I can hear some of you saying, “Who cares?” LOL.  But for those who do or are just curious, I’m guest blogging (like I don’t blog enough, right?) over at Petit Fours and Hot Tamales about where I get the ideas for my historical romances and I’m also giving away a copy of SINFUL SURRENDER and an advance copy of A TASTE OF DESIRE.

Come back tonight, when I’ll be posting an actual blog and giving away more great books and posting the winner of the 3 Historicals for the Holidays.

11 Replies to “Where am I?”

  1. We would never say ‘Who cares”. That’s just mean and we’re all nice on this blog. We do care!
    ‘Petit Fours and Hot Tamales’….great name for a blog. Hee. Be over in a sec.
    Fun times tonight! Oh, I’m all giddy…. 🙂

  2. Running over!!!

    And I’ll probably will be asleep when you post here…so I’ll catch up tomorrow.

    in Germany

  3. A good plot works any genre. Although it’d be interesting to read your plots in a contemp setting.

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