Another Taste

Okay, I missed giving you another taste of my sophomore book, A TASTE OF DESIRE in September but I’m on track now. I have precisely […]

And the winner is…

Congratulations, Maered! Please email your snail mail address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com. You have one week to collect your book.

Historicals anyone?

How about a straight up September 10 Star Top Pick and  very highly anticipated advance of Sarah MacLean’s November release? Comment to enter to win. […]

And the winners are…

~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ The winners of their choice of book for their participation in the September Book Club Discussion are… Jackie Barbosa and lovemyhistoricals Congratulations, […]

Jeannie Lin Debuts with Butterfly Swords

It’s debut week on Blog! Please welcome Jeannie Lin today. Jeannie is debuting with her Golden Heart winning manuscript, BUTTERFLY SWORDS! I was lucky enough […]

And the winners are…

Congratulations, ladies! Please email your full name and address to me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com. You have one week to contact me to […]

Review: Jane and the Damned

Jane and the Damned Author: Janet Mullany Publisher: Avon A /HarperCollins Pub. Date: September 28, 2010 ISBN-13: 978-0061958304 Retail: $13.99 Jane Austen Novelist . . […]