I’m late in posting and since I’m at work, I’ll make it short. 🙂

Check out Thursday’s stash here. Today there are 30 books and I’ll pick 6 winners.


Thursday’s Questions:

1. What color is the hero’s hair in MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION by Anna Campbell?

2. Name one author whose book Christina Brooke is offering as a prize to my Brooke-Club members for July/August.

3. What is the name of Eleanor’s aunt in Jackie Barbosa’s BEHIND THE RED DOOR?

4. In Beverley Kendall’s A TASTE OF DESIRE, in the first scene with both Amelia and Thomas, in his mind, what or who does he equate her to?


Answer all 4 (four) correctly to be entered to win the ereader. Answer at least 2 (correctly) and you’ll be entered to win the eGift Certificates.

***Answers can be found in excerpts or downloads on author’s website or sample downloads on most etailer sites.

PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWER on the blog. Email your answers to contests at theseasonforromance dot com and in the Subject line, please include Thursday’s Answers.


Has a book ever brought you to tears? A movie? A song? Comment and enter to win 5 (five) books from Thursday’s stash.

76 Replies to “Day Four – Get ’em before it’s over”

  1. Lots of books and movies make me cry, songs not so much. To me a really good book or movie is one that makes me cry, laugh, and feel good about it at the end.

  2. I have had books and movies make me cry. I find that these are the best books and movies if they affect my emotions.

  3. All the time! LOL
    the most recent book that made me cry really hard was Eternal On the Water by Joseph Monninger. And the movie It’s a Wonderful Life always gets me too. Songs dont really have that same effect as easily but the last one that did was years ago; it was Travelin’ Soldier by the Dixie Chicks.

  4. Most films or books normally do not raise a tear in my ear…a bit hard-hearted I think. But, whenever I hear the song ‘White Christmas’ sung by Bing Crosby, I will begin to cry. Don’t know why but that song touches a cord in me that brings on the tears.

  5. I cry easily, so lots of movies, books, and songs have made me cry. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon caused so many tears and lingering sadness that I stopped reading the series after the first few books.

  6. Books don’t usually make me cry, but the songs ‘When September Ends’ by Green Day and ‘Champagne High’ by Sister Hazel always makes me tear up. Memory inducement. I only cry in movies where something happens to a child. I bawled like a baby in Hook when baby Peter Pan runs from his mother in the carriage… I know a little silly. Joy Luck Club is another movie that had me in tears a couple of times.

  7. The movie, Cinema Paradiso and Il Postino were heartbreaking and beautiful movies which made me cry.

  8. For me, it depends on the atmosphere. If there’s some kind of background noise, I usually don’t get emotional. But if it’s very silent while I’m reading, it’s quite possible I start crying. The first book that brought me to tears was The Green Mile by Stephen King, but many have followed since.
    As for songs, I could always cry when hearing Annie Lennox’s Into The West because that song makes me think of the end of The Lord of the Rings and, honestly, when such an epic movie trilogy ends, what’s there not to cry about? ^^’

  9. My favorite sort of novel has to have a healthy dose of angst in it, so I tend to tear up quite a bit. I always enjoy it all the more when I feel like I’ve experienced the heartache and longing that the characters feel. I remember having a good cry reading Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas.

  10. The only book that has made me cry was A Crack In Forever. I read it around 2000. It’s about a guy who got pricked with a contaminated needle and got AIDS.

  11. All the time! My favorite memory of that so far though was not a romance-related cry…but I was finishing Harry Potter #6 inthe car as my now husband was driving and toward the end was not able to keep the tears in. He got very concerned and frantically asked “what’s wrong?!” and “are you ok?!” to which I then tried to sob out an explanation involving the book and funerals and all that. His response was something along the lines of…”A BOOK?! REALLY?!” He just doesn’t understand 🙂

  12. A Rose for Maggie by Kathleen Korbel. My own son has Down syndrome and her book was so beautifully written that it moved me to tears. She really got the mixture of feelings a parent has when a child is born with Down syndrome.

  13. I am so easy, I cry for anything. More for children’s books with beloved characters dying than romance, but of course Cry No More got me. Recently Jeanienne Frost’s story “Devil to Pay.” I have a shelf for these at GoodReads. 🙂

  14. Oh yes quite often. Just about all of Nicolas Sparks books will bring you to tears along with the movies. I cryed during the book Gone With the Wind.

  15. A lot of books and movies make me cry; I am so easy. Latest movie which brought me to tears was “Water for The Elephants”.

  16. Oh, most definitely. I have always said that the books I enjoy the most are ones that make me laugh and cry. Doesn’t have t be a lot but here and there. Sparks was the first to come to mind but it doesn’t always have to be about the ending. I much rather it be something throughout the story.

