I have author copies!!! So of course, I must give a couple away to my faithful visitors. Comment and be entered to win an autographed copy of A TASTE OF DESIRE and check out the latest ‘taste’ of what’s in store for Lady Amelia and Lord Thomas Armstrong.

This particular exchange occurs just after Amelia has accidentally–publicly questioned Thomas’s sexual prowess. He is, of course, challenging her on the veracity of her claims.

“It’s not every day that I have a woman cast aspersions on my abilities in the bedchambers, especially in such a public venue.” So casual was his tone, he could have been speaking of the weather.

Some might have winced in embarrassment at having uttered something so raw and emasculating. Amelia felt no such emotion but instead clutched the glass as if her entire existence depended on her not upending it all over his head.

“So how do you intend to prove you’ve won the wager?”

Startled, she shot a look up at him, her desire to see him dripping in overly sweet punch forgotten for an instant. “What wager? What pray tell are you talking about?”

Guileless eyes regarded her as he batted decadent lashes. “Didn’t you wager your friends your dowry that I was not close to my rumored prowess in bed? By the bye, what exactly do the rumors say of me in that arena?” His hooded gaze dipped for a leisurely perusal of her form. “I suppose you’ll want to sample my abilities for yourself.” He spoke in a low purr as he directed his gaze back to hers. “I wouldn’t want you to have to depend on hearsay.”

A choked breath wheezed past her lips. The blasted man was thoroughly enjoying exacting his pound of flesh. Relished it in fact.

“Not if you were—”

“Please don’t say the last man on earth, it sounds so trite. I would think a woman with your penchant for wit and scorn would have come up with something more original. More biting.”

Amelia sputtered and her hand commenced shaking, nearly spilling her drink.

Gapping the distance between them so that he stood close enough for her skirt to brush his black trousered leg, he gently extricated the glass from her hand.

“You seem unnerved.” He paused, and then said in lowered tones and a throaty rumble, “I should kiss you senseless right here…right now.” He dropped his gaze to her lips, before lifting it back up to hers. “But perhaps that’s what you want.”

Before she could respond to his taunt, he bent his head, the warm, clean scent of his breath feathering her ear. For a brief moment, she feared he intended to make good his threat.

“Contrary to what you may believe, I am a gentleman and I will not heap any more embarrassment upon you this evening by making you eat your words.”

He then delivered the coup de grace in a very, very soft whisper. “That must be saved for another time, for what I have planned for you won’t be fit for public consumption.”

Amelia’s mouth went dry. She shivered despite the unaccountable heat that scorched through her to settle low in her belly.

And then as if he’d not just threatened—promised—to commit untold debaucheries upon her person, he straightened to his full height and inclined his head in a bow. “Good evening, Lady Amelia.” With that, he sauntered off.

99 Replies to “Pre-emptive Giveaway ~ A TASTE OF DESIRE”

  1. that was so good i can’t wait for the book and it makes me want to read the first one again.

  2. After that excerpt, I completely forgot if there was a question we were supposed to answer to be entered in the contest. Then I had to scroll up and reread a couple more times.

    I loved Amelia in Sinful Surrender, even though she played such a small role. And Thomas…well, I’d be disappointed if he didn’t get his own book. Can. Not. Wait!

  3. Well, THAT was intriguing. Best of luck with the book. It sounds like a winner to me. 😉

  4. Hi Beverley! Thank you for the excerpt. “A Taste of Desire” sounds great and I really can’t wait to read it.

  5. The excerpt did it’s job- now we’re all waiting with baited breath for it to hit the shelves!
    With Christmas upon us the only way I can get new books for me is to win them so am keeping my fingers crossed 8~)
    Merry Christmas all!

  6. Beverely –

    Please send all of our thanks to your publiser for getting you some copies of a Taste of Desire. Waiting for this to be released has been agony not only for you but for all of your readers.

    I propose we all buy stock in your publishing house and become the majority stock holders so we can demand the wait be shortened! Is anyone else out there with me? I don’t know about all of you but I can’t wiat for the release.

  7. Yay an excerpt! Ever since Missy’s book I’ve been looking forward to this one- especially since it has such a pretty cover 🙂

  8. Congrats on your up and coming new release. It sounds like a really great read and I can’t wait to read it.

  9. I’m drooling here . . . Pick me! Pick me! You really don’t want to make me wait, do you? 🙂

  10. I can’t wait to read “A Taste of Desire”. I agree that there’s a lot of sexual tension packed into the excerpt! I’m very happy for you. 🙂 I hope it’s a best seller.

  11. Some serious chemistry going on between those two, Bev! Can’t wait for it! Congrats!!

  12. Oh, my, someone is in big trouble. She is learning if you don’t want someone to hear what you have to say, don’t say it.

    It must have been exciting to open the box and see your book. Good luck with the release.

  13. Thanks Everyone! To everyone whose interest is piqued by the excerpt, I sure hope it lives up to your expectations. Am not sure if you can tell, but I like a healthy dose of sexual tension and emotional conflict in my books. 😉

  14. Bev I cannot wait to read your book! Great excerpt. Wanted to read more! Beautiful book cover. May you have many sales.

  15. Wow! What a fantastic excerpt. This one just went on my TBB list (just in case I don’t win). Thanks for the giveaway.

  16. Hi Bev, I’ve seen this book all over the place. *BG* I think it’s a sure sign that I’m supposed to read it. I need a TASTE! Just a wee TASTE! 🙂

  17. Your book sounds really good. Would make me a nice Christmas present. I love books. HAPPY HOLIDAYS

  18. Congratulations, Bev! What a hot book cover — the couple look like they were made for A Taste of Desire! I absolutely loved the excerpt. I can just see and hear the discussion as Amelia and Thomas are talking. He looks and sounds like one fiery hot man. Yummy!

  19. The excerpt had me hooked…can’t wait to read the book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Good luck to everyone!

  20. I loved this book just because of it’s title and then to read the excerpt and now I have to wait for the release. The tension, the agony, the torture – but I know it’s worth it because I love the way you write!

    If I don’t win a copy than it’s the agony you cause by making me wait for it to finally arrive at my local Waldenbooks. I love your regardless and wish you al the best for a wonderful New Year.

  21. Thanks for the tease, looks like my kind of book!! Putting it on my wishlist!!!

    in Germany

  22. Hmmm… I was sure I left a message here yesterday. I’ll try again.

    I loved the excerpt! Lord Thomas sounds deliciously sexy and I wouldn’t mind him proving his prowess to me. 😉 Congrats on receiving your author copies – the cover is wonderful!

  23. I’ve been anticipating the release of this book since I read you debut book, this is why I have already pre-ordered the story : )

  24. The excerpt is so wicked!! I can’t wait to read the rest! Congratulations and I hope you have a best seller!

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