I didn’t think I’d be coming back to post about better news and A TASTE OF DESIRE and SINFUL SURRENDER, but by golly I am. I dreamt (secretly of course) about hitting that #1 spot on Amazon for historical romance, but I honestly didn’t think I would ever make it there. Yesterday I did with A TASTE OF DESIRE and with SINFUL SURRENDER currently in the #3 spot. (See image to the right for proof) 🙂
This goes so way beyond my expectations, I don’t even know what to say except THANK YOU. To all who have supported me, visiting my site and blog regularly, commenting regularly, and those who visit irregularly too. THANK YOU to every single one of you who’ve bought either one or both books and emailed to tell me how much you loved them. THANK YOU to those who recommended my book(s) to others even though my books are not exactly your taste. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to write a lovely review whether it was on your own blog, or Amazon, B&N, GoodReads or what have you. Without your support, I know I could have never have gotten this far with this book and I certainly wouldn’t be working so hard to get ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE & SEDUCTION and AN HEIR OF DECEPTION out to you this year.

So to celebrate this very very happy time for me I’m giving away a KINDLE! Yep, all you have to do is comment on this blog. The drawing will be April 15th (tax deadline day). And in your comments, please don’t congratulate me, you’ve done that enough. This post is to thank you all!
Thank you for the opportunity to share in your joy and success! 😀
Great news, Beverley. I expect you’ll be there for awhile. 🙂 Congratulations!
But it’s hard not to congratulate you. Congrats and thanks for the great contest.
Wow a post just to thank us and a Kindle you are one of the most generous people ever cant tell you how cool I think that is ! Keep up the brilliant work !
Thanks for the chance to win a Kindle!! (CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for the lovely books, too 🙂
I’m so happy for you. Glad you took a screen shot. Thanks for another awesome giveaway!
You are very welcome!
Congrats to you. Thanks for great givaway!
Wow!! Congrats on everything!!
Oh, Beverly. Good writing will always rise to the top!
That is just so awesome Bev – I am thrilled for you! You are my inspiration as I continue my WIP 🙂 Enjoy & savor this. Again, super congratulations!!!
You are awesome, thanks for the giveaway.
Congratulations, they both deserve it and are great books. Thank you for the enjoyment
Wow! You are amazing! So thankful for all of you do for us the reader!!
Bev, your the greatest! Can’t wait to read more of your books!
Wow! Congratulations! I know you worked so hard for this!
Linda Cacaci
Again, I say the cream always rises…..no surprise there!
This is proof right here that dreams do come true!! You dreamed about being number one…and there you are!! With not only one book there but another well on its way!! I’m sorry to say that I haven’t read either of them yet…key work “yet”! I intend to head right on over to Amazon to rectify that situation! Congratulations!! Keep dreaming…and dream big, there’s isn’t any dream too big for the universe to fulfill.
I wouldn’t want to cheat on my Nook, but can I say how happy I am for you? This is wonderful and so well-deserved.XXOO
Bev! That screen shot is too cool! I’m gonna be a rebel and congratulate you even though you said not to, lol. So so cool! You need to print out that screen shot and frame it as the “first” time your book hit number one. : )
I’m so so happy for you, I couldn’t wish it for a better lady.
I admire the way you write and the way you conduct your blog. I can see why you are so special to all your
fans. Thank you. Claudy Conn
Wow Beverly! What an great giveaway! Thank you for writing such amazing books!
Nice to see that dreams can come true. Congrats!
Sorry but CONGRATULATIONS. This is amazing news and you totally deserve it. I’m very happy for you !!
Thanx for thinking about your readers and the stories that they like, great giveaway.
What a wonderful feeling Beverley. But both books so deserved it. Great writing will always rise to the top. Great giveaway and you give the greatest things away. Here’s wishing you more #1’s.
Carol L
After realizing what Debbie K has gone through to get a book finished and published, I realize you have a lot of talent and put forth a lot of effort to get where you are. Congratulations!
Awesome news, congrats!
I can’t resist saying Congrats, Beverly! Best of wishes to you. Thank you for sharing your joy and success with us! 🙂
Well, I can’t post a comment without congratulating you on your success! Both stories are deserving of those numbers. Looking forward to the other books coming soon.
Wow, what a generous way to celebrate! Can’t wait for your self-pubbed works to come out. Let’s send those up to #1 also!!!
Oh how I envy you! I can only hope that with the same hard work and dedication I can one day be on that list myself one day!
The use I could get from a Kindle! I am just a novice in my writing career but one of the most important things I know about every good author is that we also need to read! Read as much as we can get our hands on in fact.
With ebooks becoming the newest way of enjoying a book, not to mention the cost of most ebooks being half or less then a paperback, the option to read so much more is now available to me. This is very important as cost is a major factor in my ability to enjoy anything these days.
With a family of five to support actually purchasing a Kindle is not one of those luxuries this single mom can afford so I continue to read on my computer when I can. Unfortunately my computer doesn’t hold the same comfort, convenience or intimacy as snuggling up in bed with a good book so I miss out on that part of the joy and relaxation of reading but I just HAVE to read!
A Kindle could change all that. It could give me back some of the comforts I have to give up now if I want to read. Yes, I could still buy paperback books but then I really get to read less!
Reading is my favorite relaxing pastime. Getting lost in the characters and settings within a book is the best way to dissolve some of the stress from my day and one of those luxuries I can enjoy in my busy life no matter if it is only a few pages as I wait at the dentist or doctor or sometimes an entire book in a night just because it is too good to put down!
Winning a Kindle would be the best present this avid reader has received in a very long time. I thank you for the wonderful opportunity to do so! I look forward to my future ebook purchases with the possibility of crawling into bed and reading them on a Kindle!
Yours faithfully,
Gina Kincade
Congrats Beverly.. you deserve it.. I loved both books. Can’t wait for more from you!