  17. I’m prone to crying if there’s a death of a character, I think. Martina McBride’s “Concrete Angels” music video hurts, and one of the earliest books to make me cry was Where the Red Fern Grows

  18. Oh gosh, I cry over books and movies all the time. I get emotionally attached… I cried during the last two Harry Potter films (part 7 and part 7.5). I think I cried for the 6th one too. Probably cried during those books as well. Just recently, I read Sarah’s Key and The Book Thief and both of those books made me cry like a baby.

  19. Two books made me cry, A Tale of Two Cities. I fell in love with Sydney Carton. The novel’s last time made me bawl like a baby, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” The second book is from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. The last pages of book 2, Dragonfly in Amber, had me crying so hard; I couldn’t sleep that night. Oh, did I mention that I had book 3, Voyager, sitting right niext to me??

  20. I’m not a very emotional person so I don’t cry too often for books, movies or songs. That said I did cry while reading Again the Magic (Lisa Kleypas) and most recently while reading Untouched (Anna Campbell). For some reason the death of Hedwig during the Harry Potter movies hit me harder than some of the people!

  21. Some of Judith McNaught’s books have brought a tear to my eye. In Almost Heaven, it’s so sad when Elizabeth is begging Ian to forgive her and he just won’t.

  22. Books and movies have both done it. I have not had a song do it, but songs have made my mom cry. The worst movie for me was Catch and Release. And for books a couple of Nora Roberts, especially her older ones where they characters seem like they really might not get together and Ive been so emotionally attached by then that its just mean to make us think that way.

  23. Once in a while, a book, movie or song will make me tear up. But I rarely cry at those times. The last occasion for which I remember actually crying was during the movie The Passion. It was during the scene when Mary sees her tortured son Jesus fall, and she recalls him growing up from child to man. That is a very painful scene for any mother.

  24. No book has made me cry in for some time, but I cry every time I watch The Notebook, Titanic, or Australia.

  25. I saw ONE DAY over the weekend (never read the book) and I cried like a baby at the end. My first and only Nicholas Sparks book, A WALK TO REMEMBER made me cry. After that, I just couldn’t get myself to read him ever again.

  26. The book Always To Remember by Lorraine Heath always brings a tear to my eye. Heartfelt storyline and characters put through the wringer.

  27. I, too, cry at songs and books and movies (and some commercials!).
    Lee Greenwood’s song “God Bless the USA” will usually bring me to tears. Books that immediately come to mind include Nora Robert’s Happy Ever After. It was the last book in The Bride Quartet and I knew there wasn’t going to be anymore. It was a very good series! Another is Rock Bottom by Erin Brockovich with C.J. Lyons because of the unexpected ending. Heartsight by Kay Springsteen because it was so ‘sweet’. Rudy always makes me cry, too. And Miracle (Olympic hockey). TV shows, too. Criminal Minds and the episode where Hotch’s wife dies. Could not stop crying.

  28. When it comes to movies, tv, and music, I am the biggest baby around. Even if I’ve seen it before and know what is going to happen I will cry like a baby. During the last Harry Potter movie I was a mess. I tried to keep myself composed since I was in public, but it didn’t work out too well. And don’t even get me started on the last episode of Lost. Just thinking about it makes me tear up.

    As for books, there have been some that have made me cry but it doesn’t happen often. I don’t know why that is.

  29. Books and songs don’t usually make me cry. Movies are another thing entirely. I cry at both the happy and sad parts. Some of the movies that have made me cry are ET, The Titanic, The Green Mile, It’s A Wonderful Life, and Antwone Fisher.

  30. I cry every time I read:

    Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas
    Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas
    The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
    The Book of Scandal by Julia London
    Most of Mary Balogh’s books
    Almost all of Judith McNaught’s books

  31. Linda Howard’s “Cry No More” made me cry. Movies that made me cry include “Stand By Me” and “Beaches.”

  32. A week ago I would have said no a book hasn’t brought me to tears. Then I read Alpha by Rachel Vincent (an UF) and I cried.I was like WTH its an UF how could she make me cry,but she did..lol.As for music and movies.. no they don’t make me cry.

  33. I recall hearing the song “Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle and tearing up. Just wanted to hold onto my daughter and not let her grow up.

  34. I know there have been some that have made me cry, but I can’t think of any off hand — much prefer to remember the numerous ones that made me laugh instead 🙂

  35. Usually books don’t make me cry, but one movie that comes to mind is an oldie, An Affair to Rememb er

  36. Truly, Madly, Deeply with Alan Rickman. I cried so hard at the end I think I scared my husband!

  37. I find some of the best things in life are those that evoke strong emotions from you and that definitely includes bringing me to tears. Souvenir by Therese Fowler and Night Road by Kristin Hannah are just some of the recent books that brought me to tears. Please note I’m a non-US resident.

  38. Books and movies d0- not a song that I can think of. More recently I balled through the last 1/3 of Harry Potter 7.2

  39. Books and movies both brings me to tears most of the time. Almost all the books at some point makes me cry and the movie the notebook made me cry much. of course there are many other that does also.

