Comfort Zone

Comfort zone. Do you have one? I’d say we all do. Have you ever read outside your comfort zone with good results? Bad results? In […]

Today’s Question

Today’s Question: In Penny Warner’s HOW TO CRASH A KILLER BASH, what nickname does Presley have for Brad? Email your answer to contests at theseasonforromance […]

And the winners are…

Monday’s Winners Carol Luciano Brynna Nicole Synder Jennifer Mathis Cindy Warner Julie H Steeles For the truths I find to be self-evident post, the winner […]

Another Taste

Today, as I continue my countdown to the release of my second historical romance, A TASTE OF DESIRE, the on going acrimony between my heroine, […]

Day One: First Anniversary Giveaway

Welcome to The Season’s One Year Anniversary week long giveaway. Along with the week long giveaway going on on the site,  I’ll be posting a […]

Polls are nearing a close

Don’t forget to vote for your favourite historical August release.  The winner’s book will be displayed on the sidebar for the month of September! Click […]

Truths I find to be self evident

As a person, as an author, I have found many truths to be self evident and I came up with these two short lists: As […]

Excerpt Thursday ~ Hook Me!

So let me know if you’re hooked! CHASING THE TRUTH As an assistant on a powerful racing team, Emma-Lee Dalton wants to prove herself in […]

Review: The Pirate

The Pirate Author: Katherine Garbera Publisher: Brava / Kensington Pub. Date: July 1, 2010 ISBN-13: 978-0758232120 Retail: $14.00 Pages: 320 J.P. Lazarus is an ex-Navy […]

And the winner is…

The Season Facebook Group member who won 4 books in the preemptive mini-giveaway is… Andrew G. Andrew chose the books above. Congrats Andrew, your books […]