Yes, indeed I am. I’m simply mad for contemporary romances these days. It’s like I’ve discovered something magical and undiscovered. It could very well be the result of reading and writing historical romances for the past three years solid, but I’m giddy with the ‘new’ contemporary love.
It started with Rachel Gibson’s NOTHING BUT TROUBLE, which received my one and only 10 star review so far. Though I must tell you, that book wouldn’t be the only one I’d give it to. I absolutely adored DAISY’S BACK IN TOWN, NOT ANOTHER BAD DATE, SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE, SEE JANE SCORE and TRULY MADLY YOURS. And I realized immediately what the huge appeal was. It’s the realism of the dialogue, because as much as we might not like it, people do curse the odd time or two. I like the fact that men act like ‘men’. They screw up–sometimes royally. The heroines too. Some of them even share tidbits of their awesome sex life with their closest friends.
I’m one of those readers who insists on reading contemporaries where I’m not rolling my eyes and saying, “See, a guy would never say that!”
For example in NOT ANOTHER BAD DATE, the hero has been burned before. His college girlfriend stopped taking her birth control pills to trap him into marriage. He’s a widower now with a 13 year-old daughter and he doesn’t want any more kids. Well he’s hooked up with the heroine, the college girlfriend he’d originally dumped his dead wife for before his wife got pregnant. They have sex and the condom breaks. The heroine bought the condoms. Well how does the hero react? Yes, very badly, basically accusing her of tampering with the condom. A fight ensues and she kicks him out of her house. And this I found very real. His reaction, erroneous, but completely understood given his past experience. Of course he had to eat crow when he came to his senses, which I loved even more.
DAISY’S BACK IN TOWN was one of those stories that I’ll never forget. I have to tell you, I was still upset with the heroine and her dead husband when I finished the book. Daisy, Steven, and Jackson (the hero), grew up together and were all best friends. The two boys (into men) fell for Daisy but they agreed neither of them would date her. Daisy comes onto Jackson and at the age of 18 they start dating. She gets pregnant and before she can tell him, he breaks it off with her. He’s just lost his parents, his life is crazy and he needs space. She’s emotional and clingy. She turns to Steven and he convinces her not to tell Jackson, to marry him and raise Jackson’s child as his own.
Fifteen years later, Steven dies and Daisy returns to her hometown to tell Jackson he’s the father of her 15 year-old son. Jackson wants nothing to do with her–and seriously, who can blame him. Yes, it’s a romance so Jackson meets and begins bonding with his son before it’s all said and done, but boy was I wrung dry with emotion from this one. While Jackson could forgive them, I was less charitable. But it was that kind of emotional read that I couldn’t put down and have already reread since I read it three weeks ago. I swear that books haunts me. And if it elicits that kind of reaction from me, the author did their job splendidly.

After Rachel Gibson, I discovered Toni Blake. I truly can only thank (or curse, when it begins interfering with my writing) Avon Books for my new obsession with contemporaries–especially these kinds of contemporaries. If they didn’t send me these books, I would be oblivious to what I’m missing. So back to Toni. I received an advanced copy of her latest book, SUGAR CREEK. Now the cover is beautiful. Really just gorgeous, but it doesn’t say to me this is going to be a steamy and tension-filled read (another thing I love in my romances). Going just by the cover, I thought the heat level would be lukewarm at best, which incidentally was what I also thought about Rachel Gibson’s books. Boy was I wrong. And I mean wrong with a capital ‘W’.
In this book we meet a slightly surly, totally hot police officer ( our hero, Mike) who lives with the sort of guilt that can weigh a man down for life. Rachel, our heroine, returns to Destiny (love these fictitious small town locales), her hometown, to her help her grandmother with the family apple orchard farm. There’s bad blood between Mike’s family and Rachel’s. Mike’s family believes the land for the orchard farm was stolen from his family by Rachel’s, so we’re starting off with automatic conflict between hero and heroine. Of course, the fact that the story opens with him giving her a speeding ticket when she roars back into town, helps that conflict right along. I just loved this book and of course, just like in Rachel’s case, upon finishing the book, I immediately started buying up the backlist.