Congratulations and well deserved 🙂 Thank you for giving us such wonderful books to read.
This is an amazing feat to have accomplished. I’m won’t congratulate you, but I will say that you have definitely inspired me to continue writing (even with everything I have currently on my plate!). One day I hope to share my success with you, as you have done with yours 🙂 Thanks!
Congratulations Beverly! Be proud!
Congratulations anyway 🙂 Thanks for your wonderful books and blog.
They are in my TBR pile, and I’m looking forward to reading them. Covers are great!
Congrats on the great rankings. Here’s to keeping them there!
Way to go Bev!
Thanks for a chance to win a Kindle! I enjoyed Sinful Surrender. Looking forward to reading the others, too.
It didn’t surprise me since I so loved that book!
What a generous giveaway. Glad to here your good news. 🙂
Just wanted to say congratulations on the superb ranking at Amazon!
No need to enter me in the competition. I already have a Kindle. Good luck to all entrants though. It’s a wonderful prize. I love mine!
Doesn’t it feel good to know your efforts are very much appreciated?
I would love to win a Kindle.
Congratulations!! Can not wait for your next two books to come out!
Beverley – you so deserve this great success. I know it’s due to how hard you work to put books in the hands of readers who will love them. Good luck on the next two!
Hi Beverley,
I don’t think I have met you but hopefully I will run into you at a GRW meeting one of these days. Congratulations and continued success!
Congrats Beverly, this is wonderful news and you deserve it. You are awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway. We do love your books.
thanks for the great giveaway.
I think it is very generous of you to give away a Kindle. But still congratulations!
Oh Happy Day! That is fantabulous news & to celebrate someone gets a Kindle! You are the bestest.
Love & Hugs,
I know you don’t want the congratulations, but you so deserve them!! Congrats on the success of your books!! I have thoroughly enjoyed both.
Thank you for celebrating your success in a way that includes all of us and giving such an awesome contest!
Beverley–so awesome to see writers’ dreams come true and to realize it can happen in so many new and exciting ways. It’s inspiring for all of us. Best wishes for more success in the future!
I love the site and congrats on the publishing successes! 🙂 What a great contest too! I am getting Kindle envy everywhere! I hope I win! 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful news the book was great!
Great contest I don’t have one of those
i am glad your book made amazon list..i get their emails everyday..all i read is romance! i would love to win the kindle! Thanks for the great give-away!
I know you said not to congratulate you, but, really…. I want to…. so…. CONGRATULATIONS BEVERLEY!!! YOU DESERVE IT.
And I am guilty of not having that book but I will be on my way today to Target to see if they have it and I will get it, if not then my next stop is BJ’s Wholesale Club or B&N 😉 I know I will love it. Blessings.
just downloaded A Taste of Desire and started reading it with my morning cup of coffee. loving it already! thank you for the entertainment and congratulations to you on this awesome accomplishment!
I’m so happy for you!!!!! You totally deserve it. Yay!
Yay you!!! What exciting news!
good for you and what a wonderful contest
You said not to congratulate you but I am, so just deal with it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YAY!! Such happy news!!! And so well deserved!
Hello and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you deserve it! I would love to be entered into your contest for a Kindle! I have been wanting one,like, forever!! You are THE BEST!! YEAAAAA!!! Take care!!
–Andrew G
I know you said not to congratulate you, but like everyone else, I have to say Congratulations! I loved both books, and you deserve the big pie! I also helped in writing reviews for your wonderful books. YAY for you!
Bev, what wonderful news! I’m so thrilled for you!
What an awesome view to wake up to. 😀 Congratulations, and best wishes for continued success!
Well, it’s kind of hard not to congratulate someone on such wonderful news, but I’ll do my best! Anyway, so good to see good things happening to such a wonderful person. This is one of my favorite blogs to visit and it’s nice to be a – small – part of your writing dream.
It’s so sweet of you to share your glory with your fans. You deserve the triumph. Your books are a pleasure to read. Best wishes.
Yay Beverley! I’ve been watching your books make their way up the list on Amazon and it’s amazing to finally see them at #1 & #3. I’m so happy for you and glad that I could help you reach that spot. Absolutely loved both books and looking forward to the novella and Alex’s book. Congrats. You deserve it. 🙂
I’ve got one word to say: Well, Duh!
When your as passionate about historicals as your site and first book makes you out to be, it’s no wonder that you would take the amazon rankings by storm. I loved Sinful Surrender, and damn this economy for making me have to wait before I could afford Taste.. but I see amazon has only 4 in stock.. consider it 3 once I get my next pay check ;).. can you say, ‘out of stock, but ordering more soon’? NY publishers most certainly will offer you 3 mil contracts and over at this rate 😉
I’d love a kindle!-I’ll need something to read All’s Fair and An Heir on, lol
Please enter me into the drawing.
And are you sure I can’t slip in another quick congrats? lol
I’m sorry but I’m going to congratulate you. Beverley, you rock!! I can’t wait until your two new e-books come out. I can’t wait to see more of Alex. Thanks for having this great giveaway.
That is fabulous news that you share and thanks for sharing your joy in such a generous way, too!
When is your next award-winning book coming out? I really liked the others.
Just finished a Taste of Desire. Loved it!!
I would love a Kindle and your books are great!! April 15th would be a great day to win a tax free gift!! 🙂 Have a good one!
Congrats on your success! Thanks for the great giveaway!
🙂 They are pretty darn good books, so can’t say I’m surprised!! 😀
I love your books. I cannot wait until i get the next one. Great work. I think I go through a book in about two days average. I have books piled in every cornor of the house it seems like. I just started sharing with co-workers to exchange books due to us not having a book store in town anymore. Then getting orders in the mail seems to take too long. The last order I did it took almost 3 weeks to get to me. So getting books by ebook is going to be great. i dont have to wait on the mail anymore.
