” who are crazy about their woman! 🙂
Good luck with your recent release, I will look out for it!
P. S. You’re books have some VERY SEXY covers!!
This review is amazing. I hope my local Barnes and Noble carries it. I love you covers!
Runner10 ~ Yes, he seems like a good person to meet, huh? 😉
Rosie~ I know exactly what you mean about the over-the-top alpha. That’s just what I’m thinking of when I say the ‘good alpha’– or rather, the *opposite* of that kind of protagonist. I hope both Griffyn and Finian meet your sensibilities of what makes for a good strong hero, without being overboard.
Melissa and Deb~ I’m so glad you’re going to be on the look-out for the book! I appreciate the chance to come and get to meet to readers who are willing to try new authors. I hope you love the book!
Catslady and Jennifer L~ I really, really hope you like IRISH as much as THE CONQUEROR! I love hearing that you liked the debut book. This one is a little faster-paced and more ‘adventure-y’ but I hope you love it just as much. Let me know.
Etirv~ So glad to find medieval-lovers. 🙂
LilMissMOlly~ I’m super glad to hear the story and characters sound enticing! Bev was so kind and enthusiastic in her comments for the book. Thanks Bev!!
And everyone who said the cover is great: Thank-you!! I love this cover so much. Kensington’s Art Dept did such a wonderful job.
Thanks so much for taking the time to come out and send good vibes, ladies!!
Hey Pixie Sister !!! I cannot WAIT to read this one!! But don’t enter me in the drawing as I bid on and WON signed copies of BOTH of your books on the Brenda Novak auction. YAY !! Good thing too as I loaned my Mom my copy of The Conqueror and she hasn’t given it back !!
The Irish setting has me taking a second look. The Conquerer has been on my TBR shelf for about a month I think it is time to read it annd then Irish.
Good Luck on your new release.
Love & Hugs,
I think your observation of universal admiration of people who do things very well is true. Why do I watch shows like Top Chef, Project Runway, Iron Chefetc. – to see people with a passion show me their skill in a way that looks effortless but took years of dedication to perfect. It’s incredibly seductive, no matter the skill involved.
Been hearing good buzz about your Irish guy *g*
Will look forward to meeting him!
I would love to read this book
sounds yummy 😉 would love a chance to win this book if not the hero’s heart 😉
I love Alpha Males who have a weakness for the heroine! I love escaping with these stories. Can’t wait to pick it up.
Hey girls!
So sorry it’s taken me awhile to get back–insane day yesterday, and then, well, again. 🙂
That was YOU?! You are very good. 🙂 The auction folks haven’t sent me any info yet, but I’ll get them right out to you!
I so very pleased that the Irish setting is causing a second look! Hope you enjoy The Conqueror as well. The two books are a little different from one another in ways. Hope you love them both!
It’s simply alluring, isn’t it? People who do things *really* well are compelling. I think you have a point, how being able to watch a master–or watch someone become more masterful–that has contributed to some of the popularity of those shows.
Peggy and Donna Ann~
I’m so glad the book has caught your attention!
Mary Ann~
Isn’t that one of the most sweetly seductive things?? A confident, competent master who falls head-over-heels for the woman. Ahhh…. I hope The Irish Warrior feeds all your escapist needs; that’s part of what it’s for. 🙂
Sandra Lynne and lvsgund~
I just realized I never gave a wave and said specially ‘hello’, so … hi there! 🙂
Thanks for your cover love–Kensington did such a great job! And thank-you for your enthusiasm for the book. I hope you love it!
I have your first book, THE CONQUEROR, and brought it with me on vacation. I love the sound of THE IRISH WARRIOR. I like alpha heroes, but only when they are tempered with common sense and decency. Sounds like you have done a good job with that here.
Best of luck with the release of your book. Hope there are many more to come.
Hi Krris,
I am nearing the end of The Conqueror and I LOVE, Love Griffyn ‘Pagan’ Sauvage.
I also love your covers Kris. The Irish Warrior is next for me. I love anything Celtic.
Congrats on the release and much success with this newest release. But your talent itself will take of that for you. 🙂
Carol L.
ooops, sorry about the 2 r’s in the name. 🙂
Carol L.
That excerpt…was so good. I have to get my hands on this book now, everybody’s been raving about it! Thanks for your thoughts about the alpha male (mmm, my favorite) and for this chance to win. 🙂
You nailed it to a tee!!! That is exactly why I love Alpha male characters. I’ve always loved Jamie in Outlander series because he is this type of man. He’s what I call (A man’s man) meaning a leader among men that men and women are naturally drawn to. Can’t wait to read The Irish Warrior….Count me in please!!!!
Carol L~
LOL–you can put as many or as few ‘R’s in my name as you want, as long as you love Pagan and the story. 🙂 I am so so happy to hear that. Thanks for letting me know. Now you have to also let me know how you feel about IRISH.
And you all know you can email me anytime. There’s a link at the website–I won’t post the addy here, b/c the little spam-y bots like to pick it up.
Library Pat~
I’m so glad Finian’s alpha-ness sounds up your alley. 🙂 I really, really love a man who takes charge, but it’s insufficient as a stand-alone trait. I don’t even mind a little well-placed arrogance. But there must be the ability to demonstrate respect for others, affection for the heroine, and decency as a human, even if he’s doing ‘bad’ things.
See, these are the things that make a girl like me smile. So glad the excerpt did it for you. (I love this scene. And the one to come. Oh, and then the one a couple scenes later… and then a few pages later… Well, you get the idea. 😉 )
Yes. Yes. That strong confident man with a core of decency who is not afraid to do things others won’t like. I hope Finain fits the bill for you.
Hmm..a lot of the earliest comments somehow slipped by me and I missed saying thanks. So very sorry.
I appreciate everyone coming out and taking the time to leave a comment, hoping to win the book. I greatly approve of people who want to read this book. 🙂
Thank-you all!
PJ, you’re starting today (okay, well, yesterday by now…)?? That’s…scary. Not sure why knowing that someone is reading it *at this very moment* feels more scary than simply knowing they might be reading it at *any* moment, but there you have it. LOL I hope you love it.
Kris, I read the excerpt on your website and now I know why it’s been getting such good buzz. I can’t resist a sexy, warrior-type hero. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one. I hope I win!
I haven’t read anything medieval in a long time, but the gorgeous men on your covers definitely tempt me. Your post was a fantastic description of why we love Alpha heroes. I’ve always had the men in my life asking “Why do women always like bad boys instead of nice guys?” and I tell them “We like boys who act bad but are nice guys to the people they love. It’s all about confidence.”
Yes, that’s it. Men who have great power and capabilities, and could do great harm, but instead, do great good. Oh, and they charm the heroine. 😉
I hope you’re tempted enough to try The Irish Warrior! Let me know.
Yay! So excerpt made you excited about the book! Thanks for saying so.
Bev has gushed so much about this book, I had to pre-order. I’m reading it now and I’m halfway through and loving it!
Bev don’t include me in the drawing. I just wanted to drop by and tell Kris how fabulous it it.
Okay, you are wonderful for dropping by to say that. Thank-you so much. Made my evening.