Today, as I continue my countdown to the release of my second historical romance, A TASTE OF DESIRE, the on going acrimony between my heroine, Amelia and hero, Thomas continues…
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Lady Amelia Bertram may have a reputation as the most brazen beauty of the ton, but she shocks even herself when she accidently—and loudly—derides one of society’s most eligible bachelors in the middle of a crowded ballroom. The timing of her faux pas couldn’t be worse, for her father is seeking someone to take her off his hands that very night…


But when Thomas Armstrong overhears the so-called “Lady” Amelia slandering his sexual prowess in public, he cannot help but accept the dare implicit in her words. To her father’s great delight, he offers to take her to his secluded country estate—properly chaperoned, of course—to teach the girl a lesson in ladylike behavior…

In this scene, Amelia has just entered her father’s study and in the process bashed poor Thomas in the head with the door. She has offered him a cool, “Pardon me.”

“I didn’t expect someone would place themselves so near a closed door,” she added in case he’d misconstrued her statement as an apology.

Her father’s face seized up as if in the midst of an apoplexy. Lord Armstrong’s mouth flattened, his regard narrowing to a squint. Amelia returned his stare placidly. He could stare—or glare, as it were—at her all he wanted. She didn’t give a whit, ignoring her heart knocking a frantic beat beneath her breastbone.

“It is also customary to knock before opening a closed door,” came the viscount’s glib reply.

“Might I remind you, my lord, it is ­I who resides in this house.” The gall of the man, trying to chastise her. Who told him he should situate himself thus? Hinges on doors were not meant as frivolous ornaments; they did have a purpose.

“Amelia is regrettably sorry,” her father hastily interjected.


Like hell she is! The bloody woman had probably parked herself outside waiting for the opportunity to bash his head in. Thomas wouldn’t put anything past her.

Tamping down his growing irritation, he replied smoothly, “Yes, Harry, I am quite certain she is.”

“I do hope I’m not preventing you from leaving. You were on your way out, were you not?” she asked in dulcet tones, a smile curving her lips.

If it had been any other woman, Thomas could have envisioned many other uses for such a mouth; plump lips the deep pink of a man’s erotic dreams. And if one were dealing purely in aesthetics, who could fail to appreciate the dark-haired beauty’s jaw-dropping figure shown to its best advantage in a gown the exact sapphire blue of her eyes, the fitted corsage allowing for the glorious display of creamy skin. But as stunning as she was, he wouldn’t have her if she begged him. Not that he would mind the begging part. That he would relish if only to have the pleasure of refusing her.

“Er…Thomas, thank you for calling. I expect I shall see you again before my departure.”

Thomas issued Harry a curt nod. “Yes, I expect you will.” He returned his attention to her. “And as always, Lady Amelia, it was a pleasure,” he said, managing to remain quite straight-faced, for surely Judas could not have told a grander lie.

For a brief moment, something sparked in her blue eyes, breathing life into the flawless, glacial beauty of her countenance and hinting at a slumbering fire. If he gave a damn—which he most assuredly did not—it’d give him cold satisfaction to see her icy hauteur reduced to a puddle on the floor.

“Well, as we are both well aware, if I claimed likewise it would be a blatant untruth.”

The cheeky little piece!

The sound of Harry’s sharp intake bounced off paned glass and dark paneled walls. “Amelia—”

Thomas held up his right hand to forestall Harry’s coming reprimand. She must always have the final word. God, he’d sooner strip naked and immerse himself in a vat of leeches then spend a minute in her company, which meant he’d already remained in her presence at least four minutes too long.

“That’s quite all right Harry. I certainly wouldn’t want your daughter to lie.”

“I’m glad we can agree on that,” she said tartly.

Not trusting himself to issue her another word—at least not a civil one—Thomas dipped his head in a shallow bow, giving her one final glance. Lord, what was it about her that always had his control splintering under the weight of her acerbic tongue? And just what was her grievance against him? In dealing with him, she was more than merely cold—as was her reputation—she wore the requisite pointed black hat and rode about perched on a broom like her sisters of the dark craft.

Women, ladies, matrons, the female population as a whole, simply did not despise him on sight.

Lady Amelia had.

Many claimed even children were not immune to his brand of wit and charm.

Lady Amelia most definitely was.

Annoyed at the direction of his thoughts, as if he gave a damn about her opinion, Thomas turned to address Harry. “I will see myself out. Good day, Harry…Lady Amelia.” He then calmly took his leave.

89 Replies to “Another Taste”

  1. Oh I really like this excerpt Beverley. I look forward to reading this and can ell that the banter between these two will be most enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.
    Carol L.

  2. Congrats, Beverley on your 1 Year Anniversary, The Season is a great site. I can’t tell you how many books I have purchased because the book was being promoted by your site.

    Your first release is listed as one of my favourite reads, I can wait and hope your new release is every bit as exciting, from the excerpt it is fantastic.

    Keep up the great work.

  3. This one looks fun! I love the love/hate type of relationships! 🙂 Happy Anniversary too by the way!! 🙂

  4. I’ve been eagerly anticipating this book since Thomas and Amelia first came face to face in Sinful Surrender. The date is already marked on my calendar! 🙂

    Congrats on the first anniversary of The Season. It’s one of my favorite stops on the web!