Keep up the great work.
Well, if we’re not allowed to offer you our CONGRATULATIONS, can we at least say thanks for such a wonderful site to visit and for all your wonderful insight and contests too!
Bev, I am SO happy for you! 🙂
I love your blog. Keep up the good work!
I think it means more when your book hits the top of a chart after it’s been out a few weeks or months. Those that have “staying power” are the best books! Congrats!
Lvsgund at gmail dot com
You are a wonderful writer. Don’t ever doubt yourself. I have yet to read a bad book by you. Congratulations! On Feb14, 2011 We lost our home by fire. I will miss the books that got burned by the fire but was happy to get the updated books to read. It took me away from my stress. Keep up the great work.
I won’t congratulate you, even though you deserve it, but I am going to say that as a reader THANK YOU for writing such great books!
I just brought SINFUL SURRENDER yesterday so this great news!
Ok, I won’t say “CONGRATULATIONS”, but I will say that is wonderful news. And thank you for the site and the giveaways that you do. It is amazing that you keep up with this, write books, and still have a life. LOL
Thanks for giving back!! You ROCK!
Thanks for the giveaway, but I still have to say congratulations. These books were wonderful, so it’s nice that you’re getting new readers.
Good for you, Beverley! What a great giveaway! Thank you!
August cannot come soon enough…write it and they will read!!!
Wow… If I hadn’t already read your books, I would sooo do so now. I’m using Amazon’s various lists as references, so the books on top are always going straight to my to-be-read list. Can’t wait for All’s Fair In Love & Seduction! =)
This is such an awesome achievement. Yay you! And I must say your blog is absolutely beautiful. Love the snowflakes and the color of “The Season”. 🙂
Beverly – Squeee! Celebrating with you! I’m sooooo proud of you and you are soooo deserving of those top spots. I’ve loved your books since way back when.
kick ass!!!!!!!
Well deserved! Two great books. I enjoyed both of them.
YAY! I am thrilled for you! Well done. 🙂 Thanks for the chance at a Kindle.
That’s awesome. Congrats, Bev. Thanks for the giveaway.
wow..that’s great news 🙂
This is an awesome and generous giveaway.
No congratulations, ok. (*Whispers* Congrats!) Anyway, great giveaway, Beverly!
This is the way to celebrate a milestone in your life’s journey. Keep up the writing!!!
That’s pretty awesome!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
You are a wonderful lady! What a wonderful giveaway.
Amazon definately recognized a great author in you and it goes without saying that we all love your books. Instead of congratulations I’m sending my best wishes for your continued success!
I also way to take this opportunity to thank you for all the help and support you’ve unselfishly given other authors by promoting their book with this wonderful site.
Thank you for doing this giveaway. Love that you love us enough to do this 🙂
Taking the #1 and #3 spots on the same day is awesome! Thanks for holding this generous giveaway as part of your celebration. 🙂
Technically, tax deadline is the 18th this year due to a weekend and some holiday or other falling on the 15th. I only know this because my sister-in-law is an accountant. She has to know such things and told us when she did our taxes about a month ago. ^_^
Thanks for the giveaway!
OMG Bev!!!!! What awesome news! I am so thrilled for you. This only means great things for the future!!
That’s fantastic, #1 and #3!
Great giveaway!
Thank you for the generous giveaway. (and congrats!)
I hope this means your publisher is now willing to negotiate for that third book. What does your agent think?
Your thanks is much appreciate, but you still need to be congratulated. Marvelous! Tres Bien! You Rock!
Wow..hope i win!!! and thanks a bunch!
That is just awesome, Bev!
What great news!
*Stage Whisper* Congratulations.
Way to go and completely awesome news.
Okay, no Congratulations…..How about sending my best felicitations? 😀
Tax Deadline this year is on Monday, April 18th due to the Emancipation Day holiday for the District of Columbia.
You said not to say congrats, but I’m ignoring you! *lalalala* CONGRATS! Whooo!
you totally deserve those top spots!
=) Congra….! =)
Thanks for the giveaway and, btw, congrats!!! (you told me not to tell you that), sorry. (g)
Whoooohoooooo! And I am SOOOOOOOOOO not surprised! 🙂
So glad you have a #1 best seller…congratulations!
You deserve it! And this may be my chance to stop drooling over a Kindle!
Kindleeeee… this is so nice of you, it’s such a wonderful way of giving back!
Awesome!!! Congratulations and a job well done!
Thanks for the great giveaway. I love your books and this blog.
Beverley you deserve it, I’m so happy for you. I love your blog, your fantastic giveaways, and you books are pretty darned awesome too.
Fabulous, Bev, and you so deserve it!! Definitely reason to celebrate!
If no congrats, how about jumping up and down while squealing? You deserved that and more!
Here’s hoping we can do the same thing for All’s Fair & An Heir!
Happy for all your success.
Awesome news! And thanks for giving back. Crossing all my appendages I get a kindle. http://www.cheriemarks.blogspot.com
Well everybody ‘should’ love your books right 🙂 coz they are GREAT !
Thanks for the chance to win. I lvoe what you say. Hugs
Awesome! You’re da bomb! 🙂
Congrads!! I just found your books and I’m reading the first one. Sinful Surrender is really hard to put down.
That is terrific news!!! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win a kindle!!!
Love surprises!
“I dreamt (secretly of course) about hitting that #1 spot on Amazon for historical romance, but I honestly didn’t think I would ever make it there. Yesterday I did with A TASTE OF DESIRE and with SINFUL SURRENDER currently in the #3 spot.”
Well, duh! Whad’ya expect with those awesome covers and terrific stories? 😉
That’s so awesome!!!! I’m also very thrilled about your indie-pubbed romance novels coming out soon.
