I don’t know about you but I’m a music oficiando as much as I am of the written word. Actually, for me the two go hand in hand, the perfect complement. I associate some of my favourite books with songs. The songs, like the romances I’ve enjoyed the most, are usually about love and sometimes the wrenching pain of heartbreak. Like some of the books, songs also have the power to bring me to tears.

In my head I firmly associate Southern Nights by Glen Campbell with Janet Dailey’s Southern Nights. I can’t hear that song without thinking of Janet’s book.

One song that, as a child, literally could reduce me to tears every single time I heard it was My Love by Paul McCartney and Wings. There is such poignancy in those lyrics that squeezes my heart when I hear it, even now. I associate this song with almost every book that’s ever touched me emotionally like Linda Howard’s Sarah’s Child.

When we’re talking about an emotional read that encompasses the hero and heroine’s wedding, nothingΒ  can move me like Stevie Wonder’s You and I. Or, once again, Paul McCartney and Wing’s Maybe I’m Amazed. Sigh.

The list of songs I love is endless and so too are the list of books I’ve adored over my decades of reading. In my mind, in my heart, they cannot be separated. Forever, at least for me, they’ve forged this unbreakable link, neither being able to survive sufficiently without the other. Both feed my soul.

As you can see, my love of the 70’s music is very much in evidence. What about you? Do you associate books with certain songs, a specific category of music? Which songs and which books? Comment to enter 2 books from what I still have from my Anniversary Giveaway stash.

39 Replies to “The Music in the Words”

  1. Like you, my whole world has an ever-changing soundtrack that spills into everything. When I write, there is always a song for every story, and in many cases the book is inspired by a specific song. I think music enhances our awareness of so many things, and very diverse levels. It riggers memory, it writes itself into the subconscious, and it can shape and transform our moods in minutes. Every book, every life experience, every cherished moment we live – if there is a song associated with it – it lives forever and is the most potent memory in the world. I can’t imagine life without it.

    Always, Denyse

  2. I tend to associate movies with music, not bppks although I do see a book like a movie in my mind.

  3. Hearing certain songs may recall a life event in my memory but I don’t relate any music to books I’ve read. However, I can see how writers use music to help clarify their inspiration for a WIP.

  4. Even though in my family I was the one who played the clarinet and sang in All-City choir when growing up in my family now the men have all the music. They tried to explain it to me and some how at different times in their lives (now this is from my husband who is in his 60’s and my sons in their 30’s) that they have all had times when their life was like the music in their minds. I do love when music is incorporated into novels but I don’t relate music to any certain books or themes. I questioned the male side of the my family equation (which took two long distance phone calls) and they said that when they read books in certain instances of drama or suspense they DO relate music to them. Guess in my family I’m the only one missing that particular music gene!

  5. Really interesting topic. Ive never thought to connect books to a song. I just might now. Lol

  6. I have never associated music with books. I might just have to try. I always associate certain songs with movies.

  7. I completely agree about associating movies and music. Usually, movies have soundtracks, which naturally lends itself to that association. I know that I can never listen to the end of Eric Clapton’s Layla without thinking and remembering Goodfellas. But I do it with books too. I thought everyone did. How wrong was I. LOL

  8. I also let the book write it’s own music. I guess I am not a multitasker because I want silence when reading so I emerge myself in the book.
    Love & Hugs,

  9. I never thought about the connection between books and music. I also associate music more with movies.
    I’ll have to start thinking about music and books now too.

  10. I have never relly connected books with music. I usually can connect books and music to things that happen in my life though.

  11. While music may bring to mind past events, memories, feelings or moments to mind, can’t say I’ve ever associated it to the books I’ve read. There’s often music playing while I read but it often “disappears” as I become engrossed in a book so that all I really “hear” is the book itself.

  12. Everytime I hear Hold Me Now by the Thompson Twins I think of Vampire Diaries. Without fail, everytime. Also, whenever I hear At the Stars by Better Than Ezra I think of Sweet Valley University books. I start to remember the characters, the plot, and the settings. It’s as if I’m reading the book all over again.

