And the winner is…
Congratulations, Stacie! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com and remember to include the title. You have one […]
Ten Practical Lessons I Learned from Reading Romance Novels
by Jackie Barbosa For most of us, I think reading romance novels feels more like a guilty pleasure than an educational experience. That’s not to […]
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Willaful. Please email your snail mail address to me and include the title of the book you won at contests at theseasonforromance dot com. […]
The Alpha Male — My Brother
The problem with having an alpha male brother by Kat Latham My brother is my opposite in almost every way. The only things we have […]
Lori Brighton Talks Self-Publishing Gems
A year ago, heck, six months ago, self-publishing was thought of as a short road to ruination for any author’s career. Two words, “writer’s suicide” […]

Are You Working Hard Enough?
Vestibulum congue nisl magna. Ut vulputate odio id dui convallis in adipiscing libero condimentum. Nunc et pharetra enim. Praesent pharetra, neque et luctus tempor, leo […]
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Jenna! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com and include the titles you won. You have one […]
I’m making lemonade!
You know the old saying, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ Well this past week I found out that my publishing (former) company has […]
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Cecile! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com. You have one week to collect your books. 🙂
Keep It Clean!
Despite how large the publishing industry seems, in actuality it is very, very small. This business relies so heavily on networking—Facebook, Twitter, blogs, personal relationships—and […]