Congrats Beverley! I love, love, loved ‘Sinful Surrender’ and ‘A Taste of Desire’ is on my (towering) TBR pile! 🙂 Keep up the fantastic work and I can’t wait to read more of your amazing tales of the heart!
Well, hmmm. I clicked to congratulate you and then saw you don’t want us to. Well too bad, congratulations anyway!
So, what else to comment about? I’m reading Treachery in Death, it’s pretty good! My husband is reading Anna and the French Kiss and my son is reading “Calvin and Hobbes.” Complete with soundtrack.
Here’s to even more success to come! 🙂
Dude! Go you! Congratulations, and here’s to hitting the #1 spot on all the other lists! 😀
Ok I won’t say CONGRATULATIONS even though it’s hard not to, but can I least say YAY Beverley! Thank you for the great giveaway and for having this great website.
Woo Hoo!! Good for you. You certainly deserve it. I love your stories. Not surprised at all. Thanks for sharing this wonderful milestone with us by doing this great giveaway.
I know you said no congrats, but…. CONGRATULATIONS on hitting #1 for historical romance on Amazon! That’s amazing and so exciting! I’m definitely going to look for them tomorrow. 🙂 I wish you much continued success in the future too.
Yay for you Bev! I’ve been reading historical romance for years and I love finding new authors to add to my list who write great stories.
What an incredible screenshot to warm the inner embers for a long long time.
Your happiness is palpable and your generosity is faboo.
Seriously, no congratulations means I leave best wishes! I hope this has given you plenty of writing encouragement because many of us are eagerly awaiting the next book(s)!
Can’t wait to get my copies of both books!! I would love to have a kindle to read them on!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Saw you on RWA online. I am new to the publishing game but I am glad to see other writers like me get their work out there. Good job and congrats.
To add something fun I will break into a spontaneous song…
Can’t you feel the sunshine… can’t you just feel the moonshine? – James Taylor
Ok, no congrats (even though you still deserve it), so how about just a thank you for the kick-ass giveaway?
that’s a great shot. thanks for the giveaway.
Awesome giveaway – Can’t go wrong with a Kindle. I still read books the old fashion way. I have been reading historial romances books for over 30 years. Love them and love to find new authors. I usually have 3 books going at once.
Thank you for writing and producing more books…
I’m so happy for you Bev! What a happy post! 🙂 How cool that both books were on the list!
And thanks for having such a generous giveaway!
Congrats! That is awesome. Off to go purchase one or more. 🙂
I won’t congratulate you, I’ll just say keep up the good work and best wishes for keeping your books at the top of the list for a long time to come.
Hmm, no congrats huh? Alright well I’ll just say I’m a huge fan of historical romances and really enjoy your writing, so the amazon ranking is well deserved.
I am happy for you. It must be nice to have all your hard work recognized. Keep giving us those enjoyable stories.
Thank you for the generous giveaway.
Congrats Beverley!!! So, so exciting!!!!
Well, I have to say congrats!! That’s so exciting! 🙂
I read both of your books and really enjoyed them!
I know you said no congratulations, but I’ve just go to. That’s great news and to break the top ten with two books at the same time. You’re obviously doing something right. 🙂
Fantastic! I’m so pleased for you.
Love the picture of the dancing. Where is it from?
I’m popping in late, but this couldn’t have happened to a better person. You do so much for the genre, and it’s great to see readers showing their appreciation for you!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
WHOOP WHOOP!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Yay! That’s awesome 🙂
Heard the news on FB.
Can I say I am not surprised in the least at your success ?? Your writing started out beautiful and has only gotten better with each book. I admire your dedication, your confidence and your generosity in sharing your love of and knowledge of historical romance and the romance genre with the visitors to this blog!
Hope to see you in New York!
I’ve been browsing the internet for new books to read and I was always hesitant to try out new authors (new to me means I haven’t read any of the published works yet). And then I saw “A Taste of Desire” on Amazon. I got it and read it and am happy to say that I was not disappointed! I loved it. Can’t wait for your other books. Only wish I can find your books here in the Philippines.
Congrats! That is an amazing (but well deserved) acomplishment!
Congrats! I’ve been reading your books for quite awhile now. You rank among my top authors (you know – the ones you rush out to buy when a new book hits the shelves), and I am very happy for you!
Congratulations! Can’t wait for your next books!
I loved your first two books and can’t wait to read the next two! Yeah for your success and thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!
Best wishes, as always! May good fortue always be on the roads you travel.
What a great giveaway thank you for the great blog
Absolutely loved Sinful Surrender and can’t wait for your next work. Amazon is not showing All Fair In Love & Seduction. I do hope they carry it. I’ve added you to my list of fav authors
You said not to congratulate you…so I’ll just say I would love to be entered for this awesome giveaway! I still have not broken down and bought a kindle:)
Gratz!!! And thanks for the giveaway 🙂
How exciting!
Just the title alone makes this a “must have” on my “books to read & own” list.
There is nothing that I enjoy more than to read a truly romantic and compelling story.
For my birthday, I hope to receive both A Taste of Desire and Sinful Surrender.
Once I have enjoyed them, they will be an “heirloom gift” for my granddaughter.
Thank you for keeping romance alive!
What wonderful news! You must be elated.
Thanks for sharing your joy with us.
I would love to read these novels on an e-book. Thank you for your generosity!
Love historical romances…great giveaway…Have a great Spring.
Nice contest. Thank you!
I know you said not to, but CONGRATULATIONS is something I must say!!!
Thank you for a great giveaway. The Season sounds enticing.
Id love to win a kindle and your’s are the first books I’d put on it. A TASTE OF DESIRE and SINFUL SURRENDER, will be the first books i read on it and your next 2 not far behind Thank You so much for an opportunity to win. I’ll also make sure my niece gets to read these books too as she loves them as much as i do.
I would love to read your books on this Kindle!
