She wants lessons in seduction
Althea Stanwick was a perfect lady destined to marry a wealthy lord, until betrayal left her family penniless. Though she’s lost friends, fortune, and respectability, Althea has gained a scandalous plan. If she can learn to seduce, she can obtain power over men and return to Society on her terms. She even has the perfect teacher in mind, a man whose sense of honor and dark good looks belie his nickname: Beast.
But desire like this can’t be taught
Benedict Trewlove may not know his parentage but he knows where he belongs—on the dark side of London, offering protection wherever it’s needed. Yet no woman has ever made such an outrageous request as this mysterious beauty. Althea is out of place amongst vice and sin, even if she offers a wicked temptation he can’t resist. But as the truth of his origin emerges at last, it will take a fierce, wild love to overcome their pasts.
Release Date: Sep 29, 2020
Series: Sins for All Seasons
Book: 2
Heat Level: Hot
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: Avon Books
Price: $6.99
A good story, with a nice low stakes romance.
This is the final book in the Trewlove series, and while this book can serve as a standalone, I would at least recommend reading the previous two books in the series. I’ll be honest I warred with myself during this book between wanting more external conflict for the characters to face and enjoying the subtle external conflict mixed with heavy internal conflict. But I may be getting ahead of myself.
We have our heroine, Althea Stanwick, disgraced and stripped of her status since her father betrayed the monarchy by trying to kill the Queen. Heavy stuff. Althea is relegated to a near non-existence, until she starts working at a local tavern to earn money. She hates feeling so useless. Of course, here is where she meets our hero, Benedict Trewlove, otherwise known as the Beast of Whitechapel.
Beast is probably my favorite Trewlove, next to Fancy. He’s got this air of mystery wrapped up in a big package. Described as a hulking figure, he could easily be muscle only, but the man has brains for days. He’s well-read, self-conscience and thinks heavily before he speaks or acts. Beast immediately knows Althea doesn’t belong in his world, but how she got there bugs him to the point that he must get involved. He wants her to find her way in life, the same way he helps other ladies… by giving them chances to learn trades and escape.
These two embark on a business agreement that goes all wonky because of the attraction Beast feels for Althea and an equal amount of interest on her part. This is where it gets delicious and super slow burn. The adventure truly starts with a library, then a wager, and we all know a wager never ends well.
If you’re looking for low stakes fluff of falling in love, this book is for you. I enjoyed it, though something still niggles at the back of my brain. I wanted more somehow, and more punishment against those who hurt Althea. Though Beast does help her get as much as she can back, and helps he find her own way. This story doesn’t have a lot of ticking time bombs, but it’s a nice evenly paced story and my interest in the characters kept the pages turning.
Overall, Heath concluded the Truelove series successfully and nicely sets up a new series. I’m already interested in those next books and will be on the lookout. Though, I’ll miss the Trueloves and their rapscallion natures.
~ Landra
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