My good friend Jackie Barbosa has another book coming out this year. It’s a wonderful Bonus Epilogue to HOT UNDER THE COLLAR, the second book in her Lords of Lancashire series. MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME will be FREE to her newsletter subscribers at least a week earlier than the October 20th release date.
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Walter and Artemisia Langston have been blissfully married for three years, but Artemisia has found the role of a small-town vicar’s wife somewhat less than fulfilling. Oh, the parishioners are kind and welcoming to her, but unlike her husband, ministering to them just isn’t her calling. And then, on Christmas Eve, someone leaves a swaddled newborn in the manger of the vicarage stable. Walter’s first suspicion is that it’s a terrible prank directed at his wife, but for Artemisia, it’s love at first sight.
They can’t very well just keep the baby and raise him as their own, however, when they aren’t certain where he came from or why. So Walter and Artemisia embark on a mission to find the truth, and not only discover a crime that’s been hidden for far too long, but the truest gifts of all: that love multiplies and it’s never too late to find a purpose.
Release Date: Oct 20, 2020
Series: Lords of Lancashire
Book: Bonus Epilogue to Hot Under the Collar
Price: FREE for newsletter subscribers OR $.99
Walter knew, with a sick sense of dismay and disbelief, what he would find when he entered the stable. He knew because it was Christmas Eve. And he knew because it made everything else suddenly make a terrible kind of sense.
Lifting the lantern, he stepped inside. Buford’s stall stood open and, when he rounded the corner, he found the source of the plaintive, thready wail just where he expected. Lying atop the mound of hay in Buford’s trough—his manger—was a tightly wrapped bundle the precise size and shape of a very young infant. And indeed, when Walter got closer, he could see the babe’s face, round but wizened in the way that, in his somewhat limited experienced, characterized newborns.
The baby, which had fallen momentarily silent, screwed up his—or perhaps her, it was impossible to tell at this juncture—features and let out another tinny cry.
Jesus Christ.
Well, not literally, of course. Or at least, Walter doubted it. A vicar’s stable in Cumbria seemed an unlikely setting for the second coming.
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