What a great prize! Thank you!
Good for you!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Bev, how wonderfully EXCITING! I’m giving you a big round of applause and CONGRATS!!
Congrats! Thanks for the great giveaway!
kport207 at gmail dot com
Congrats on being #1 and sharing with us!
Thanks for the giveaway Bev! I always get so excited about possibly winning stuff!
You deserve the #1 spot for sure!
Thanks for the chance!! Good Luck to you!(and me!)
Thanks for the chance to win!
That’s is pretty awesome! Way to go!
I love your Kindle contests! Congratulations on your Amazon top spot!
I am a bookworm and have always wanted a Kindle! The perfect opportunity!
Next up is #1 overall 🙂
I’ve always wanted a kindle, it would make my year to win one. 🙂 Congrats on your Amazon top spot.
What an awesome prize, thanks!
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this!
Thanks for the chance to win
If I win, my sister has been wanting one, so I’ll give it to her!
Congratulations on making #1 and #3. Too bad they both weren’t #2’s.
Thank you for the wonderful celebratory contest.
Sorry. Typing on my phone. I meant to say both #1’s but after I sent saw I typed the wrong number.
Congrats again on the great numbers.
Would love to have a KINDLE – got my fingers crossed.
My kids and husband couldnt take the hint at Christmas.. I wanted a kindle badly 🙁
Thanks for offering this awesome giveaway. I’d LOVE to win a Kindle….
What a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you right back at you.
Thanks for the chance!
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
Wonderful news all around! Thanks —
Thanks for the sweepstake. A kindle would be awesome! Way to go!
Thank you so much for the givevaway.
Congrats to you
Great prize. Best wishes for continued success
A Taste of Desire was a very entertaining to read too! 😀 Time to read Sinful Surrender… although I should have read that first…
Very sweet giveaway!!
Oh, I’ve wanted a kindle for quite some time! Tres generous of you! Good luck to all!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
in canada
Thanks so much, I would love a chance to see what it’s like to read a book on a Kindle.
Thank you for the chance! I would love to win!
I’d love to have a Kindle! Really amazing!
Wow! Great prize..I have been really wanting one.
I’d love a kindle, thank you for the chance!!!
would love to win a kindle. cannot wait to get my hands of Grace Under Fire. all i got to say is WOW
always wanted – thanks
I am always reading and always wanted one, but couldn’t aford to buy one, so maybe I can win this on, GOD BLESS YA’LL
Thanks so much for the show of appreciation. Keep on writing!
This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks for your site and your books!
thanks for the chance to enter
Would love to have a Kindle-Thanks for the chance!
I so want a Kindle.
thanks for the chance
Wonderful! And thanks for the giveaway!
Please pick meeeeeee to win this delicious prize!
I love reading, it’s been one of my passions ever since I was a small child. A modern device such as Kindle would make my reading experiences even more interesting. Thank you for this giveaway.
Thank you for the awesome giveaway. I have wanted one of these for so long!
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
Thanks for the chance. This would make a great present for my daughter.
Congrats and best wishes on the new books. Great giveaway.
I always read to my son, thankfully he has become a voracious reader himself, this is for my wonderful son. Thank you for the chance. God Bless.
Congratulations (even if you don’t want to hear it again!), that is wonderful!
And thanks for the chance at winning a Kindle. 🙂
Thanks for sharing good news and offering up another fun giveaway 🙂
Congrats and best wishes on the new books. Great giveaway.
Thanks for the opportunity!
A Kindle is always a great prize for any book lover. Congradulations.
thank you for the giveaway
Wow! What a fabulous prize! Thank you so much for the chance to win.
would love to win a kindle
Everyone in our family loves to read, we would a Kindle
I have yet to see one of these but I think I would enjoy reading more with this then a traditonal book. I just looks like it would be easier to read from.
my sister Tiffany has wanted a kindle ever since my aunt Toni got one
I somehow missed that sinful surrender was out. (let’s blame the new job) so now I have to go get that one since I have the other. And I need to enter this awesome contest. 🙂
I am always reading and have wanted one of these, I WANT TO WIN, GOD BLESS YA’LL
you couldn’t pick a better thank you, a Kindle is the new must have for any avid book reader. Easily take books anywhere? How cool is that?
I so want a kindle
I would love to win this! I love historical fiction.
I have so many books they’re taking over my apartment. I need a Kindle more than anyone in America. Yes I do!
Would love to win! Thank you for the fabulous giveaway!
This would be great for my son when goes to college in the fall.
I would like to win the Kindle.
With the warmer weather coming (I hope!), a Kindle would be great to have for all my summer reading I usually do. It beats carrying around several paper books at one time. Thanks.
What a fantastic giveay, thanks!
This is so much better than folding back pages.
Great prize. I’ve been wanting a Kindle. Hope I win!
This would be so nice to have!
Hopefully your book continues selling well
this is 4 my Wife!
Count me in!
What a fantastic giveaway, I’ve been wanting one of these for awhile! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Love the KINDLE.
Hope I win.
What a great prize for your readers. Thanks.
Nice giveaway, thanks!
Thank you for the chance, Love reading. And have secretly wanted one of these for quite some time.
thank you for the great giveaway 🙂
“Yep, all you have to do is comment on this blog. ”
That’s all?
Awesome giveaway
O.K. I won’t thank you. But I am grateful for the contest. I will enjoy reading your books on my new Kindle.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
thank you for the giveaway
Thank you for another great giveaway!!
This would be very cool to win.
I would love to kind of have a Kindle fit for a King…
mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com
Congratulations on your rankings. topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
Just awesome thanx
Thanks for such awesome appreciation!
Wow this would be so fun to take on vacation.
Thanks for the chance.
The Kindle rocks! Thanks so much for the chance.
ty for hosting this giveaway what a wonderful way to give back gl all
Nice prize for an avid reader!! Summer is coming up and I need something to do by the pool!