SUGAR CREEK is the second book in Toni Blake’s Destiny series. This means there was one book before this one, which of course I had to have. You’ll be happy to hear that book one, ONE RECKLESS SUMMER arrived in the mail today, along with SWEPT AWAY (not related to this series and an Avon Red title). I was so impatient to read more of Toni’s books, I read whatever Avon Books had on their site for the Browse Inside, and boy doesn’t ONE RECKLESS SUMMER start off with one steamy scene. However, if you’re like me, I would not advise that. It makes the wait for the physical book to come in the mail endlessly long.
I also discovered that Toni Blake also writes sexier, spicier books as Lacey Alexander. Who knew? I didn’t. I’ve already ordered a couple of her titles to try out. I didn’t go buck wild because they are trade books and therefore more expensive. I rarely ever buy trade books.
Last, but certainly not least, while I was impatiently waiting for Toni’s books to appear in my mailbox, I spotted Christie Ridgway’s latest release, CRUSH ON YOU in Walmart. Since I knew it was a book I featured on the website under June Contemporary, I felt compelled to buy it. Plus, the back cover copy sounded like it would be just my thing. It was my thing. I enjoyed it thoroughly. After I finished CRUSH ON YOU, I was ready for more so I found her website and started reading the blurbs and ended downloading her entire Knitting series from Penguin Putnam’s website: HOW TO KNIT A WILD BIKINI, UNRAVEL ME and DIRTY SEXY KNITTING.
I particularly enjoyed this series. I was able to finish all three books in as many days (or maybe it was two days). The series is about three half-sister connected by their sperm donor father. Each book takes readers through each of their romances with sexy, handsome, loving heroes. This is a series I would strongly recommend be read in order (as listed above). The characters overlap and one subplot begins in the second book and isn’t resolved until the final book.
I finished the final book, DIRTY SEXY KNITTING, today, just in time for the arrival of Toni’s other books. Can’t beat that timing. Of course, now that I’ve discovered Christie Ridgway, I’ll be checking out her entire backlist (I’m feeling broke already).
So for all of you historical romance readers (or paranormal or romantic suspense readers) who don’t really dabble in contemporaries, who wants to try one of these fabulous books? It’s simple. Tell me what you read and why you don’t normally read contemporary romances and you’re entered to win the book of your choice from all of the books listed here. 😉 If you do read contemporaries but have never read any or a particular author from this post, tell me who you do read and what you love about the author’s books. Winners will be posted June 4th.
Oh, I’ve been reading more contemporaries lately.
I’ve enjoyed Erin McCarthy’s NASCAR series FLAT OUT SEXY and HARD AND FAST. Can’t wait for the last story in the series which comes out later this summer. They are funny and sexy and deal with a world I know nothing about (NASCAR) so are great reads for me.
Also, Susan Donovan who I have always loved but I’d gotten waylaid with historicals lately and missed her latest series. Thanks to the magic of my Kindle was able to gobble up AIN’T TOO PROUD TO BEG and THE NIGHT SHE GOT LUCKY. These I liked because of the strong supportive friendship between the female characters, the humor, the over-the-top (in a good way) heros…and the setting, who doesn’t like San Francisco?!
Finally, can’t not mention Jill Shalvis and her ‘instant’ series: INSTANT GRATIFICATION, INSTANT ATTRACTION, and INSTANT TEMPTATION. Loved loved loved the strong male characters who are ‘good guys’ though not perfect! Same can be said for her baseball books, DOUBLE PLAY and SLOW HEAT
I absolutely love Christine Ridgeway Knitting series. I really like contemporaries for the fun and wit. I love the way she introduced the sisters, who did not know they were siblings and the stories of finding love.
