I have to admit, I was one of those readers who couldn’t conceive of spending $399 for an ereader.  My CP immediately embraced the idea but I kept saying, “Do you know how many books I could buy with $399?” Plus, I loved the print book reading experience. I couldn’t imagine that an ereader could ever compete with that.

Click for Kindle specifications

Then I got a Sony ereader and my reading life as I knew it changed. Sigh. Talk about convenience. Talk about joy. Now, I’m not saying my ereader has usurped my print reading experience, but boy does it get closer and closer everyday. I’m eyeballing that Nookcolor like nobody’s business and it will be mine soon. In the meanwhile, since this year I’m launching myself wholly into the digital market with ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE & SEDUCTION and AN HEIR OF DECEPTION, I thought it only fitting that one of my monthly prizes be an ereader, so for my February Contest I’m giving away a KINDLE on my website.

Here’s how the contest will work, if you include just your name and email address will entered.  For every friend you refer to the contest, you will receive 1 (one) additional entry. Make sure that when your friend enters, they make sure to include your full name in the REFFERED BY field. There are also 2 (two) bonus questions. The correct answer to each will get you 3 (three) additional entries, which means you can get 6 (six) for answering both correctly. And if you’re a regular blog posters, fear not I haven’t forgotten you. The 5 (five) top commenters for the month of February will receive 5 (five) additional entries. The winner will be announced March 4, 2011! The winner must contact within 2 weeks to collect their Kindle. 🙂

19 Replies to “Win A Kindle!”

  1. This is soo great. I read paper all the time. I have never been able to afford the E versions. Crossing fingers I can get someone new to yer site. Most of my friends who are Romance readers are already there.

  2. Wow!!! I think this is one of the best giveaways I have ever seen. Thank you for giving one of us a chance to win. Very nice!

  3. What a generous giveaway. I have been looking at e-readers and then looking at the piles of books I have. I am also finding more boos available only as e-books. I think my husband would like it, then he could stop building bookcases.

  4. I feel you on this one- I really love the print reading experience, but e-readers just have a way of growing on you! I think it’s the convience of being able to carry so many books at a time. My purse would never be able to handle that many paperbacks.

  5. I’ve got a Kindle 2 and love love love it! We travel a lot overseas and the 3G option is AWESOME although proving to be an expensive perk. What, I’m in Poland when the new Shalvis/Burton/etc. comes out? No matter…let me just download it! It makes travel so much easier and I love having all the different options available rather than the few books I can pack in a suitcase! I’ve been eyeing a newer version of the Kindle so I can pass the one I have to my daughter…! What a great giveway. Good luck everyone.

  6. Wow, what a great contest! I would so love to win a kindle! I read e-books on my net book, but I think it would be much more comfortable holding on to an e-reader!

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!


  7. Help! Our local bookstore closed and I’m in deserate need of an ereader! I love to read and used to go at least three times a week to pick up all the must read storeis I read about on The Season. You were my lifeline on finding out what books to read next and the bookstore my place to buy them! I’d love to win this contest so I can once again support all the wonderful authors I’ve found out about thru this site.

  8. Thanks for the wonderful and generous contest! It would be so great to win an ereader, then I’d be able to get books that are only available as ebooks and also save some space where my “physical” books are.

  9. Great contest Beverley. I’ll be submitting my entry soon! Don’t have my copy of A Taste of Desire yet…but hopefully I will soon.

  10. Thanks for the wonderful contest, Beverley, and the chance to win! I would love to have a Kindle. Thanks again!

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