This going to a very short post. I have a sick child at home with me today. But this is a question I’ve been wanting to ask for a bit now and it’s directed at readers–I don’t care if you’re a published author, an aspiring author because we all do read. What kind of books are you missing? When you browse the book store shelves be it real or virtual, what do you wish you could find there that you just cannot? I’m really interested the answers.
Comment and win Wynonna Judd’s RESTLESS HEART.

I enjoy browsing through the shelves seeking something unique and appealing. The novel has to have depth, emotion, and be memorable. Fiction is my favorite. Books that give me something to think about and books where I become enmeshed within the pages.
I pretty much find everything that I want but I would like more paranormal books set in the Regency time period. I love reading about this era and I love reading paranormal books but find it hard to find books set in both. Don’t get me wrong I have found some but it’s few and far between.
Americana (ie. Pamela Morsi)
Gee, I think there’s such a great variety of genres out there right now and I especially like the fact that there are a lot of mixed genres too. I’m a happy camper lol.
I don’t see many books written about young America and the fouding of our nation. There are some but they tend to be more western stories. I would like to see more romance books set in the 1770’s and 1800’s in America.
Paranormal romances are my favorite stories, but I wish more authors would write heroines who aren’t so girlie-girl (psychologically overly tortured and victimized, a la Bella), but who are strong without being too “butchie”, as one reviewer coined it.
Women have strengths, just like men. More authors should tap into those innate strengths we have, and create a more believable story. Men like strong women who know how to remain feminine, too. I know, growing up reading romances on a daily basis, when I read how some heroines were portrayed it frustrated me to no end.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many books out there with this type of heroine, although I do admit, I am an author and all my heroines *are* written in this vein. I guess it’s just a preference, and not everyone would agree with me, but this is what I look for whenever I choose to read a romance.
Anyway, thank you for allowing me to pontificate. 🙂
Medieval paranormal romance. I love them both, but I don’t find two many medieval/paranormal books on the shelves at B&N.
I miss traditional regencies (signet, zebra, fawcett, jove, etc)
I would like to see more western romances on the shelves. I have been hooked on them for a while but have problems finding them.
I’m missing the epic sweeping Medieval historicals that span generations, like Outlander, for example. Or the Wind Dancer series that connected multiple centuries with one object. Good, deep, rich thought provoking and yes, sometimes heartwrenching stories that wring every emotion out of you. I know we still have them, but the really, really good ones seem to be few and far between.
I’d like to see more books written with strong, creative , adventurous women as the main characters….those who helped built our Nation in it’s early history…sure we’ve heard of Betsy Ross and Calamity Jane but what about those other women whose stories we haven’t heard? What kind of women lived during the Civil War…well, other than Miss Scarlett… those left behind when the men went off to war or the women who worked along side Rosie the Riveteer? that ol saying I’ts a man’s world….well, let’s make it a Woman’s world too.
I am finding a variety were I live. Maybe a bit more paranormal.
I miss a good English historical featuring lots of Dukes.
I really miss stories to do with the American Revolutionary period. It was a formative and exciting (albeit painful), time in our history as our colonies struggled for freedom and to form a country. Sadly, AR is not ‘in’ yet the same themes continue with vampires, werewolves, Dukes, and Scotland. I do appreciate those areas (especially Scotland) but it would be refreshing to see something tied to our founding.
I wish there were more Cowboys, Pirates, Vikings, Revolutionary War, Pioneer, SciFi Romance and any Americana I missed romances…I’m even thinking I would like to read something that takes place during either of the World Wars, wow I can’t remember the last romance I found that took place THEN!
Most historicals are Scottish, Regency, or Victorian…while I like those too, I like to switch it up. I’m digging into my old books to satisfy my other wants. Why don’t book buyers seem to get it that us readers like VARIETY? Or is it just me?!
Americana! I love a good romance set on a homestead, mining camps, railroads, covered wagons, mail order brides, civil war soldiers, southern belles! Add in some Vikings and Norsemen plundering across Europe, knights heading home from the crusades!
American West books are very hard to find.
I’d like to see more medievals and Vikings, and especially as said above, medieval paranormals featuring Druids. Also more time travels.
I happen to like western historicals ad wish they were doing better in the market. There are some good authors out there and I’d like to see more books from them.
I wish there were more Old West stories. Cowboys and the strong women that work beside them. I wish we saw them as much as Regencies.
Pirate romances and timetravel tales are some of my fav and hard to find. Would love to see more of both.
I’d like to see more written about the American Colonial and Revolutionary War period. There used to be some great books out there covering those time periods. I suppose all the good stories set in the American Antebellum period and Civil War have been told…but maybe there is an author out there who has one more story to tell.
I would enjoy historicals set in European countries other than England. What about a romance that plays out amidst the fjords of Norway or the art of Florence, Italy?
I’d also like to see more American-set historicals and paranormal historicals.
Also romantic comedies, both contemporary and historical, and books with early 20th century settings–or anything later than the Victorian period.
After reading the Outlander books I became really interested in the 18th century also.
I’d also second the suggestion for traditional Regencies. I’m happy that some of the Signet Regencies are being reissued as ebooks.
I don’t know where my comment went because I hit the wrong key. But I’ll say American West, Civil War, American Revolution , and Pirates for sure.
Carol L
Comedic romance – doesn’t have to be slapstick, but lighter would be nice.
People mentioning americana were right – I read an inspirational that took place during the late 16oo’s in the u.s. but inspirational is really the only genre doing historicals outside of regency, victorian, and western. Colonial romances would be great, same with civil war – and I mean with an HEA, not Cold Mountain, please!
Older romance titles and out of print hard to find books. More Native American novels.