My March Contest is up on my site! This month, I’m doing a Book-A-Month for a Year Giveaway. It will work something like this, the winner will receive a list of 15 books every month to choose from, and they will select 1 (one). I will then send them whichever book they selectΒ  every month for an entire year, totaling 12 current releases. I will initially ask winner what their genre preference is before I send them the selection choices. Click here to enter.

The contest I’m most excited about this year, is The Season’s Annual Unpublished Writing Contest.Β  For the past two years, I’ve tried to get unpublished authors’ manuscripts in front of agents and editors, which was lots of fun. This year, given the popularity of digital books and self-publishing, I’ve decided to do something different, and hopefully for participants, just as fun and helpful. This year the winner’s book will be self-published with The Season’s total cooperation.Β  The winner will receive:

  • A professionally designed cover that author has 100% input.
  • Editorial assistance.
  • Promotion and Marketing (blog tour, ad spot, newsletter mailing, reviews)
  • Author keeps ALL the profits
  • uploading book onto Amazon, B&N and Smashwords etc.

I will be begin accepting entries June 1, 2011 (pitch letter, first 3 pages and synopsis). Genres included are romance (all sub-genres), cozy mystery and YA (young adult). As the time draws closer, I’ll be posting more information about the contest.


14 Replies to “Contests!!!”

  1. I’ll be going to the book-a-month entry in just a second, but I was wondering about the publishing–will you have a limit on length? For example, would a 30k-40k novella be allowed, or only single-title sized books?

  2. Two great contests. Will have to refresh my memory on you first book and finish reading the second for your website contest.

    The Unpublished Author Contest is a good approach in the ever expanding e-book market. Best of luck to the aspiring authors.

  3. Wow Beverley! How very exciting for aspiring authors. Like librarypat, I’ll have to brush up on both your books for the answer to your contest. 1 book a month would be the greatest thing ever.

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