The Royal Wedding and A Tale Of Two Lovers

This is a great week for romance. There’s the Royal Wedding on Friday. Β And, of course, the release my latest romance novel, A TALE OF TWO LOVERS. What do these things have in common, you ask?

Tall English heroes. But Prince William is nothing like Lord Roxbury, the hero of Two Lovers. Or so I assumeβ€”as I have not yet made the Prince’s acquaintance. But I do know this: Roxbury is a notorious lover of women and a deliciously disreputable rake.

Tall statuesque heroines. You know how Kate Middleton never seems to make any breech of etiquette and is always well behaved? Lady Julianna, the heroine, it not like that. At all. She’s the queen of scandal.

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Tabloid Frenzy. I trust I need not detail the gossip storm around the royal wedding, fueled by voracious readers like me. A TALE OF TWO LOVERS contains it’s own veritable hurricane of gossip. Indeed, it’s a war of words between Lady Julianna, as the author of Fashionable Intelligence, and the scandalous rake, Lord Roxbury, who enlists the help of her rival gossip columnist, The Man About Town.

Love Match. Because it wouldn’t be a real romance without true love. Kate and William seem like the real deal. And I have it on good authority that Lady Julianna and Lord Roxbury are, too. Here’s to a happily-ever-after for Will and Kate!

What’s your favorite bit of gossip about the royal wedding? Comment and enter to win a copy of A TALE OF TWO LOVERS

Maya Rodale began reading romance novels in college at her mother’s insistence and it wasn’t long before she was writing her own. Maya is now the author of multiple Regency historical romances. She lives in New York City with her darling dog and a rogue of her own. Please visit her at

50 Replies to “A Tale of Two Lovers”

  1. For me it would be the mystery of Kate’s wedding dress also the cost of the Royal Wedding.

  2. I admit, I’m one of those who really haven’t followed the royal wedding news so I have no favorite bit of gossip.

  3. I’m loving all the debate over whether Kate will wear her hair up or down AND if she’ll wear a tiara or not! One of the things that I loved reading about was William inviting all 27 of his work colleagues (in his search and rescue team/group/whatever it is called) plus their ‘partners’ to the wedding. So cool.

  4. Heard about Kate being on the Dukan Diet. Doesn’t look like she needs it. Or maybe she is/was on it and it worked!

  5. For me I have not paid attention to the wedding. There are some much more important things on the news and in our own country to worry about right now. However, my one friend that lives in England and is English is loving it. He actually gets the day off of work.

  6. Actually, I’m wondering about what titles they are going to be given. There’s a lot of talk about making William a Duke, thereby making Catherine a Duchess. However, William is a Prince, so I’m mystified why they would downgrade his rank, because, we all know, a Prince outranks a Duke. I would love to win your book Maya, as I love a good old love story.

  7. Hmm . . . last night there was some speculation about the bride and groom writing their own vows. That would be super modern, wouldn’t it?

  8. I haven’t paid that much attention to the news about the royal wedding. My least favorite bit of gossip was a couple of months ago when there was talk about how Kate was getting too thin. Remembering how stressful it was to plan my much smaller scale wedding, I can totally understand why she’d lose weight due to stress.
    I’m looking forward to reading your book, Maya!

  9. I don’t follow to much on the royal stuff but I am interested to find out how much it is going to cost them for this royal wedding.

  10. I’m one of those who hasn’t really followed the wedding plans, etc. I’ll probably watch one of the many replays of the ceremony later on.

  11. I don’t really follow any gossip, but like others here, am anxious to see the wedding gown. It will fun to see the guests arrive, too.

  12. Hmmm…not a ton of juicy gossip surrounding the wedding that I’ve heard. But I did notice Kate’s friend being interviewing non-stop (Jessica hay) was a little wicked in describing how Kate had posters of Prince William in her room at college and always said she would marry him someday. Made Kate sound overly determined to land a Prince at any cost. A sharp contrast to the true love stories we usually hear. Me? I prefer the true love stories and think Kate’s “friend” is a little jealous. Watch your back, Kate!

  13. honestly, I SO sick and tired about all the media attention of the royal wedding and all that “fairytale” romance between Kate and William that I stop paying attention to it all together.

  14. I wonder what title they will get and what the wedding bands will look like and say It’s so romantic, I love romance!!!!

