This is the cover for ONE IN A MILLION, Book 2 in my Token series.

I’m absolutely over the moon about it!!!!

Meet Myles and Whitney“Sahara” to those who know her from TOKEN




Release Date: Feb 11, 2025
Series: Token
Book: 2
Heat Level: Hot
Publisher: Harlequin 
Imprint: Graydon House
Price: $11.99

World-famous Whitney “Sahara” Richardson is at the top of her game. With four Grammys, an Oscar nod, and a half-billion-dollar clothing line, her career is skyrocketing. Even her headline-grabbing dating life is looking up. And if everything goes as planned, marriage and children are just a few years away—and they will come in that order. However, a mix-up at the fertility clinic where her eggs are stored puts the cart before the horse, making her the biological mother of a child she didn’t carry and whose father she’s never met.

Oops. Sahara suddenly has a daughter…and her father wants to keep her.

Tropes: Surprise baby, co-parenting, IVF mix-up, sunshine/grumpy



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