The time to enter has arrived! To celebrate July 4th, I’m giving away 45 Fabulous Books and Chocolate! Entering is as easy as posting a comment. Newsletter subscribers entered last week and get two chances to win if they post a comment here today. Click the image below to check out the books on the contest pages on the website. Good luck, everyone!

**Available to US and Canadian residents ONLY.

313 Replies to “Enter to Win in The Season’s Red, White and Blue Fireworks Giveaway”

  1. This is the coolest contest/giveaway ever! Thank you so much for having it!

  2. I absolutely love this website! It has all the information for upcoming books that I’m looking forward to and other books that I’ve never heard of and are amazing. I know if I want to read an in depth review on a book I know to come here. I know I’m looking forward to Tessa Dare, Lisa Kleypas, Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, Suzanne Enoch, Stephanie Laurens and many more!

  3. Dang, that’s a lot of books. . . and sure wouldn’t mind seeing my name placed in the hat for them! 🙂 Count me in! 🙂


  4. This is an amazing giveaway. You have some of the best titles released this year!

  5. Awesome!! Count me in!! I’d love to win some books and chocolate!! 🙂

  6. I would love to win them all! LOL But well, I don’t mind sharing with you guys 😉
    Good luck to all.

  7. This is the single most spectacularly incredible giveaway I’ve ever beheld. I love saying “this [blank] has me salivating”.Because I am such a book freak that I almost go into a fit of vapors whenever I see a good title..Right now, I am positively swimming..there is a puddle beside my computer screen! lol …. crosses fingers, does a jig, hopes for the best =D

  8. Hi! I’d like to enter the contest. I’ve always loved the Regency time period & The Season and enjoy reading about them still.

  9. Thank you very much for the generous giveaway. What a great set of books; I have plenty to add to my must have list.

  10. I am entering the Red, White and Blue Fireworks Giveaway because I love Historical Romances and I am starting to read books in this genre and I need new books.

  11. This site is the greatest. I come here often to catch up on all the latest historical romances and the giveaways are just fantastic. Books and chocolate, can’t think of anything better!

  12. I am entering the Red, White and Blue Fireworks giveaway because I love Historical Romance books and I am new in reading this genre and I need books.

  13. You have the best blog! Historical fiction is pretty much all I read these days, and your recommendations are very helpful. Thank you for such a great contest!

  14. Fabulous giveaway! Count me in! And can I just say what an amazing accomplishment this website is, Bev? I send everyone I know here to read reviews and get the latest on what is coming out next. You are the QUEEN of historical romance promo! How you have time to do this AND write red hot romance I’ll never know! Congrats!

  15. I love historical romance books. I think I have more historical romance books in my library then any other genre. I just saw some books that I need to put in my library. Love them all

  16. Wow, what a GREAT giveaway. This would so rock and I would love to win the books. Even if I am not the winner whoever is will be one lucky, lucky person!

  17. Oh my, these books would keep me busy for quite a while! What a fabulous prize, thanks so much for a great giveaway.

  18. Seeing all the reviews and excerpts for these books has been so exciting! I’m glad it’s finally here!

  19. Historical romances are not just literature. They’re an escape route from our hectic everyday life back to a place and time when the love and not sex decided the parameters of the conditions for a lifetime with the other half of your soul.
    Thanks for this opportunity.

  20. Fabulous giveaway!! So many books that I want to read. Please enter me in the contest.

  21. This is an amazing selection of books! I’d love to win them and can’t think of a better way to celebrate the holiday!

  22. I think mini-lottery about sums it up. Or Christmas in July! What an amazing giveaway!

  23. Hi,

    I didn’t even know this site existed until I saw it on Facebook. Yes, please enter me in the contest. What a great bunch of books!

  24. Love contests! Thanks for giving the opportunity to possibly win the books.

  25. OH, MY! Most of my Wish List is in there. Only 5 are books I already have. This is a wonderfully generous Giveaway. Hope you have a great week.

  26. I Would be delighted if I win these 45 books to add to my historical romance library. Some of My favorite authors are included and I noticed a couple of books by authors I’m not familiar with that I would love to read.

  27. I would love to win. This would make my summer. These are some great book and authors and there are some I do not know and would love to get to know them.

