The Music in the Words

I don’t know about you but I’m a music oficiando as much as I am of the written word. Actually, for me the two go […]

Still more eGalleys for you

Are you wondering where I got these eGalleys? No, pilfering is not an option. These I picked up at the RWA Conference during Avons book […]

Review: My Lord Jack

My Lord Jack Author: Hope Tarr Publisher: Carina Press Pub. Date: July 12, 2010 ISBN-13: 978-1426890413 Retail: $5.39 Pages: Novel-length Former French courtesan Claudia Valemont […]

And the Grand Prize Winners are…

The winner of the $25 Amazon Gift Certificates are… Amber Eversmeyer Ayesha Masood Congratulations, ladies!! Please email me at contests at theseasonforromance dot com to […]

And the winners are…

Okay, the winners’ list is very long today, so let’s begin. The Season One Year Anniversary Friday winners are: Linda Banche Jennifer Langford Melissa Keith […]

Print Books or eGalleys? You choose

Today, on top of the 150+ books, I’m giving away this week, I’m giving away both print books and eGalleys. I’ll give you the print […]

Friday’s Question

Today’s Question: Okay, the question today is going to require double work, so let us begin. Find the last name of the hero in Maggie […]

And the winners are…

The Season One Year Anniversary Thursday winners are: Tracey Dent Rosie Nguy Danielle Gorman Amanda Tonar Sue Brandes Jeanne Sheats Congratulations, ladies! Please email your […]

Excerpt Thursday ~ Hook Me!

So tell me, were you hooked? Leave a comment and double your chances of winning 5 books from Thursday’s selection of The Season One Year […]

Thursday’s Question

Today’s Question: What was Rachel Farris’s former job occupation before she returned to Destiny to help her grandmother save the family orchard in Toni Blake’s […]