Today I stumbled upon something I’ve never seen before: A single title romance from a NON inspirational line or publisher that had not ONE single solitary love scene. Yep, you heard it here first, this book did not have one love scene.

From what I gathered–I did start to skim once I realized the intrigue element would be central to the plot–they exchanged one kiss that was described in any significant detail. As I neared the end and realized there was only 26 pages left in the book, I thought, “Surely not. Is there only going to be one love scene in this entire book?” To say I was shocked that it didn’t even have one left me gobsmacked. I’m a romance reader that likes my love scenes. Not too many mind you and I NEED lots of sexual tension.

Anyway, I was really shocked that the publishing company would release a historical romance not geared toward the inspirational market without not even one love scene. I actually even did a search of the book and could find no instances of the word “breast” there either. My thought is this on the matter: There are readers out there who really don’t want the love scenes but don’t want an the inspirational slant either. To satisfy these readers you give them intrigue and a very, very sweet romance. A kiss or two and that’s it.

I want to know what you think. Would you read a romance novel (not inspirational) with absolutely no love scenes? If you knew this before you read the book, would it discourage or encourage you from purchasing it? Comment and enter to win all three books below.

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74 Replies to “Would you read a romance with no love scenes?”

  1. Yes, I would. I can enjoy a romantic situation without graphic details of how the characters have sex , or kiss. Sometimes it is nice to have a bit of a break from all of that and just sit back and enjoy watching the story play out – sans Nookie.

    Besides, look at how many of us still Love the works of Jane Austin. We are happy with her characters touching hands, or looking into one anothers eyes, or even a simple kiss. Intimacy comes in many forms, and I welcome it all when reading romance.

  2. I have read a few romance books that had no sex scences or books where the sex is just implied. I prefer to have the real deal in my books but it won’t ruin the book if the book is good regardless.

  3. I really have to have love scenes in my books. I don’t have to have a lot of them, but the ones that are there I want to be intense. I think that the places that sell books should state that there is or isn’t love scenes in the book. One place I buy ebooks puts the word blush for books that don’t have love scenes in them. That helps a lot.

  4. No. Part of the romance is the heat between the h/h. Doesn’t need to be graphic. Nora Roberts isn’t graphic, but plenty of heat. They don’t even need actual final intercourse, but the kisses, etc. should be HOT! Otherwise, not interested.

  5. Yes I would read a book without any love scenes, if the author is good he/she can create a gripping page turning story line. I am an avid reader and frankly today’s authors go a tad overboard in describing the sex in the books, and then go on and on and on, thank goodness for Kindle as I can quickly scan through the many pages of sexual descriptions of what the characters are doing to each other. A little is titillating, but too much, we get it already they are hot together. I am more anxious to get on with the story.

    I think this is why the YA series are so popular with all ages, such as Hunger Games, Twilight, a little teaser but more about the story.

  6. Having no sex scenes whatsoever makes more sense in historicals than contemps. It’s hard to imagine people nowadays having their HEA or even HFN without any sex.

  7. I prefer love scenes in my romance books. I CRAVE them!! Not having them is like going on a roller coaster ride and you’re going higher, and higher, and higher and when you finally get there, there’s no drop. The anticipation of it happening is what makes a good book.

  8. Yes, I would. I don’t buy books for the love scenes I buy it for the story. What’s the difference between no love scene and having a love scene at the end of the book. But I like the love scenes.

  9. I would still read a book even if there was a love scene in it especially if the story is good. I read books with love scenes that may be shorter or milder than my preference all the time. I just take liberty to fill in the blanks and use my imagination. Do I wish the author had offered more? Sometimes. But I want the whole story, not just the love scene. For me that is just one part of it.

  10. For me, a lot of times, the reading of the love scenes is mood based. Sometimes I like to read them, and sometimes I just want to move on with the story. I’ve books from just about every romance genera in my collection, and about 98% of them have love scenes in them. And there are times, the story is just so good, I skip through the love scenes. So, to make a long answer endless, yes, I would read one if the story was good.

  11. I liked that type book when I was a young teenager and anything “racier” than that was considered porn. Now, I am older and just love the love scenes…the hotter…the better!