Love & Hugs,
I don’t normally read contemporaries. I usually find myself in the historical and paranormal genres. I think i don’t dabble that much in contemporaries is because i’m a crazy bunny spinster and they kinda of remind me of it. Sort of like always being the single person while your with their friends and boyfriends. It takes a really good contemporary to make me forget that. I’ve been hearing a lot of awesome things about Rachel Gibson and i would love to try her. ^^
I read the occasional contemporary, but I vastly prefer historicals. I think it’s the escape factor. If the heroine has too many problems I can relate to in my everyday life, it’s not enough of an escape for me. That said, I recently picked up Kristan Higgins’ Too Good to Be True and it was fabulous.
I’m reading mostly contempories although I’m drawn to the more serious topics–Robyn Carr, Julia London than a funny clutzy heroine. If I win, I would like to try Noyjing But Trouble.
I adore Rachel Gibson’s books, she an auto-buy for me. I’ve always split my reading time between historicals & contemps. I recently discovered Pamela Clare’s I-Team series, they are technically romantic-suspense but still contemporary, imo. I loved & I do mean LOVED…”Naked Edge.” Victoria Dahl’s, Tumble Creek trilogy is awesome, my favorite is the last installment: “Lead Me On” – Victoria, like Rachel, knows how to balance humor, sensitivity & lust and turn it into an unbelievably, believable love story. And last, Sarah Mayberry. I lap Sarah’s catagory reads up like candy. She packs so much in such a short format that I never close the book feeling in want. Sweet, sexy, emotion-driven stories that just leave me smiling.
From your list I’ve never read anything by Toni Blake or Christine Ridgeway. Happy Contemporary Reading!
Bev, I am a historical and paranormal girl who only recently stuck her toe in the contemp waters. I started reading Harlequin Blaze line and that got me started. Also just finished Lisa Kleypas contemps starting with ‘Sugar Daddy, Blue Eyed Devil and Smooth Talking Stranger’ (my fav of the three) Even though they were 1st person (not my fav) I was riveted, and it has me wanting to check out even more contemps out there! Thanks for your suggestions! Still prefer historical and paranormal, but this is a whole new field for me to plow!
These are three of my fav writers. I have read all of their books and cannot wait for the next ones to hit the shelves.. You are always in for a great read when you delve into any one of three’s books.. I read Contemporary, Historicial and some Paranormal, as well as Western genre books. Another if you have not read her is Robyn Carr.. She has great series of books set in the town of Virgin River, which is the name of the first book in the series, and each one is better the next. Once you start to read the first one you are hooked. There have been 11 book with at least three more to come all told and maybe more..
Most of the contemporary romances I’ve enjoyed fall under the category of “chick lit.” For instance Bridget Jones’ Diary and the Shopaholic books. However I’d like to read more contemporaries. I recently started Double Play by Jill Shalvis which I’m enjoying, despite the fact that I’m not a sports fan (though I understand and appreciate baseball more than other sports!)
I read historicals more than any other genre. If I had more time to read, I’m sure I’d read more contemporaries. But as it is, I don’t get around to reading all the historicals that I want to!
I love contemporaries. I have to say that Toni Blake blew me away with Letters to a Secret Lover. From there I picked up her books, savoring them. They are fresh and realisitic. Rachel Gibson is absolutely hilarious and I love the dialogue. I recently read Flat out Sexy by Erin McCarthy and was so glad to discover another author who made me laugh. The guys are straight up yummy. Of course I completely love Susan Mallery books. I got her backlist and have been working my way through it. Carly Philips and Robyn Carr are also good authors. The only one from your list that I have not read was Christie Ridgway.
Don’t enter me in this contest because I already LOVE contemporaries. Besides the wonderful authors you have mentioned, I also enjoy reading just about anything from the following authors: Kristan Higgins, Lori Wilde, Susan Mallery, Jennifer Crusie, Stef Ann Holm, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
I don’t read a lot of comtemporaries, but lately I have been reading a few! I mostly read historicals! I am reading a Jane Porter book right now and really enjoying it. So maybe I should start reading more comtemporaries! I also loved Toni Blakes One Reckless summer so I would love to read her new book Sugar Creek!