Amazing how detailed novel’s can be!
I enjoyed both books tremendously and couldn’t put them down! Glad your books have done so well. Thanks for offering the Kindle giveaway! Can’t wait for your next book and novella.
I would love to read books on a kindle
Okay, no congratulations, I just want a free Kindle. =)
#1 — WOW! Keep up the great creativity!
keep writing. love it
I LOVED both of these books! Congratulations on making the Best Sellers! I LOVE your writing style. I can SEE everything and FEEL what the characters feel. You know how to grab the reader’s attention and keep them enthralled. I find that when reading your material, I can’t put it down. I love the books but alas, I find that I get NOTHING else done. And sleep? What’s that? I stay up until 3 and 4am reading…until my eyes just WILL not stay open! You have a gift…I hope you will continue with the regency/historical romances and the steamier, the better 🙂
In “A Taste of Desire” – I especially LOVED the part where after she makes the comment about Armstrong’s prowess…the ballroom crowd parts and he comes strolling through towards her. It just made me breathless…I could SO see that and her blushing panic stricken look.
What a delight! Keep ’em coming!
This is so very nice of you, and I just picked up a copy of Sinful Surrender. Thanks for celebrating with us, I would love to win a Kindle for my new daughter in law.
You’re welcome and thank you!
i’ve been wanting a kindle so bad!
ooh, a kindle would be cool, to read your latest perhaps? 🙂
Oh how kind, thank you! 🙂
Congratulations! Such awesome books. It’s wonderful to see the cream rise!!!
Wow! This is awesome news! So very proud of you. (And you’re welcome. ) Here’s hoping for #1!
I’m going to violate your no congratulations rule and say congratulations anyway, because I missed the earlier good news. Congratulations, Beverley. Well done.
LOVE your books! My countdown app is counting down the days until the novella and next book!
That’s fabulous news! Here’s to many more #1’s!
*shouts* WOW! Are you Snoopy dancing or still an a cloud? Is someone going to pry you off the ceiling soon so you can go to RT11? Girl, if I was you, I’d go rocking a sparkly tiara & feather boa. And get yourself one of those peacock feather faux quill pens for all the autographs you’ll be signing!
Amazing, it shows how good your writing is! I can’t think of anything else but to congratulate you.
Thanks for the chance @ the Kindle!
What a wonderful prize
Wonderful books! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I hear Kindles are quite useful in the sun, unlike the iPad. I would love to get one to read outside on beautiful days.
You are such an amazing writer! Congratulations on getting # 1!!
But to be on topic, I’d love to win a kindle!
Congratulations! I love a happy ending but, wishing you new beginnings and success with every new project.
Congrats! A very nice way to thank your readers.
Thanks for the chance to win!
So, no congratulations; however, a little pat on the back and a woohoohoo to everybody behind the scenes that made things like the actual printing of the book and boxing the books up for shipping….we will congratulate them as well! It might sound silly. I know. But if it were me, knowing how much I love books, each new title that came through I would have to touch just for a minute. Rub my fingers across the cover. Smell the pages. I love books. Now for Ebooks…..you get to scroll through those little buttons…..thousands, millions of titles at your fingertips – can you tell I don’t have one? I play with my 13-year-old niece’s…..lol
blazesandbubbles AT gmail DOT com
I love to read books but I would love to read them more on a Kindle!
I too would like to see if Kindle is easy to read in the sunshine. Wouldn’t it be so grand to take a sunny vacation and sit in the sun and enjoy summer reads this way without having to wag through a bunch of books.
Loved the your first 2 books and can’t wait for the next 2. Please keep giving us great stories and romances.
I have read both Sinful Surrender and A Taste of Desire for a number of reasons. One, because I’m an avid historical romance book reader and enjoy finding new-to-me authors.
Two, having stumbled upon the world of romance blogs this year, began visiting the ka-jillion blogs out there to find ones that appeal to my reading tastes. Many of those blogs recommended your two books. Found an interesting feature on quite a few blogs that appealed to my frugality. The book giveaway! And, oh my word . . . other giveaways, like Kindle giveaways!
But, finally, and most importantly, you are one clever marketer. I read your two books to have a better chance when entering your giveaways. In your giveaways, you asked two questions, one applicable to each book. I entered the Kindle giveaway, having read only Sinful Surrender. Then in March you had another wonderful giveaway, with another two questions. I found A Taste of Desire at my bookstore, read it, went to www . Beverley Kendall . com and low and behold, I could not even remember reading the part of the book that answered the question you posed. Since I’m a “paper” book reader (who can’t afford a Kindle {I save my pennies to buy books}), there is no way I could do a word search for “heroine’s mom.”
Now here you are offering another Kindle. So here I am hoping that my chances for winning a Kindle were better than those for winning the Texas lottery. (By the way, I posted a review of Sinful Surrender on my newbie book blog and will do the same for A Taste of Desire. {Stumbling through that learning process as well.})
Naturally, now that I’ve read about “James and Maggie” and “Thomas and Amelia,” I want to read about “Derrick and Elizabeth” and “Alex and Charlotte.” All that to get to this: I truly admire you. Your perseverance. Your positiveness. Your skills. Your ability to multi-task. You have accomplished so much . . . . you’re a published writer, you’ve created a beautiful blog and website, all while leading a multi-faceted personal life. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.
I love Kindle yes I do, I love Kindle how bout you!?
I would love to have a Kindle. I ride in the car quite a bit and this would be great for that instead of hauling books along.
This book was awesome!! Thanks and keep them coming.
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I would love to read all my books on a kindle!
I will hopefully win this for my wife, no congratulations giving but thought in my head.
A contest really brings the lurkers out (me included!). Keep on writin’.
I have been wanting one for some time
a kindle would make reading your book even better! if thats possible!
