Anyone out there read Harlequin category books? I have for eons and a day. Okay, so I’m curious even if you don’t read them, which line do you read or would more closely suit your current reading habits. I’m even going to make the voting easier for you by giving you a brief description of the line.


January 2011

Harlequin Presents – Sensual. Powerful, rich and oftentimes, ruthless heroes. Lots of marriages of convenience and pregnancies. Exotic locations.

Harlequin Presents Extra – Think Harlequin Presents with more sass and a younger voice.

Harlequin Historical –  On the whole, tend to be not as sensual as single title historicals but have a broader range of time periods: western, regency, medieval etc.

Harlequin Blaze – Think highly sensual red-hot stories. More emphasis on the physical relationship.

Harlequin Intrigue – Romantic suspense so think intrigue, psychological thrillers, murder mystery and romance.

Harlequin Romance – Pure romance in a sweeter less sensual way the majority of the lines.

Harlequin Superromance – Longer book. Stories closer to real life. Usually less sensual than Presents.

January 2011

Harlequin Nocturne – Highly sensual paranormals.

Kimani Press – Contemporary African American love story. The story ranges are very broad.

Silhouette Desire – Wealth, beauty,  emotional intensity and desire are the cornerstones for this line. Strong conflict and like Presents, lots of marriages of convenience, secret pregnancies.

Silhouette Romantic Suspense – Romantic suspense. Romance is central to the plot.

Silhouette Special Edition – Sensuality level can range from sweet to sizzling. Think a deeper more emotional Harlequin Romance.

Steeple Hill Love Inspired – Contemporary Inspirational romance. Faith driven stories dealing with family and community.

Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical – See above, now put it in a historical setting.

Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense – See above, now add suspense to the mix.

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If you don’t read or ever tried Harlequin category romances, I’m curious to know why?

28 Replies to “Poll: Which lines/series floats your boat?”

  1. I really like that the Harlequin Historical line offers a broad range of time periods. There aren’t very many westerns published anymore, and this line keeps this dying breed in the market. 😛 I especially enjoyed some of Cheryl St. John’s westerns.

  2. I read several of these lines but I tend to follow authors not lines. Some favorites are Janice Kay Johnson, Karen Templeton, Sarah Mayberry.

  3. Too bad we could only vote for one. I read both the Intrigues and Historical in about equal amounts with an occasional Superromance thrown in.

  4. I don’t read Harlequin categories generally because the quality can be so hit or miss. I think I’ve enjoyed one HP and a smattering of Superromances, but even those were with authors I already knew or who came highly recommended. I know they’re cheaper than mass market, I don’t want to waste money on subpar writing or plotting.

  5. I love Harlequin books and I have books from all these catagories! They have books for every type of mood. My favorites are the Harlequin Presents and the Presents Extras. I also really like the Harlequin Romances, Blazes, Silhouette Desire, Historicals, and many, many more!!
    This was a fun topic! I wonder what catagories will win in the poll! 🙂

  6. I have read Harlequins but I think the historicals are my favorite. They have settings and locations that are unique and I really enjoy the variety of stories.

  7. I mostly read the historicals, but they’re very hit and miss with me. On one hand, you have really amazing writing from Carla Kelly and I’m currently reading Jeannie Lin’s Butterfly Swords, and it’s amazingly good. On the other hand, I’ve read other stories in this line that I just can’t get through. Perhaps that writing and those stories appeal to some, but they don’t to me.

  8. I have never read a category romance, and a lot of it has to do with prejudices I developed when I was younger. I’ve managed to shed some of those, but I still haven’t picked one up (there are a lot of single-title romances on my TBR list, so it’s hard to look at books that are so different from what I’m used to). My first romances weren’t my mom’s or grandmother’s, they were an accident–books that had a pretty, floral cover, intriguing titles, but bundled together as three with the back cover blurbs hidden. The author: Johanna Lindsey. My age: 14. I didn’t even know they were romances! I have a Blaze from the national RWA conference, but I haven’t started it.

    In high school, I had an English teacher who used to speak out against “Harlequins.” I immediately lumped her opinions with all those “thin, little books,” because she couldn’t possibly be talking about my well-loved single-titles.

    One of these days, I’ll get around to it. When I do, I think the Harlequin Historical and Blaze lines are more my style. I still cringe when I read about a tycoon and secret pregnancy (I’m not a big fan of contemporary romances anyway, so that might color it).

  9. I find comfort in Superromances. Tara Taylor Quinn is one of my favorites. I also read Intrigues, Historical, Blaze. Shoot, I think I’ve read books in all these series.

  10. When I was younger, I used to devour these. Now I rarely read them because most of them aren’t long enough to really develop the characters and plot and give me the angst and emotion that I love in a romance. With that said, because they are longer and more satisfying to read, I will occasionally pick up a Harlequin American or Super romance if the trope really appeals to me. Also, the quality tends to be a bit less uneven in those lines.

  11. Oops-I forgot to vote for Harlequin Romance. I’ve enjoyed a few of these over the years. There’s also Harlequin Medical Romance.
    I don’t find any of the Harlequin series books to be poorly written, but some really stand out. Lately I’ve picked up series books based on author (for instance Sarah Morgan who writes for Presents and the Medical line) or specific title recommendations. Like others have mentioned, I’ve enjoyed books by Carla Kelly, Jeannie Lin, and Cheryl St. John.

  12. I like the historicals and Nocturne books, the rest I usually don’t read because there’s too much of the billionaire tycoon’s secret baby kind of thing. I don’t read contemporary romance all that much, but there are some that I enjoy.

  13. I used to read them a lot more than now. I read the Silhouette Special Editions written by Nora Roberts and Jessica Bird and the early Silhouettes written by Heather Graham. Now the prices are only a few dollars cheaper than a full-length novel.

  14. I read more by author than line, so I’ve tried some of everything, but Harlequin Presents are my go-to read when I need something quick and exciting. Love the angst and craziness!

  15. I mostly read the Supers and the Historicals. I used to read every Blaze each month years ago, but I burned out pretty quick, so now I only read them if the truly catch my eye. Same with Intrigues. Everything else? Naaah.

  16. Nocturne is my favorite, but Harlequin Historicals and Silhouette Special Editions are right up there. However, I do read any of the lines when I pick up a book that has a great back cover blurb!

  17. I just started reading Suzanne Brockmann’s Tall Dark and Dangerous series and didn’t even know they were Silhouette Intimate Moments Books. I’ve not read many HQ books, mostly because I prefer novels with a little more story…..But now that I’ve discovered this series, I’m looking forward to reading more like them.

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