  28. WOW! What a generous contest. Thank you for having it. All these books sound awesome.

    Fallon Hadley

  29. What an impressive list. Thanks for giving us a chance to read some amazing books.

  30. What an awesome contest! Thanks for keeping historical romance alive and kicking!!

  31. Wow what a bunch of great books thank you all so much for a wonderful contest! Have a happy summer reading!
    Penney Wilfort

  32. I love your site, it is so great! U have so many offer, great reviews, and great reads! I hope I win …I would love to display the win on my site and bring more readers to u!

  33. I have been looking forward to this contest. I want So Many of these. There are maybe only one or two I haven’t added to my list of books to acquire. I’m being hopeful & haven’t rushed out for any of them in case you make my month & I win the contest. 🙂 thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. This is an awesome prize. I would love to win. Please count me in. What else must I do to get this prize?

  35. Boy would I love to win these books, they would keep me busy all summer, since I have fallen and broke several bones in several different places. and my 20 grandchildren would love to help me read them
    thank you for such a great contest.
    Gail Miller (grams of 20)

  36. What a great contest for book readers…I’d love to read the books on this list :)<3

  37. This wonderful collection of books is exactly what I’ll need come winter, when ice and snow become the words of the day and I want nothing more than to dissolve into a world of someone else’s making.

  38. Enjoyed touring your website, and have added it to my favorites. This has to be one of the nicest contests for readers I’ve seen! So many great titles and authors! Please enter me. I’d love to win!

  39. Thank you for the great selection of books! And thanks for always keeping us so informed.

  40. What bounty! One lucky reader is going to have a great summer reading all these books.

  41. Whoo Hoo good luck to everyone what a giveaway fantastic reads and some great adventures to be had by all of the readers

    Have Fun

  42. ohmygosh! my jaw dropped at the sight of all those titles! thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway! i subscribe to the newsletter as well…..

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

  43. What a fantastic giveaway! I followed a link to the site from a favorite author’s suggestion. I’d never seen the site before, but I’m excited to have found it and will be signing up for your newsletter.

    Thanks for offering such a great little historical romance library.

  44. Oh my gosh… Okay I am still drooling and afraid I might fire my computer!! LOL!!
    Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!!!!
    Please enter me!!!

  45. Thanks so much for a great contest! Love your website, thanks for your hard work!

  46. You always have the best contests Bev!! This one takes the cake and of course it is a cake I would LOVE to win. 🙂

  47. Oh, my gosh, if I won all these books I would be in romance reader heaven! Just picture me…reading on my couch, feet up on the coffee table where I pile on my books and a plate of Almond Joys and assorted chocolates and cup of coffee. What? Noises from the family…wanting to be fed?…I’ll just call for take-out. Ahhh…I love Summer. Mom’s on vacation, too.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Bev. I can still dream about my ultimate getaway.

    Have a Happy Fourth of July, too!!

  48. I don’t know which is more exciting books or chocolate. the ultimate is eating the chocolate and reading at the same time. *sigh*

    It would drive my hubby nuts if I won. I’d of course love it. LOL

  49. I love that combination….chocolate and a good book. Gets me every time. Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic contest. 🙂

  50. I agree with Teresa Rose, you always have the best contest!! This is by far the best one I’ve seen… ever. Thanks for making them and giving us romance addicts a site to love.

    What a great variety of books! 🙂 I’m crossing my fingers and praying to my lucky stars I’m the winner, LOL!

  51. Wow, so many books! You have a wonderful blog-site and the contest is definately alluring. Thank you

    I just saw my first book trailer on your home page and I’m in awe. I haven’t a clue how to make one but thank you for sharing it. I hear chatter online about them but seeing is believing.

  52. It would be awesome to win these books. I just put in a new bookshelves and they would be perfect on them. I could sit back and look at it while I munched on Chocolate. What could be more perfect?

  53. What an awesome giveaway! I’m absolutely salivating while sitting here looking at the covers of these gorgeous books! Although I’d LOVE to win them, good luck to everyone else, as well.

  54. Great contest! Can’t get any better than books and chocolate! Love your website. 🙂 Keep up all the hard work! Thanks and Happy 4th of July (in advance)!