I read anything I can get my hands onto. It started out just paranormal then slowly ok quickly branched out. I am now an addictive reader. I just can’t stop with one. 🙂
Gee, thanks, Bev. You’ve already got me buying great historical reads every week…now all these contemps look delicious too! I ran out and bought Rachel Gibson’s new release after your recommendation and loved it. Lori Wilde’s Sweethearts’ Knitting Club was great, too–and now the second one of that series is out. Janet Evanovich is an auto-buy for me–I adore Stephanie Plum and her world. Sophie Kinsella’s Undomestic Goddess was hilarious. And Nora Roberts’ bride series looks great–has anyone read that?
I guess I look for the same thing in contemporaries that I think is done so well in historicals–the angst, the torment, the longing. I can’t identify with a heroine who thinks about her Manolo Blahnicks more than the hero.
LOL. Well there is plenty of angst, torment and longing in these books. I’ll tell you that. In relative terms, that’s the heroine that is more concerned with the colour of her bonnet, the material of her gown or that the hero has a title. No one wants heroines that like in contemporaries OR historicals. 😉
I read a lot of mystery/suspense. James Patterson is one of my favorites.
I also enjoy Jane Porter. She is consistently great.
I haven’t read these authors, but they sound great.
I don’t read contemporaries very often, I mostly read historical, paranormal, urban fantasy, scifi romance and steampunk. I do have a few contemps on my TBR shelves, but it isn’t often that I decide to pick one up. Some authors that I have waiting are Nora Roberts, Carly Phillips, Toni Blake and Lori Foster. I have to admit Rachel Gibson’s books sound like fun.
I read contemporaries or any other genre. I am a stange reader since I usually have 4 or 5 books going at a time-a Western, a mystery, a thriller, a romantic suspense, a historical romance. I read the one that I am interested in at the time. Did I mention that I am a fast reader? All odf the books you have written about are by authors that I have read befoe and I enjoued their stories.
I am doing my part to help the economy-I purchase way too many books, but hey, can’t have enough books to select from after I finish one.
Okay, you’ve sold me. It happened somewhere around the heat level mention, lol. I’ll be checking these out. 🙂 Mira
I read all genres. I like to read the authors that you mentioned I also recommend Carly Phillips, Jane Porter and Janelle Denison. They are great contemporary writers.
I mostly read paranormal romance,I like the world building that authors come up with and the escapism. Then recently I started reading some contemporary books. And have really enjoyed them.
Historicals have always been my favorite but that’s not to say I never read contemporaries although I don’t have any favorite authors. I have heard of the authors above but have never read them. I do like the idea of some humor but normally I like to read things that aren’t of my world. I do like variety though so it’s nice to read something different once in a while.
I don’t typically find myself reading contemporaries. The closest I think I’ve come is the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. *AND* I only picked them up because a friend said they were so funny. (They are!) No matter what kind of book I pick up I think I always expect to learn something, which is why I love historicals so much, its an unknown world and seems all new to me. I am a genealogy buff, and I imagine my own ancestors during those periods or I put myself in the era I am reading about.
I may check out the Toni Blake Destiny books…I am almost ashamed to admit it, but the cover is really lovely. It evokes a certain mood and makes me want to buy it – although one should never judge a book by it’s cover, right? ; )
I started reading historicals but I like to switch it up between historicals and contemporaries. I came across Rachel Gibson by accident reading Tangled Up In You and have been slowly reading the rest of her books, all of which I love so far. Victoria Dahl’s Tumble Creek series is AMAZING! I would recommend it to everyone if they want a fun, sexy read.
I like books that are fun to read, especically in contemporaries. It also doesn’t hurt if its steamy either. Toni Blake has been an author I’ve wanted to try but just haven’t gotten to it but that may have to change!
Right now romantic suspense is my first love. I do read contemporaries, but not as much as romantic suspense. I have read do enjoy Rachel’s books. Susan Andersen and Susan Donovan are some of my favorites.