  15. I’m excited to watch the royal wedding. I love all the richness and romance of it, and can’t wait to see Kate’s gown!

  16. I’m laughing at how he met her – at college yes but on a runway in a skimpy outfit – so not so prim and proper afterall lol.

  17. I like that Kate is spending the evening with her family at the Gosling Hotel and that Price Charles is alone with his sons. If you remember, the night before her wedding, Princess Diana was all alone at Clarence House.

  18. This is the only bit of gossip that I know regarding the wedding: A Buckingham Palace royal guard was yanked off wedding duty because of airing complaints of Kate Middleton on Facebook.

  19. I haven’t actually been following all of the gossip concerning the wedding. Don’t get me wrong I will definitely be watching I’m just trying to stay away from the constant coverage of the planning so I can be surprised come wedding day.

  20. My favorite gossip has been who is on the guest list and who hasn’t been invited.

  21. I love how they are saying people are ‘fleeing London’ in anticipation of the wedding – then you change the channel and they have a piece of the people already camping out waiting to see the wedding. I love seeing who was and wasn’t invited and the reporters trying to determine why certain people were ‘snubbed’ and others were invited. But I have to say, the piece that has me most intrigued is what will Kate wear! I would love to see her wear someting less than traditional (don’t think it will happen, but what a trend she could set if she chose a different color other than white, off white, cream!)

  22. I haven’t paid much attention to what they are gossipng about the couple. I just give them my best wishes for a fulfilling life together. Would love for William to be King instead of his father who seems like a lackluster personality.

  23. Well there is serious speculation as to whether the Queen will loan or gift a tiara to Kate to wear on her wedding day. Apparently the only person who decides is the Queen. I would think Kate would want a modern tiara of her own instead of an antique one that has been worn on many occasions.

  24. I am wanting to see the wedding dress, there has been so much talk about it.

    Your book sounds really good.

  25. I’m not much on following royal wedding news or gossip. I did hear that a Scottish guard was kicked off the wedding detail for saying in an on-line post that Kate had snubbed him. Does that count? Your book sounds like a fun read. Thanks.

  26. I’m can’t wait to find out if they wrote their own vows and learning who’s who and what number they are in line for the throne.

  27. I just read today that they’ve chosen their wedding music. And that they’ve released their wedding program on the official wedding website. I’ve been reading snippets here and there about the wedding, including some interviews with Americans who are planning to be spectators – even though they probably won’t see much in all the crowds.

  28. I have somehow managed to avoid the gossip about the royal wedding. I do wish them luck and happiness!
    A TALE OF TWO LOVERS looks like a wonderful book! Great story and a beautiful cover!

  29. Wow! Lots of gossip! I didn’t hear the one about Kate and posters of William and being determined to land a prince. I hope that’s not true.

    Actual true story: I ALMOST went to St. Andrews and would have been in the same year as Will and Kate.

    I am MOST excited to see the dress πŸ™‚

  30. I havn’t been following it and when I tell people I have no idea what they’re talking about I get the most amusing looks of shock. But I did see something this morning about how the brides mother has been copying her daughters style and if shes gooing to try to upstage the bride or something like that. Does that count as gossip?

  31. Cost of the wedding. My own wedding is expensive enough. I can’t imagine how much they are going to spend…and not necessarily because they want it, but because it’s what people expect.

  32. I haven’t been following the wedding, but I’m looking forward to seeing her dress and shoes.

  33. The dress. Oh, and I heard somewhere that they won’t kiss. Though I don’t know why, as I haven’t really been following any of the gossip, but it seems odd it if is true….

  34. I don’t know about any gossip but I’m dying to see her dress! It’s probably white but what style… Who designed it…. What shoes and flowers go with it….

  35. My favorite bit of gossip, because it was so OBVIOUSLY a ploy to sell magazines, was on the cover of one of the checkout rags that said (the now) HRH Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant and the child was a girl they would call Diana. I mean COME ON !! They’ve been together all this time and there has been no surprise pregnancy. Give me a break.

    I truly wish them every happiness. They seem to be two level-headed, sensible people with a great deal of love and respect for each other.

  36. I wasn’t very interested in the royal wedding stuff. But I was curious about her dress and liked knowing it was a secret people were trying to guess. I confess I Did pay a Little attention to that. πŸ™‚

  37. My favorite part was that the designer of the dress was kept a secret until she actually wore it.

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