  55. What a great site, am so glad that I stumbled across it. Please enter me in the contest, because books and chocolate are two of my favorite things.

  56. Lots of books here are on my wish list! I’ve read Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn and enjoyed it very much. I also read The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, which is a paranormal historical. It is original and unusual, and I liked it.

  57. Wow….whoever wins this will be hitting the jackpot. There are a lot of great books I really want to read in this collection. Thanks for all the awesome giveaways!

  58. I must say….that when I went into the Season blog today, the covers of the books caught my husband’s attention, and even he was amazed, LOL!! Books, chocolate and loving my hubby!

    Thanks Bev!

  59. OMG! I would love to win this contest. But alas, I never win anything! It never hurts to try though!! Good luck to everyone else!!!

  60. Ohhh, I saw so many novels that are on my wishlist. My fingers are crossed! Thanks for the awesome opportunity! Good luck to all!

    P.S. If I win, I’ll share the chocolate! = )

  61. What an awesome giveaway.! Lots of good books can’t wait to see if I win. thank you again for hosting such a great giveaway.

  62. What an awesome offering during our month of independence – thank you! So many titles to put on my TBR pile 🙂

  63. What a WONDERFUL giveaway Bev! And what a batch of 45!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC looking books! I am also drooling over the covers! Thanks for having these outstanding contests!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! 🙂

  64. Best giveaway ever! That’s a fantastic line up of book and who doesn’t love chocolate!

  65. I would love to win, because reading is my way to relax. Thank you for the opportunity.

  66. There are some AMAZING authors shown here! I see many books I haven’t yet had the chance to read – and would LOVE to do so!

  67. There are some very excellent reads here-just looking at the assortment got my heart pounding! What a fabulous assortment. And puleeze keep those fine bare abs comin’! Great writers+great covers=*faint!*

  68. WOW!!!! 45 books, be still my heart! I can’t even imagine, but I would love to win!

  69. OMG! What a great contest! Also, so many great books. Would love to win. Thanks for the great contest!

  70. What a fantastic way to celebrate! Thank you for sponsoring such a wonderful contest!

  71. Wow, that is an amazing collection of books and authors to give away. What a lovely gift for anyone who loves to read as much as I do!!

  72. What a fantabulous selection of books! So many of my favorite authors are here as well as some I’ve never read before. Thanks for offering up this great giveaway!

  73. I can’t decide what I want more the chocolate or the books! Hmmm….I think I’ll go for the books. There are so many of the books I want to read on this giveaway list and a few new authors, to me, that I would like to read. This would be a great way to try these new-to-me authors!

  74. Oh my God. Forty five books ? Beverley, thank you so much for this wonderful and unbelievable contest. I’ve got my fingers crossed. Thanks again and Good Luck to us all.
    Carol L.

  75. I’m overwhelmed at the number of books included on this list (and intimidated at how many I’ve added to my wishlist thanks to your spotlighting of them). And chocolate too? Wow.

  76. Happy July 4th, Beverly. This is an extraordinary effort you’ve gone to. Wishing you great weather, yummy BBQ, and marvelous fireworks.

  77. I’ve always loved the Independence Day holiday. It’s my absolute favorite and now this is an opportunity to love it even more. So many fantastic books, but hey, all we’ve got is time and this would be a heck of a way to spend it.

  78. Wow! What a great giveaway. Thank you for giving us all a chance to win so many great books.

  79. I have to say you are a wonderful person for doing something like this. May your July 4th be blessed with fun, friends, food and laughter. Have a wonderful week.

  80. Oh my goodness what a fabulous prize. I hope this is my lucky number 🙂 I enjoyed all of the reviews – thanks for the chance.

  81. Wow – what a great prize! I think the number of books up for grabs would equal those I finished and donated to my library for book sale. No matter, I think the TBR pile is always the victor 🙂

  82. What a great give away! 🙂 Romance books would make a great 4th of July gift.

  83. What a great giveaway – I love to read – Having knee surgery soon – need something to keep me occupied during my recovery.