I don’t read a lot of contempories and as yet haven’t read any of the ones you have mentioned but I have read Robin Kaye’s books and Marie Force’s ones and would highly recomend them to you. Robin’s books have made me laugh and are great romances with an Italian feel to them and Maries’s are very well written and great stories filled with lots of love and romance.
Have Fun
I’ve just recently started reading contemporaries (other than chick lit, which I used to read, but don’t anymore). My current favs are Victoria Dahl and Lisa Kleypas – it’s funny that two great Regency authors are also writing great contemporaries. I especially love Lisa Kleypas’ – lots of intensity and great lead characters. Another author I tried that I loved is Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I read Nobody’s Baby But Mine and Dream a Little Dream and both were just great. I’ve also heard that Julie James is really good, but I haven’t tried any of hers yet.
Two others to add to your list are Shiloh Walker and Lauren Dane. Shiloh writes very intense romances with lots of angst. Her two most recent ones that have gotten great reviews are Broken, and Fragile. I read Lauren Dane’s Chase brothers books (there are 4 – Giving Chase, Making Chase, etc.) and they were all very enjoyable. The heat level on these is pretty high.
My go to books lately have been historical romance but occasionally I must pick up a good contemporary – call them my feel good, light read. I have read a couple from Rachel Gibson but have never read Toni Blake or Christine Ridgway. Some of my favorites right now are Robin Kaye (just discovered), Susan Mallery, Lori Wilde & Carly Phillips to name a few. I have to say I love contemporaries as much as historicals but what I choose to read just depends on the mood I am in at the time.
I dabble in contemporaries. I normally read Nora Roberts, Julie Garwood and Linda Howard, although the last 2 might be categorized as thrillers/suspense. My favorite genre is historical because it provides me with an escape from my normal everyday life. I don’t get the same buzz or good feeling when I read a contemporary story that’s about someone else’s problem that is similar to mine, a friend, or one of my sisters. But, if I win, I’ll certainly give one of your recommended writers a go.
When I was younger, I read contemporary romances but I felt they were all the same; so I stopped reading them. I’m a big paranormal romance fan, though.
Last year, I won What I Did For Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips and left it on my bookcase for a while. One day I was looking for a book to read and decided to try it… boy, am I glad I did! The book was sweet and funny and just too cute for words! Now it’s time for me to give contemporary romances another chance.
i usually only dabble in contemporaries, but i do love toni blake, and if i win, i would LOVE sugar creek! i’ve heard good things about rachel gibson and christie ridgeway, so i’ll have to give them a try as well…susan elizabeth philips and jennifer crusie are some of my favorites too, and i find other really great contemporary authors through the harlequin blaze line.
I have to admit that lately I’ve been reading more contemporaries than historicals! I just finished Straight Up by Deidre Martin, Sugar Creek by Toni Blake and Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts.
I love the contemporaries am just getting into them. Great bunch of books there,I just finished one by Nora Roberts Hot Rocks! thanks
I adore Nora Roberts novels, and so far those are the only contemporaries I’ve read. I could not put down The Reef of Honest Illusions, but I must say there is something about the Historicals that I just can’t get enough of. Give me a regency title with a handsome duke and lowly kitchen maid (julie quinn) and I just can’t stop and again it all started with Nora Roberts’s historical Reckless. I can honestly say I’ve read that book at least 4 times…But the ones you have read sound AMAZING, especially the Steven, Jackson story..hope that I win!!!!
I do read contemporaries, but I’ve never tried anything by these authors. I’ve read all three of Julie James books. Her books have terrific plots and LOL scenes. I also read Connie Brockway’s Nora Roberts and Lisa Kleypas’s contemporaries.
I read just about everything. I haven’t read these authors yet!
What a fun and interesting topic! I love reading both contemporary romances and historicals!