I don’t actually read the romance novels – but purchase them for my mom!
YAY & Great Giveaway…
I shamelessly want a Kindle… just being honest!
I want to get back to reading and I would love a Kindle
Awesome! Thanks so much for the chance! 🙂
Looking forward to reading these on a Kindle.
How wonderful, thank me!
Very nice!
Oh wow! A kindle would be incredible!
Hooray, a kindle!
Great blog! I would love to won a Kindle. Thanks for the chance. calvad at aol dot com
This one is for me? Thank you.
Scott Martin
A kindle would be great, love the blog
Thanks so much for the chance!
sorry please delete my last comment!!
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Great Giveaway!
I think my father would love this! enjoy the blog!
“Reading is Fundamental”…We would absolutely adore this prize!
Congratulations – well deserved honor.
This would be wonderful to win . . . thanks for the contest.
Thank you for the opportunity
Very nice blog, and thank you so much for the chance to win!
I would love to win this.
Best book I’ve read lately: The Four Hour Work Week 😀
Not shamelessly plugging it, I’m actually serious 🙂
Please feel free to contact me at:
allrightyes at gmail dot com
Congrats to you!
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
Hey Beverley!
Congrats on the acchievement!!! I’m very happy to hear it.
To be honest, I’ve never read your books, but I do have them on my Amazon Wish list. I love your covers and will get to Borders in the next couple of days to buy my firs one. I did hear good things about it and I’m looking forward to reading it.
Thanks for the opportunity of winning Kindle :-))
I’ve had it on my Wish List for awhile now, but life happens, so as of right now, it’s still on my “wish radar”.
My Best always.
Melanie Friedman
Would love to win a kindle
It’s great to hear about people achieving their dreams!
Thanks so much!!
I would love a Kindle!! Great giveaway!!
This would be wonderful to have. So many titles! Love it.
I would love to read your books on a kindle. Congratulations!
smchester at gmail dot com
Thanks. A Kindle would be great. 🙂
Elizabeth J
Would love to trade in my paperbacks for a kindle. Less clutter in the house lol
Kindle outdoes the ipad for reading books
Very happy for you. Many people attempt this achievement and don’t make it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance at the Kindle.
Wouldn’t mind winning a Kindle at all!
Great blog, by the way.
Thanks for having a great giveaway.
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I’m so happy for you..
Please keep writing so we can keep reading..
Awesome giveaway..
I thank you for this chance..
Good luck to all..
A Kindle would be great
I’ve wanted to get a Kindle for so long – thanks for the great giveaway!
This would be so awesome! My mother-in-law has one and I love it! I need one for myself
Thanks for giving us a chance to win!
This would be sweet
Great blog! I would love to win a Kindle
I’m glad I stopped by. Thanks for the chance to win a Kindle!!
Yay, YAy, YAY…I LOVE the KINDLE!!! Thank you!
Would love to win
You said not to congratulate you, but Ms. Kendall you deserve it! And how gracious of you to offer the Kindle opportunity to your readers!
Congratulations! And, thanks for hosting the giveaway!
i would absolutely love a kindle i love reading it is a huge passion
Great book selection. Nice giveaway offer as well!
thanks for an awesome giveaway!
Thanks! Would love to win!
I can’t wait to get a Kindle. Thanks so much for offering this fantastic prize.
ky2here at msn dot com
I’ve been saving up for a Kindle for my final year of college! This would be marvelous. Miss_slytherin[at]live[dot]com
I would love this. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the blog and i would love to give this to my son who is an avid reader.
Would love to win a Kindle!
Continued success,
The college students in the family have decided to get their texts electronically next semester, and since they already have laptops, have decided to go for Kindles rather than iPads. If I won this, it would definitely cut the cost!
Great website, I’m glad I found it. I would really love to win a kindle, too!!
This is great… I would love to win a free Kindle! I’ve been wanting one for a while now.
Wow, a Kindle would be great! I’m a big reader, but tire of searching for and then lugging around books at the library..not to mention the late fees hehe:) I buy when I can, but electronic is the way to go!
Oh, what an excellent opportunity this is! I have been an avid reader–ever since I learned to read. It’s true. Needless to say, I could really use a Kindle!
Great prize would love to win!! Thanks.
I read the reviews–now I must go buy your books. Thanks for the giveaway I would really like a kindle.
yes I’d love to win a Kindle. I’m not sure I can fully commit to this ebook phnom but if I didnt have to buy the reader I would definitely sign up.
I would love to win a Kindle!
Sometimes I think I’m the last person without a Kindle. Thanks for the great giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
id love a kindle!
My wife wants one of these for her birthday in less than two months… winning could really save this grad student big time!
My husband has been bugging me to get one of these…with this, I wouldn’t have to have the bedside lamp on bothering him when I read in bed (a must for me).
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
I’ve been on a quest to win one of these ereader gizmos for my mother, who does a little too much on the PC monitor, and with a bit of chance and luck on my side, hopefully….
I’d love to enter this Kindle contest… awesome! Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these.
I love reading and have read since I was 4.
Now I am 75 and my hands hurt a great deal of the time so I would love to win a Kindle and be able to read on it.
Reading is a way to travel anywhere and do anything magically.
Wonderful giveaway to celebrate your success. Thanks.
I would love to win this, thanks for the chance!
:: crosses fingers ::
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Love the blog, and would love to win that kindle
I would love to have a Kindle. Thanks for a great contest!
Woohoo! A Kindle! 🙂
Been saving my pennies for a Kindle. Nice!
Thanks for the chance to win a Kindle.
I read books all the time. Been wanting to get a Kindle too, and what better way to get one than to win a contest! I’m very excited.
Great giveaway! Thank you!
Yay! Kindle!