    For inspirational books…… well, there are many out there and some have a romantic tilt.

  12. Most definitely I would. If I enjoy the characters I’m willing to go along with anything or without anything lol. Maybe because I read a variety of genres and types of books so I don’t think it’s a necessity.

  13. I think the question is wrong. I would read a book with no sex-scenes. Georgette Heyer specialized in that. Romance but rarely kissing and yet very sweet. I think there can be tension – but there does not have to be any explicit description of any fulfillment of those desires and the book can still be amazing – and yes – even without an inspirational element. I write inspirational historical fiction – and there is sometimes great sexual tension and even a kiss – but everything else is “off page.” It’s not necessary to the plot or developing affection for the characters. Some books are all about the sexual conquest and not about personal growth and change. It’s not needed for me to be engaged in the story line and sometimes can be a bit distracting.

  14. It really depends on how the story is executed…If its a story that sucks me in right from the beginning I wouldn’t mind but if doesn’t then absolutely not!Love those love scenes..:)

  15. if I knew before hand I might hesitate buying it, but if the plot sounded particularly good & well written, I’d prob still give it a try. I enjoy a good love scene from the mild/just implied to the hot & steamy. I’ve read some books where I was like you, almost done & was “what no loving?” or “that’s it?” Read one not too long ago that got to the end of the book & other than some “making out” there was no love scene, in fact while one was slightly implied, I still wasn’t sure aftward (even having gone back to reread the section in case I skimmed through too fast) that they ever did “do the deed” during the book. I still enjoyed the story though.

    1. ps: I think I’d rather the sex scene be skipped rather than be badly written (in which case I just skip it myself).

  16. I prefer books with love scenes in them most of the time. I feel that real, adult relationships involve passion and that including love scenes indicates that kind of depth. I don’t require that the love scenes be in explicit detail, although if it fits the characters, then I enjoy those types of scenes very much. I am not afraid of erotica/romantica. I’m also fine if the characters sleep together, but the author doesn’t go into a lot of detail. If it fits the characters and the story is good, it won’t pull me out of the tale. However, I am not much of a fan of “sweet” stories that end in maybe a kiss and the characters don’t appear to show real passion for each other. That just seems odd to me, based on my own experiences with human nature.

    In any case, given the choice between a romance with detailed love scenes and one without, I will usually go for the love scenes.

  17. If it has a good plot and if the characters are well developed, I think it’s fine. It would be very odd if I didn’t know before I started reading it.

  18. I don’t HAVE to have the love scenes, I have read several that didn’t, or some that was VERY minimal, and they were really good stories, but I do tend to enjoy the one WITH the love scenes overall more than those without. In fact, I happened to (coincidentally)read 3 in a row recently with little to no love scenes, and when I went for the next book, was sure to do a search for a couple keywords just to be sure! It doesn’t need to be blushingly GRAPHIC (was reading one of those with my daughter near me one day & she took one look at my face and just shook her head & laughed LOL) but a good love scene is a plus.

  19. I don’t mind the lack of love scenes! As long as it is well-written and I enjoy the characters, I’m game to read it.

  20. Yes, I would read a romance without love scenes and have. I’ve also enjoyed them very much. I knew when buying them that there were no love scenes – they were labeled as ‘sweet romance’. I wouldn’t want to make a steady diet of those type of romances because I do like all the love scenes, too, but I can see a time/place for them.

  21. If the book was getting reviews saying it was still super romantic, I would read it. But if leaving the scenes out took away from the book, it would definitely discourage me from reading it.

  22. My first instinct was to say no. Once I thought about it, I was intrigued by the idea. I’ve read steamy romances for so long that it would be nice to see if I could enjoy a tamer story.

  23. Yes, I would. I dont choose the books by love scenes…i always go by the cover of the book plus the little intro in the back helps in deciding if the book is gonna be interesting and thts how i get my books. πŸ™‚

  24. I would definitely read a romance without any love scenes. To me, the love scenes don’t make the book, the chemistry between the couple and the way they feel is much more important. I’ve read books in the past that were completely satisfying that didn’t contain any love scenes and I will enjoy reading them in the future as well. To be honest, I’d rather not have really explicit scenes in a romance, I’d rather have a fade out and then get to the good part – the couple’s feelings, etc.

