And the winners are…

Congratulations, ladies! Please email snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com. Winners of Lori Brighton’s books, please send me an email […]

Nice Guys Finish First

In Praise of the Nice Guy by Laura Lee Guhrke I have sometimes heard my father jokingly say that nice guys finish last, but having […]

Giveaway: Blood of the Rose

When Rosalind Llewellyn had to join forces with her enemy, Christopher Ellis to defeat a rogue Vampire threatening Henry VIII, their alliance led to a […]

My GORGEOUS Covers!!!

Okay, ask me if I’m over the moon happy the way the covers for my upcoming digital novella and book came out. YYYEEESSS!!!!! Romance author […]

Review: What I Did For a Duke

I just want to preface by saying this is singularly one of the best books I will read this year!! Not only is it an […]

And the winners are…

Congratulations, ladies! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com and remember to include the title.  You have one […]

Courtney Milan Gets UNVEILED

Today I’m sitting down with the very talented Courtney Milan and chatting about her latest–and undeniably greatest–historical romance titled UNVEILED. This book was a February […]

Super Bowl Mix-&-Match Giveaway

Since it’s the Super Bowl and in the majority of homes across the country, men are dominating the television sets, this giveaway should be all […]

And the winners are…

Congratulations, ladies! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com and remember to include the title. You have one […]