You are so kind 🙂 I would LOVE to win a Kindle. I hope you have a wonderful Easter season.
bakergurl02 (AT) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for the chance at winning!
just in time for my Mum’s birthday! that would be great. thanks
Oooo I would love to win this!!!
would love a kindel
thank you for the chance to win. I know this will be a life changing ex-
perience if I win.
The family has been wanting a Kindle for some time. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the chance to win a Kindle
WOW! I’d love to win this!
What a great prize, thank you for the opportunity to enter!
hannahgoodneighbour at hotmail dot com
Woohoo how awesome is that! I would love to own a kindle, all the books I could read without having to lug them everywhere would be awesome.
These books would be great on a Kindle. Would love it.
Can’t wait to have a Kindle!!!!
Good Luck to me.
Celeste Wills
I would love a Kindle. It would allow me to read more.
I would love to have a Kindle!
Ooh, thanks! If I happened to win this, it would be perfect timing. Wow!
I’d love to win a kindle
annmuth at yahoo dot com
Good luck to all!!!
I would really love a Kindle!!!!
What an AWESOME Prize!
This would be so wonderful to own.
Thank you so much for such a generous giveaway.
Great prize…thanks!
Yes Please! But congrats anyway. You totally deserve this!
fun blog,i am looking forward to visiting again!
ohhh a kindle! I just heard about these not too long ago and now I really really want one!
Great giveaway!
Congratulations! That’s really impressive!
Thank you for offering such a great prize! And congrats on the #1 and #3 spots.
I have been so wanting this for a long time now.
Thanks for the giveaway!
It would be wonderful to win a kindle! Thanks for the chance.
I really really, really want to try out a Kindle!
My son wants a kindle so bad,this would be a great suprize for him
Awesome contest!! Hope I can win this for my mom.
I would really love to have a kindle. I devour books, but I’m running out of shelf space.
Oh I would love to win this for my daughter. She’s been wanting one and I would love to be able to give it to her. Thanks for the chance to win! wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com
I would LOVE a kindle – so usefuly for traveling, cutting down on space etc.!
Congrats! You are so full of awesome!!:)
Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway!
Congrats on hitting #3! Thanks for your generosity!
been wanting a kindle for years!
what an awesome prize!
You said no congrats, so I’ll just say you more than deserve it. Great books.
Great Prize! I would really love a Kindle!!!!
My roommate has a Kindle and I want one too. Thanks!
ddenny20110 at gmail dot com
I’ve yet to leap into the realm of e-readers. Winning a Kindle would be a great way to do it!
chainmail (at) iwon(dot) com
How lovely!
Best to you all..
A Kindle would be a very nice gift for our granddaughter, if we won one.
I’ve really been wanting one!!!
i would love to win a kindle!!!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway – it’s awesome that you’re sharing your success and happiness with your fans and readers!
Well done!!
I love my eReader and would dearly love to win a Kindle for my husband (so I don’t have to share).
ezmerelda at mail dot com
This would be great to take overseas!!
What an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for hosting!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for your generosity and giving back! What a wonderful opportunity!
I have been a long time denier of e-readers but all my reading friends say it is the way to go and I would love to find out for myself! Thanks!
Yay kindle 😛
A. Tax day isn’t until 4-18-2011 this year.
B. OMG do I want a Kindle (for no real reason at all other than to have one!!)
C. Congrats! ;p
D. Oh crap, you’re about to fail.
E. There it is. You failed.
These Kindles really are amazing. Would love to be able to read while waiting for my kids during swimming lessons! What a great idea. Thank you!
As a fellow writer, I am head over heels happy for you… Meeting high hopes and expectations is one thing: exceeding them is certainly cause for celebration! (…And you have so generously chosen to share yours…)
As a fellow reader, lately it’s getting harder and harder – and I’m relying on a big strong magnifying glass with a built-in light to supplement my stronger and stronger reading glasses… and I need a KINDLE!
Thank you for the opportunity to win one and wishing you continued success and always growing goals to strive for, meet and exceed!
I would really love a Kindle!!!!
A kindle – that would be so fantastic!
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!!
How generous! Thanks for the chance to win this!
It’s so nice when hard work pays off and is appreciated. Good for you. Thanks for sharing your good fortune with one of your followers.
I like this type of giveaway.
What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I love surprises! Please enter me 🙂
That must be so exciting! Thanks for a great giveaway!
i would love to win so i could give this kindle to my mother!
Cool blog. and a cool giveaway! Please enter me in the drawing for the Kindle!
tremendous giveaway ! Thanks!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
=) =) =) =)
Thanks for sharing your joy!
Wow, amazing accomplishment!
Thanks so much for this lovely giveaway.
spcale at ayhoo dot com.
What a wonderful surprise giveaway!
Isn’t it amazing when people are so kind and wonderful? I wish our world had more of that, thanks for passing it on!
Nice giveaway! Thanks!
Would to give this Kindle to my fiancée, with your book on it.
Thank-you for the giveaway
What a great thing to have happend to an author. I can imagine you would be thrilled! Awesome!
Thanks for offering such a great givaway!
a man who came into my work told me i should buy this…
What wonderful news. And I will help it out more by getting them both! I love finding new authors to read!!!! So glad I found your blog.
I am enjoying Sinful Surrender, I’m happy to find a new author!
The kindle is a great machine
*Crossing fingers*
Congrats on the accomplishment. I can’t wait for the next books, as you already now.
If success smelled any sweeter it would be called rose.
You’re an inspiration. Congratulations on all your success and long may it continue.
Congratulations! I’m celebrating that I had to pay less in taxes than I was expecting.
Congratulations on reaching #1!
Your books are great and when is the next #1 coming out. I can’t wait to read it too.
congrats, thanks for sharing your success with this giveaway I hope I win
I’d love to win this so I could give my aunt an amazing gift!
Sounds great! Thanks and good luck with the next ones!
Love the giveaway!
enter me!