Best Historical of 2009 Giveaway!

As promised, today I’m giving away 3 copies of Jennifer Ashley’s, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, The Season’s 2009 Best Historical recipient. I have […]

Miranda Neville ~ Writer Envy

If you’re a writer, you’ve experienced it at one time or another. If it was a disease, we’d all be wiped out by it. Thank […]

Review: The Marriage Ring

The Marriage Ring Author: Cathy Maxwell Publisher: Avon/HarperCollins Pub. Date: February 23, 2010 ISBN-13: 978-0061771927 Retail Price: $7.99 368 pages The woman who will one […]

And the winners are…

Congratulations, ladies! Please email your contact information to me at historicals at smittenbybooks dot com. Stay tuned, next week I’ll be giving away 3 copies […]

Review: The Hellion and the Highlander

The  Hellion and the Highlander Author: Lynsay Sands Publisher: Avon/HarperCollins Pub. Date: February 23, 2010 ISBN-13: 978-0061344794 Retail Price: $7.99 416 pages Only one man […]

Giveaway: Goddess of the Hunt

As promised, to celebrate the first book to win The Season’s 2009 Best Historical Debut, I’m giving away 3 copies of the winning book, GODDESS […]

And the winners are…

Question: Who is the Armstrongs’ housekeeper (answer on page 304)? Answer: Mrs. Delacroix The winner of the $25 Amazon Gift Certificate for answering the above […]

And the winners are…

AND Congratulations, ladies! Please contact me at historicals at smittenbybooks dot com with your contact information to collect your book.

Giveaway: Gems of Historicals

I’ve had to delay my post on Authors Under the Radar: Claudia Dain. But have no fear, I will be posting it on March 2nd. […]