  25. Yes, I would read a book without love scenes. It is more about the couple falling in love than the love scenes that makes the book for me.

  26. I have read a couple of books like that and like you I get shocked. I need the tension and the love scenes. Without I feel the book is missing something. If I knew a head time, it would discourage me from buying the book. Don’t get me wrong, I love the story behind it as well but I feel the scenes and tension helps bring it alll together.

  27. I’m planning on reading this book when it comes out. I enjoy love scenes as much as the next girl, but for me, anyway, the heat lies in the emotion, not the body parts and what they’re doing. I’ve read mere kissing that was hotter than some full-on sex scenes.

  28. Wow, an interesting situation. I guess if I am reading a romance with no love scenes I expect/want it to be an inspirational book. If it’s not inspirational…then what is the point? I want my romance to have some great romance, and a big part of romance is the lovin’. So I guess yes it would discourage me from buying it.

  29. I appreciate a good love scene. I don’t want it too graphic or every 5 pages.. otherwise I’d consider it erotica. I think there are ways to write a love scene that is steamy and passionate yet tasteful. To me, sexual tension and intimacy are a big part of a love story and give credence to being swept away by the romance. Just look at how well Kleypas or Jeffries and many others are able to write wonderful love scenes.

  30. Depends on the author and the story. That’s why many adults read YA Romance and why I usually do not. But then again when I was in my teens to 20’s graphic sex was not my thing. Today yah I like the sex scenes. I would not give my books to my unmarried daughter though and I make sure my son stays away from them as well.

  31. Sure. I like love scenes, but only where they serve a purpose and propel the story. If the story works without them, they should not be stuck in gratuitously.

  32. I usually like at least one love scene in a book, probably towards the second half of the book. But I like building up to the love scene throughout the book, that’s where I like my sexual tension. When the couple want each other so bad and it just builds and builds throughout the book, that’s the best for me.

  33. No I truly don’t think I would buy a romance novel knowing that it didn’t have any love scenes….that’s one of the reasons I buy romance. If I did I would buy a book from a different genre. I’ve read many romance novels that don’t have steamy love scenes in them but there’s still plenty of chemistry even if we are left at the closed bedroom door.

  34. I would ABSOLUTELY read it.

    The love scenes are incidental to my reading of the book.

  35. Hi,

    I’ve read similar as written by a fellow writer and friend. Unlike moi, she’s uncomfortable penning love scenes! I respect her choice to pen non erotic or steamy elements. Nonetheless, her stories are lovely Regency reads. Some people despise violence in a love story, but if writing historical novels as I do, in particular a Regency Romance & Murder Mystery, then expect not only sexual content but the odd violent death as well. πŸ˜‰


  36. I prefer books to have some intimacy. It doesn’t have to be explicit or erotic. I like the relationship to go a little further than a kiss. It shows a connection. A chemistry exists. I have read Inspirationals with little sexuality. I prefer a written love scene.

  37. Sure I would read a book like this because it would be different. I like something a little different for a change. I wouldn’t want to read books like this all the time though.

  38. I love Love scenes! That is one of the reasons I buy romances, I love them steamy and hot. That is not to say I wouldn’t read one with out them in it, but really it is what I want in my books. If I heard that it was a really good book, I would probably read it. But if I knew nothing about it, I wouldn’t pick it up and rather opt to buy one that I know will have the scenes I want in it.

  39. I would definitely read one! I usually skip the sex scenes anyway. I love the story line, and enjoy the implied, not the detailed.

  40. I like love scenes. I wouldn’t mind reading a book without love scenes, though, if I knew in advance that it was a sweet romance.

  41. I wouldn’t mind a romance without the love scenes. Regencies from years ago didn’t have love scenes for the most part and I enjoyed them. I think it would be good to know that though before you bought the book.

  42. I don’t know, it would be a change that’s for sure. I ultimately read romance novels in large part for the love scenes and the Happily Ever After. Like you once I read majority of the book I would’ve been did I miss something?