  13. Music pops into my head only if there’s an explicit mention of a song or something. Maybe if there’s a big ball scene, or if the characters are at the opera, etc… But otherwise, I tend not to associate music with the books I’m reading.

  14. I’m afraid it’s not something I ever thought of doing. Definitely soundtracks with movies, but never books. I loved all the songs that you mentioned because I too listened to 70’s music the most ( a little of the 60’s and some 80’s but then I got away from it for a while when raising my kids). Never my Love by The Association is one of my favorites.

  15. I can’t say that I’ve ever consciously associated a book with a particular song. That said, I do love it when music plays a significant role in a story. Especially when the themes and lyrics connect with the novel.

  16. I associate music with writing because I like to listen to certain movie soundtracks when I write. I’ve never associated music with books, although I do think about Jamie Fraser from Outlander whenever I hear bagpipes or Celtic music. πŸ™‚

  17. I tend to associate different parts of books with music. Usually when i’m reading historical i’ll hear classical in the background. Sometimes i’ll even turn on some to set the mood for the book. ^^ Other times i’ll have this song in my head when i’m reading and later come to associate the song with said book.

  18. When I’m reading UF/steampunk/paranormal I tend to have hard sounding songs in my head, the head banging songs. With Regency/historical I hear sweet songs and a lot of Broadway musicals. Sometimes, having music on adds to my feelings about the book and adds to the reading experience.

  19. I love music too, mostly current alternative and/or hard rock, but I like other genres too, as well as some rock oldies. I’ve never really associated music with favorite books. I read so much, and get so engrossed in the book, I pretty much block out whatever is going on around me. If music is being discussed in the book, I might think about it, otherwise, not really.

  20. Great topic. I also associate movies with music, but not because they are in the movie’s soundtrack. Sometimes I’ll just be listening to music on my headphones and I’ll think of how a song I’m listening to really reminds me of a certain movie I’ve seen. Like it could’ve been written for the movie, but it wasn’t. I can’t recall if I’ve ever associated a song with a book before, I probably did but I can’t remember. I also loved songs of the 70’s. I was a child then and I have a real affection for those songs and musicians, especially ABBA.

  21. I don’t usually associate songs with books unless a certain song is mentioned in a book.

  22. I usually associate books with music and I need it quiet while I read. LOL. Really good post.

  23. I don’t normally associate music with books but I do love it when a song is mentioned in the story. It makes the story very present.

  24. I generally don’t associate specific songs with books. The exception would be some of the contemporary romances because they often mention songs in them.

    For me it is more a case of a type of music. I am a big celtic music fan and stories set in the Highlands or Ireland are favorites (big surprise). I’ll often play classical music that is from the period in which a book is set.

  25. I don’t think of a song as I start to read but after I’ve finished I’ll hear a specific song and it will remind me of the story I have read. So it’s kind of in the reverse for me. πŸ™‚ I listen to 70’s music everyday at 101.1-CBSFM
    Love it. One song I can connect to many love stories is I Want To Kiss You All Over by Exhile. It’s such a sexy and romantic song. I love it. But Celtic, Irish and Scottish bagppes and songs are always a must with my Highlanders. πŸ™‚
    Carol L.

  26. I don’t know about entire books or entire pieces of music, but sometimes I provide my own background music in my head as I read certain passages in books.

  27. Bev it seems quite natural that you would think this way throughout your life since you eventually became an author!

  28. I loved your choices. I remember buying the album with “Maybe I’m Amazed” and playing that cut over and over. I guess I like quiet while I read, but there are songs that were so romantic: “Baby, I Need your Loving”(The Four Tops) , “When a Man Loves a Woman”(Percy Sledge), and “I’ll Never Find Another You” (New Seekers). I sang that last one to my husband when we got married as part of the ceremony and it just seemed to fit. I didn’t get married until I was 36 and he was the ONE. πŸ˜‰ This blog made me go to one of my favorite sites (Music of the Vietnam Era) and play a bunch of songs. It’s a free site and I can sing along with most of them. It brings lots of memories.

  29. When I read, music plays no part at all. I don’t hear anything or relate anything. I just enjoy the escape!
    lvsgund at gmail . com

  30. I also love the Golden Oldie’s songs. I have never associated them with a book though.

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