Some contemporary romances I like are Harlequin books, especially Harlequin Presents. Authors like Penny Jordan, Carole Mortimer, and Anne Mather are a few favorites that come to mind. I just love how these books have those international locations with the heroine getting swept off her feet by the hero. I find them a great (and fun) escape. I also love Harlequin Blazes and Harlequin Romances, plus many more!! 🙂
Two books you’ve mentioned, “One Reckless Summer” and “Sugar Creek”, look like real stand-outs to me. I’ve never read a Toni Blake book and hers sound like just what I like in a romance, hot, spicy, and full of tension! 🙂
I have a few of Christie Ridgway’s “Silhouette Special Editions”. I’ve never tried her other contemporaries, which also look very good. I will look out for them in the future.
I really enjoyed reading this blog post and I hope everybody has a great day!!
I do read contemporaries but; have not read these authors. I kind of read all kinds of differant books. Adding them though cause they all sound good. One of my favorites is Cathie Linz. Her books have a bit of humor and I just really enjoy how she writes.
I read historicals exclusively for a long time – I didn’t think I liked contemporaries till I read Toni Blake, but that opened up a whole new world to me. Weirdly, I know I lot of historical readers who’ve been turned on to her books, so she’s definitely a great bridge author.
Well, (*points to her ‘Name’) I’ve been hooked on Historicals for the longest. When Lisa Kleypas, being one of my favorites, crossed over and did a contemporary, I naturally followed. Reluctantly at first, but now I see what you mean. I’ve got the bug too. I’ve only read the Travis family series by LK and My Sunshine by Cathrine Anderson, but I SO want to find other authors to cement the genre for me. I’ve seen Rachel Gibson’s name come up a lot and even investigated some of her books on youtube (interviews and what not).. I hope to read something by her soon!
I do enjoy contemporaries, but it’s just not my favorite genre. I always tell everyone that I was born in the wrong century, LOL!
I adore all of the authors you have mentioned so far. I wasn’t a contemporary fan until I read my first Rachel Gibson book, and from that point on I was hooked like you!
There is an abundance of fabulous contemporary authors out there that are just waiting for you to try them, knowing that once you do, you will love them too.
Good luck to all of the entrants, I know you will find just the right books to get you hooked on Contemporary.
I love reading contemporaries in between historicals – it keeps me from overdosing on any one genre. 🙂 Some of my favorite contemporary authors are Catherine Anderson, Christina Dodd (I <3 her historicals too!), Susan Mallery (especially her foodie ones!), Nora Roberts, and Diana Palmer. I also just discovered Victoria Dahl and I LOVED her triliogy (Talk Me Down, Start Me Up, & Lead Me On). I've read Rachel Gibson and really enjoy her books too. I've not read Christie Ridgeway and will have to check her out!
I read just about everything. I do tend to prefer historicals, but the contemporaries I’ve read have been most enjoyable. Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ WHAT I DID FOR LOVE was great. I am on vacation so my list of books is at home (and this hotel computer keeps dumping me off). I have not yet read any Rachel Gobson, but it sounds like I’ll have to remedy that. Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Fern Michaels and Sandra Brown are a few others I have read. A good story is a good story, no matter what the genre.
Great post! I love to read both historical and contemporary romances. Some of the contemporary authors that I love to read are Lisa Kleypas, Robyn Carr, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I decided to read Lisa Kleypas’s contemporary books after reading her historicals and falling in love with them. I would highly recommend her Travis family series, just wish she would write the other brother Joe’s book. As for Robyn Carr I love her Virgin River series, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips because to me she has the perfect balance of romance and humor. Now you have me wanting to read the authors you’ve mentioned on your list. I love finding new authors to try! Toni Blake and Rachel Gibson sound really good and will have to check them out. Thanks!
I’ve slowly transitioned from mostly contemporaries to mostly paranormals, but I do love reading a good contemporary every now and then.
I’ve read most of Rachel Gibson’s and have enjoyed them all. You do realize that “Not Another Bad Date” is the 4th in a series, sort of, right? The series starts with Sex, Lies, and Online Dating.
I also have read and really enjoyed Christie Ridgeway’s “First Comes Love” and “Then Comes Marriage” stories.
