2 Replies to “Help Raise Money to Beat Cancer”

  1. Unfortunatly I can’t donate at this time. However, as a 12 year breast cancer survivor I hope Katrina raises a ton of money! So many men die from prostate cancer simply because they are afraid of the testing. It’s not that big a deal and it can save your life! Cancer sucks and I really hope someday there will be a cure.

  2. I can’t donate the funds just now but I will send friends and family by Katrina’s blog. I too know first hand the devastating effects Cancer can have. When my youngest was seen and a half she was diagnosed with Osteo Sarcoma, bone cancer in her right shoulder. After one year of in patient treatments and a Titanium implant where her shoulder was she has been Cancer free for 13 years. I pray she and her husband raise many dollars for this cause.
    Carol L.

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