  84. WoW, this is an amazing giveaway. I love this website, I would be lost without it.

    Thank You,

  85. What a fabulous give away! These are some awesome books! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  86. Wow, some fantastic books AND chocolate? You just became my new best friend. thanks so much for the contest! Crossing everything I have in order to win but my eyes being crossed is making me dizzy!

  87. Although I’ve read some of the books, I’ve not read ALL of them…and I would very much like to do so!!! This would be like Christmas for me!! Christmas in July!! If I believe it hard enough…will I win? I believe! I believe!! (smile)

  88. Ooh, these look amazing! I’ve not read most of them, so this would be awesome.

  89. Wow, this is the most wonderful giveaway. Thank you so much for sponsoring it!! I’m looking forward to reading so many of these books.

  90. This is an AWESOME contest!! I would love to win these books (well i love chocolate too lol) But so so many of these are on my wish list *hehe*

  91. Holy Moly! Talk about a giveaway bonanza! I’ve already got a few from the list but oooh baby…the others look mighty good. *grin*

    *I just signed up for the newsletter…looking forward to future editions.

  92. Wow I envy the winner here. Amazing selection of novels.

    (And I’m not entering ^^ Ahh to be a US/Canada citizen)

  93. What an amazing prize! Forty five books are a lot of books. I’d love to win this prize. I’ll have to give up housework and gardening to read them in a timely matter. Of course, I’m willing to make the sacrifice. 🙂

  94. Can you say held up in my room for days..the perfect way for me to relax this summer..THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE CHANCE TO EXPERIENCE SOME NEW AUTHORS!!!

  95. Great contest! Books and chocolate! Of course, I promise to not get chocolate stains on the books. 🙂

  96. Well, this sure would be a great Birthday present!!!!! My two favorite things BOOKS And CHOCOLATE!!

  97. Wow! This really is a book bonanza–45 of them, and I think I don’t have a single one of them yet. I’ve been financially challenged the last few months, like a lot of other readers.

  98. An excellent group of books that would look nice with my collection. Thanks for the giveaway option.

  99. Who knew that on a Monday, I would find books and chocolate as a contest! I see author I know and love (waving to Lavinia Kent, Anna Campbell, Gaelon Foley, Stephanie Laurens, Julia Quinn, to name a few), and some authors that I bet I will love. And chocolate? I am so there! All I can say is “ME, ME, pick ME!!” lol Best wishes to all of the contestants. We could all use this fabulous summer escape!

  100. This is really such an amazing gift, the ones I’ve read are really, really good especially Sinful Surrender 😉

  101. WoW this is a great giveaway so many books at one time which is a book lover’s dream this would keep me occupied for a month while I’m out of school.

  102. I don’t think there is such a thing as “too much” Romance… (or chocolate? LOL) What a generous offering!

    Remember, Life Can Be a Honeymoon!

  103. Amazing contest! And chocolate too! Enter my name for a chance to win!
    Thanks Beverley!

  104. Thank you so much for giving everyone a chance at these… so many great authors & titles.
    45 mini vacations.. might feel like a time traveler afterwards..
    Good luck everyone.. whoever wins is going to be one very happy person.

  105. I need/want to win, currently unemployed and this would help with my free time!

  106. Great giveaway! I’d LOVE to win this!!!! Doesn’t get much better then reading and having some chocolate *hmm*…..

  107. Books and chocolate are my kind of July celebration. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win such an awesome contest.

  108. I love this!! Love how you put this all together! It looks fab and so exciting seeing all these I’d love to read!

  109. OMG, so many of these are on my to read list, and so many more look like I need to add them to my to read list. What a fabulous prize!

  110. Wow I could always take another suitcase with me on my vacation to hold all of these books. Would love to win and I would share with my reading buddies so there would be a lot more exposure for all of these authors.

  111. This is an amazing collection of books and of course chocolate only makes things better. I’d love for a chance at this as well. Thanx for putting this on.

  112. woo hoo! what a great contest! i would love to win just one of these books! 🙂

  113. What a fantastic contest! I would love to win – books and chocolates – my idea of heaven. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  114. Thank you for this opportunity. WOW!! would it be great to win all those books!!

  115. What a fabulous giveaway! Great way to get the summer beach reading started! Thanks so much for a wonderful prize package….