  40. Oh, my. The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson—always brings on the tissues.

  41. Yes, all three have brought me to tears, especially if I’m a little blue to begin with. The movie that made me cry and then made me angry was Message in a Bottle, I’ll never have anything to do with Nicholas Sparks again. He doesn’t know what a HEA is, and that’s what I always look for.

  42. Yes, to all three 🙂 But since I read books, more than watch movies, or listen to music I cry, shed tears, weep and sometimes even sob when reading a book 🙂 The two books that I think made me cry the most were Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, and The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton. Funnily enough it’s the books that make me laugh a lot, or cry a lot that are on my keeper shelf and are my favorites.

  43. Hmmm. It’s was more women’s fiction than romance, but the only book to bring me to tears is Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes. The mother was terminally ill and had to choose between using her last days on earth to be with the love of her life that she had just found and dropping everything to make sure her daughter would be alright before she left. It just touched me and I remember just wanting to stop because it got really emotional and struck a cord with me. But it was a beautiful read and one I am glad for.

    As for movie- I am not a big crier. Maybe two movies: 1.) Harry Potter 7 part 2 (it’s really over? WAHHH!!) and 2.) Flight 98 (I saw this right when it came out and 9/11 was still so fresh on everyones mind. Just thinking of the horror the people on that flight faced just affected me)

    And songs. Heck no! Okay, one song brings me precariously close: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton. He wrote it for his 7 year old son who died in a tragic freak accident. The details of what happened are haunting. The song is powerful and I can’t help but feel his pain as he struggled to make peace with what happened.

    *sigh* Now I am a little depressed. Thanks, Bev. (jk)

  44. Lauren Dane’s “Second Chances” made me cry a lot. “Broken” by Megan Hart made me bawl.

  45. The best books are the ones that bring me to tears, or rage, or laughter…if it can bring out strong emotion it’s well written. Anna Campbells book Midnights Wild Passion did that for me.

  46. Two books that have brought me to tears are Judith McNaught’s SOMETHING WONDERFUL and Lisa Kleypas’s DREAMING OF YOU.

  47. There have been books that I have read that have moved me to tears and so have certain movies and songs.

  48. Sad to say, many a book has brought me to tears, as have movies and Hallmark commercials. One of the recent books that brought me to tears several times was IMPATIENT WITH DESIRE by Gabrielle Burton. That one is historical fiction. Another I read several years ago that had me crying more than any other book I’ve read was OCEANS APART by Karen Kingsbury. It is christian fiction and has some heartbreaking scenes.

  49. That’s easy! Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale. The scene where Christian comes to the meeting to hear Maddy read her denial of their marriage. When he fights the affects of the stroke to counter what she reads I cry every time.

    Music – Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings

    Movie – Amistad
    Schindler’s List
    Amazing Grace

  50. The newest movie version of Dr. Zhivago always makes me cry. It’s done so well.

    And then as far as songs go definitely Teddy Bear by Red Sovine. It’s a talked song but I love it and it always makes me tear up!

  51. The latest thing that made me cry was Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda. I passed it to my boss so she could get a good cry in too. =)

  52. Yes, yes and yes. The most recent book that brought me to tears was Much Ado About You by Eloisa James, tears were of the happy kind. As for the last movie, Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009), beautiful movie that’s based on a true story. So sad, really pulled at my heartstrings. And for the song that brought tears to my eyes, that will be Amazing Grace.

  53. Books and songs don’t usually make me cry. Movies do, whether it’s to cry with the hurt or the happiness of the movie. Movies that come to mind are South Pacific, Forever After, Just Like Heaven, Bringing Up Baby, and Gone With The Wind.

  54. Books often make me cry…at least a few tears. Movies do at times and some songs do, which can be a problem when driving. I had to pull off the road one time because of a song playing on hte radio.

  55. something wonderful 🙂
    when come to those melodramatic kdrama (korean drama), i have to hold a bucket to avoid flood.
    go check out the movie: cinderella sister …

  56. I have just spent a great deal of time finding the answers to the 4 questions , but when I went to theseasonforromance.com, I couldn’t find any “Contests” link or any email address to which to send my answers……I am terribly bummed out! If someone can email me the correct email address, or otherwise give me directions for getting my answers to the right place, I would be much obliged.

  57. I’m one of those people who can get misty-eyed over just a TV commercial, so yeah lots of books and movies make me cry. The last movie that had me crying was Crazy, Stupid, Love.

  58. A lot of books have brought me to tears. The one I think of immediately is Blue Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas.

  59. There have been some that made me a little teary in parts of the book, probably more than I remember. But I do remember two movies – Braveheart – and – Last of the Mohicans – which made me very sad at the end. I’m sure there have been others, both books and movies, that the titles just don’t come to mind right now.

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