Victoria Dahl writes wonderful contempories – “Talk Me Down” starts the Tumble Creek series. She also writes historicals.
Carly Phillips’ Bachelor series is wonderful. Some of her other ones, eh.
Christina Dodd writes some really nice contempory, suspence romance.
Jennifer Crusie is the queen of contemporary romance. You must read all of her books! Start with “Bet Me”.
I like Sandra Hill. Funny. Start with “The Love Potion” for her Cajun series.
I have quite a few Lori Foster, but I still need to read them.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips is an awesome writer.
Lani Diane Rich writes both really fun contemporary romance and chick lit.
Marcia Evanick’s Misty Harbor series is delightful! Start with “Catch of the Day”
I enjoy Elizabeth Beverly’s books.
I didn’t read everyone elses’ comments before leaving my own, but I will to see if I can find new authors.
Most of the authors I’ve listed are romantic comedy romance authors. I like my contemporaries light and fun with laugh out loud moments.
I typically read historicals….I think it is because they take you to a different time and place far from the pressures of today’s society.
I do read some contempory novels. I found Pamela Clare after reading her historicals and wanted more to read from her. She is a great author. That lead me to Toni Blake’s and I’ve read everything she has written…absolutely awsome novels!!!
I haven’t tried any of the other authors you mentioned. I like several of Nora Roberts older trilogies & family series. I just bought a book by Christy Reece to try, but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.
Although I still prefer my historicals, it is a nice change of pace to read a contemporary novel.
Thank you for a great list of authors….I’d love to be entered in your drawing.
i do love contempory novels
love rachel books theya re great and funny
i have been reading more erotic books but love funny contemps
I prefer historicals, but I love good contemporary novel, especially if they’re funny!
I haven’t read books by any of the authors, although I’ve been planning to try Rachel Gibson’s 😉
I’ll now add Toni Blake’s books on my tbr list! 🙂
My favorite contemporary’s so far are Tangled Up in Love by Heidi Betts, Julie James’ books, Robin Kaye’s & Louisa Edwards’ On the Steamy Side!
I read contemporary books along with historical and paranormal books. I don’t discriminate. But I could use a little help finding new authors of contemporary books to try. Thanks for all the suggestions I’ve found here!
I read a lot of paranormals and even more historicals. Contemporary books are also some of my favorites but for some unexplainable reason I tend to read less of these. Is it because the world in those is more similar to mine and I want to escape reality for real… I don’t know maybe, I read one of Deirdre Martin’s like a week or so ago and was pleasantly surprised as to how much I loved it. And I wondered why I don’t try more contemporaries. These books shown also look good, I own a copy of Rachel’s Not Another Bad Date and I think it’s time I try another one of hers. For I really liked it. Thanks for reminding me.
I don’t normally read contemporaries because sometimes things are just too normal for me. I like historicals and paranormal because its something different
I stick primarily to historical romances and prefer the Regency and Victorian periods. I’m not opposed to reading contemporary books, but they just haven’t hit my ‘hot buttons’ yet. Aside from that, I have a huge selection (1000+ at last count) of historicals I really need to read before sticking a toe into contemporary waters! Of course, I wouldn’t turn down a free read! LOL
I’ll try anything and if I enjoy the genre, will look for more. Right now I’m obsessing about the Victorian period and turn of the century. Enjoying Sherlock Holmes at the moment, though the stories aren’t romances though you can sometimes find a little romance in some story lines! 🙂
My favorite romance authors are historical, though I occasionally read Nora Roberts work because her books tend to be enjoyable, and often have an element of the supernatural in them and I like paranormal stuff, too. I occasionally dabble in a more traditional contemporary, but I haven’t read any recently. I’ve never read any of the authors on this list, but it sounds like they’ve written some wonderful books. Maybe I’ll have the chance to give them a try! 🙂
I don’t normally read contemporaries because I often find that they feel dated, full of characters who seem like they couldn’t possibly exist in this day and age. Plus most of my favourite authors write historicals. 🙂