  5. Wow that totally pulled me in. Thanks for sharing with us Bev! I can’t wait for their story. I am already loving Amelia.

    Congrats to you on your 1st anniversary.

  6. I’m fairly new to the site, but I love it already and your book sounds wonderful! Please sign me up and congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I now have to go get your previous book! Thanks!


  7. I am a big fan of Historical Romances, and can’t wait to read more of this book. Thank you for this opportuity.
    Congratulations on your First Anniversary.

  8. Ooohh! What a deliciously tasty tidbit this excerpt is. Can’t wait to read the rest of the story. I love the sparks flying between these two and I can see myself laughing at their banter!

  9. Looking forward to another B.Kendall after reading Sinful Surrender. Amelia and Thomas sound yummy! Please enter me in the giveaway. I am also in the Season Group at Good Reads. Thank you.

  10. Wow, that excerpt had me wanting more! I’ve just added it to my wishlist.

    Happy Anniversary!

  11. Congratulations on your one year Beverley! Thanks for the review on this book it sounds great. I am going to order it.
    Happy reading!

  12. Sounds great Bev! Congrats on your future release and one year anniversary. ^^

  13. Congratulations on your anniversary.
    I enjoyed the excerpt. They sound like fun characters.
    Best Wishes,
    Betty Hamilton

  14. Congrats on your one year anniversary and also your new release, I love the website it always keeps me up-to-date on the new books that are coming out that I need to read and buy. Thanks for the giveaway I love winning new books especially ones I’ve never read and haven’t had time to buy.

  15. Wow. A great website and great reviews for your book. I predict brisk sales! Congratulations.

  16. Enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds really good as all of Beverly’s seem to be. I like the way she writes and have added this one to my TBR list.

  17. I’m so excited to read the second of your books, very much enjoyed the first and love the bits you keep dropping us! Congrats on the year anniversary!

  18. LOL! I love stories where the hero and heroine clearly pose a challenge to the other–sounds like a great read, Beverley!

  19. Love the word ‘cheeky’. I use it all the time. New book sounds brill, Beverley, and I enjoyed the excerpt. It’s amusing and clever. I agree with Fedora and I think Lady Amelia is going to give Thomas a run for his money! Happy 1 year anniversary!

  20. Love this website! Only problem is there are so many good books to read and I have to find the time to read them all!!!!

  21. Hi Beverley! Thank you for the excerpt. “A Taste of Desire” sounds great and I can’t wait to read it. Also, congratulatins on your first anniversary of The Season!

  22. Love this site! Congrats on the anniversary! Thanks for the great excerpt today. Can’t wait to get reading.

  23. Hi, Beverley! A Taste of Desire sounds like it will be another wonderful book. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary. I love this site!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  24. Wow! Sounds like a delicious book! Thanks so much for doing all of this for all of us book junkies! It’s the best I have ever been apart of!!

    Thanks for sharing the anniversary with us!!


  25. Oh how you tease us…..and then to wait SO long for the release of this book! LOL!

    Thanks Bev…and Happy Anniversary to the Season!

  26. I loved your last book and I know I am going to love this one too. What a fantastic cover! Happy Anniversary, again!!!

  27. I love it! This girl sure does need those lessons in lady-like behavior! But the thought of her making such a faux pas in public is absolutely delicious. Onto my tbr pile this “taste” goes!

  28. Thanks for the excerpt. Someone just mailed me a bookmark for your new book from RWA. It looks like it will be another great read.

  29. Hmm this seems interesting. Will have to read to see how I feel. Congrats on the anniversary and your second release!

  30. OMG! I don’t want to wait anymore. January is too far! Great excerpt Beverley. This books looks amazing. I am loving the sparks between the two characters. I really like Amelia so far. Very cheeky! Congrats on the website being one. It’s a great site.

  31. Beverley! I am excited and thrilled for the new release and wish you the very best on the one year celebration! Thanks for the wonderful year!!

  32. This sounds like a great story! I love the fun and witty dialogue, it’s almost like foreplay. It should add a steamy element to the storyline.

  33. Now I want to know…why is she so rude/cold/obnoxious to him? This is one I would like to read!

  34. Can I just thank you for the excerpts….there’s nothing that gets me more excited about a book then getting tantalizing snippets over the course of several days. I’m really looking forward to this one now 😉

  35. Congrats on your upcoming release! I can’t believe you keep such a wonderful blog and have time to write too! 😀

  36. Thanks everyone. I positively love a book with tons of sexual tension and emotional conflict. I just I hope I did Amelia and Thomas’s story justice because they’re a great pair. 😀 (Says the author who wrote them).

  37. Sounds like this will be an enjoyable battle of wills and wit, not to mention biting remarks. Should be fun.
    Best of luck with the release. I am sure it will be as good as SINFUL SURRENDER.

  38. HiBeverly,
    Congrats on the anniversary & release, exciting!!! I have to add A Taste of Desire to my must read list, it sounds hot!!!
    Thanks for having this contest!

  39. I loved this excerpt Beverly! I am so looking forward to reading this book! Thanks so much for the great contest, you and The Season are so awesome!

  40. Somehow the blogger must have eaten my post 🙁 I just wanted to say I enjoyed your last book very much and I’m sure this one is a winner too!!

  41. Oh, I can already tell I’m gonna love this website! Thanks for the excerpt and enter me in to win books! Thanks

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