  116. Thank you forthe chance to win such a great giveaway!! I would love to win:-) I know who wouldn’t. LOL

    Have a great 4th weekend.

  117. Don’t think I’ve ever seen so many responses to one contest in a long, long time. Lots of people must be sounding off about it!

  118. I’d love to see all of those titles lined up and down and stacked rightways and wrongways in all the nooks and crannies of my bookshelves!! It’d be most exciting!!!

  119. This contest sounds wonderful: books galore and chocolate… Yummy!

    Thank you all so much for this wonderful opportunity to win all those fabulous items!

  120. this is an awesome contest!!!! books and chocolate what more could a girl ask for?! =)

  121. This is a great contest. I also love your site and look foward to the reviews each month. Thank you!

  122. Best. Contest. Ever! I wish I could win all of them! Thank you for not giving all of these to only 1 reader.

  123. If a book is like a garden in your pocket ~ I now know 45 gardens that I’d like to add to my landscape.

  124. @MaryAnne W And there you are wrong, only one reader will win all 45 books. But don’t worry, in August I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of The Season site’s official launch, and there will be 2 winners a day for 5 solid days of giveaways. 🙂

  125. I’m sorry I misunderstood that only one of us will be the lucky winner of this wonderful cache (So now I’m hoping that you pick me :D). Thank you very much Beverley for hosting such a wonderful contest!!

  126. Well, I see that you’ve only offered the cream of to crop in current romance releases. Quick, someone pinch me so I wake up just in time to hear Beverley’s announcement of the winner!

  127. My wife showed me you site and this giveaway. The last thing she needs is more books, but I know she would enjoy all of these. It is a wonderful Giveaway that anyone would be lucky to win.

  128. Wonderful contest..Books and chocolate splendid..I will have my wine bottle to conclude it..

  129. What one to look forward to reading the most… hmm Very hard to chose from! Count me in!

  130. Romance and Chocolate! What a combination. Nothing could be better! 🙂

  131. Wow, Bev, 282 comments/entries! (at last count) It must be so gratifying to see your website become such a success!

  132. Oh, my god. I would be set for the rest of the year. Pick me, pick me!

  133. OMG! What an amazing selection of books. It would be lovely if I won as I’ve been reading so many lovely historical novels lately (Dangerous Highlander and Wicked Highlander by Donna Grant come to mind).

    Oh please, magical book fairy, please pull my name!

  134. It’s my kind of world. Books and Chocolate…I would be a happy little bookworm.

  135. How could I resist entering the amazing 4th of July giveaway! What woman wouldn’t want this many books and some chocolate? Best giveaway ever!

  136. There are so many books that are on my wish list it’s not even funny….now that i think about it many of them got on my wishlist to begin with by your features of them at The Season. Happy 4th and thanks for a great giveaway!

  137. My post must of not shown up! I think it was the day the site was doing some updates! So many of those are on my list to get. Gosh, I can honestly say I’m drooling looking at them all! I so love to be in the contest!! Thanks.

    cathiecaffey @

  138. Winning all of those books would really make 4th of the July an extra special day!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  139. I am totally a bookworm. Romance warms my heart and I couldn’t ask for a better contest, not to mention the benefit of chocolate.

  140. One of the biggest contests ever! Love all the gorgeous covers next to each other. Boy, does books and chocolate sound tasty!

  141. I actually have all of Lisa Kleypas books now. I absolutely love her and her books are amazing! Just finished Love in the Afternoon. I could not put it down!!!

  142. Wow. What a giveaway! Great to see so many suggestions of what to read whether I win or not.

  143. I most lieky won’t win b/c I’m very unlucky but this is one I would kill to win! Figuratively of course

  144. I’d be in heaven til my birthday when I’ll have a new book budget! Can u imagine? It would be glorious to win! I wouldn’t mind being handicapped and housebound with that kind of bounty to keep my busy!
    Good luck all!

  145. Did I comment already? Not even sure… so excited about this amazing contest that I can’t remember if I have commented or not. Typical of me. Thanks for a great kick-off to July!

  146. Chocolate and books. My favorite combination. Thanks so much for doing this for us <3

  147. What a generous giveaway! That’d keep me busy for sure!
    Thanks for the great contest!

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