Spring is here.  And for GRW all the buzz is about the Maggie!

This year, not only is the Unpublished Maggie Award for Excellence electronic, we’ve added a new category – Young Adult.  We’re very excited to include this fast growing subgenre in our contest, and hope you are too.

Each entry is a maximum of 35 pages (synopsis and chapter(s) combined).  Entries will be sent to judges by June 17 and are due back by July 31.  Maggie Award categories are:  Single Title, Historical, Contemporary Series Romance, Paranormal, Inspirational and Young Adult.

I understand how demanding and complicated an author’s life can be, but the time and effort you put into judging may very well make entering the Maggie contest a life-changing event for our entrants.  What a powerful way to pay it forward.  I encourage you to please make time this year to judge the Unpublished Maggie.

If you are interested, contact me at DCrowderWrites@gmail.com with your category preferences and contact information.

I look forward to working with you.



All the best,


Darcy Crowder

2011 Maggie Chair


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