  43. Yes I have read several that were wonderful love stories and you had to use your imagination for the happenings behind closed doors. I enjoyed them just as much as some of the naughty ones now.

  44. I would read a book without love scenes and have read romance books that didn’t have any. Sometimes they are a nice change of pace.

  45. I have read several historical and contemporary romances that did not have love scenes. Two of them were some of the best category romances I have read. Kissing, sexual tension – yes. Sex scenes – no. It didn’t detract from the story at all. Lately romances are getting more and more explicit and including more sex in the stories. In some cases it becomes a distraction and really isn’t necessary to the plot and story. Even if there is a relationship that is “consummated,” we don’t have to be watching.
    The important thing in a romance is the development of the relationship between the hero and heroine. We should know things are happening in that relationship, but we don’t have to be there.

  46. I’ve read a number of titles that, unbeknownst to me at the start, didn’t contain the requisite explicit sex scenes. As I neared the end of one such book the heroine comments to the hero about them maybe having sex first after he starts introducing her as his fiancΓ© and I actually had to review the whole story in my head to determine that nope, they hadn’t consummated anything and I still believed in their relationship and their HEA. I guess I expect something in contemporaries (even if it’s behind closed doors) to give it a little real life authenticity, but obviously if it’s done right I won’t miss it.

  47. I do read Georgette Heyer, so yes: I would read romance novels with no love scenes. That said, I appreciate love scenes in romances.

  48. I like a good steamy love scene as well as the next RBAW, but I don’t absolutely have to have them in the books I read. I have read ‘sweet’ romances in the past and depending on the author, would probably continue to read them. I think those types of stories were the early works of some of the hotter authors today. Candice Hern is one that I can think of. I read some of her very early works and they were sans sex scenes but good stories none the less.

  49. I prefer a steamy romance, but I don’t have to have the love scenes in. It would be nice to know before reading the book though. I can remember being stuck on Barbara Cartland stories years ago. Loved them.

  50. Yes, I would read a romance without love scenes. The characters and the growth they experience are most important.

  51. Yes, I would.

    I recently read one that didn’t have the love scene until the very end of the book — and, by then, the author had told a really good story and it would have been fine if the scene wasn’t included at all.

  52. I actually don’ t enjoy reading lots of sex scenes. Love and a bit of tension, yes, but please leave out all the dirty details. I love the story and characters and how they fall for each other. Not the deets.

  53. Ooh, I love the gorgeous love scenes in my books. I definitely love the lead up to when they actually do make love. I love it when I can feel the sizzle and chemistry between the characters. Please keep the love scenes in, as I really think that it helps make the story so much better.

    I originally posted this on your Facebook page (my brain wasn’t working that day). πŸ™‚
    Saturday at 15:56 Β· Like

  54. I definately enjoy the romance and love scenes. And definitely the happily ever afters. Your books are perfect just the way they are. So enjoyable. Plz keep writing.

  55. No, I have read few romance books with no love scene and I have to admit, I didn’t like them. I just felt like something was missing.

  56. I think it comes down to how well the story is written. I’ve read books without it and I did not mind because the story held up on its own. That being said I think it says allot for the author if he/she can build that chemistry and sexual tension between the characters and turn it into an awesome love scene. Not all authors can pull this off and the ones that do I think even more highly of them because love scenes are not easy to write. If done wrong or unrealistic it can be a huge turn off. People think its easy to put two characters together and have them ‘do it’ every other chapter and there you go! You have a romance novel! I think it’s a difficult genre to write because of such high expectations and standards of the audience viewing the material. When it comes down to it if the author can put a well written novel together, with or without love scenes then I’m going to be impressed. But I would say it is usually better with the love scenes because it adds that element to the story that a couple in love or married should have. It makes the story realistic and brings the reader into another dimension of the story and endears it to your heart all the more.

  57. I think a romance with no love scenes would definitely discourage me because sex and romance are connected and you expect them both, especially with a romance novel. The story could be good but part of the reason I would read a romance is for, yes the lovey bits, but also some love scenes.

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