Looks and Lucy Are Deceiving

 Hi, Seasoned Readers! I’m here today to talk about my contribution to the Brava anthology Improper Gentlemen, “To Match a Thief,” which debuts tomorrow. I wanted the novella to be loosely connected to my Courtesan Court series, which takes place on fictional Jane Street, home to the most exclusive mistresses in London. An unseen ‘accidental’ character from the previous books conveniently popped up—Lucy Dellamar, who was gossiped about for her light fingers. All the courtesans on the street suspected her of theft, and the heroines of Mistress by Mistake and Mistress by Midnight had been warned about her. I got to thinking, who is Lucy and why is she stealing? The rest is history and “To Match a Thief.”

Lucy is not quite a courtesan, to steal the title from my other novella in last year’s Lords of Passion. Her protector Lord Percy Ferguson has a very private life, and the hero, Sir Simon Keith, is definitely not a gentleman. In fact, he’s most improper. 😉 Not one of them is what they appear to be, and I had such fun revealing their secrets.

And the best part? At a third of the length of a novel, I was able tell their tale in a relatively short space of writing time. Don’t worry, I didn’t skimp. Publishers Weekly says: “Robinson’s witty multidimensional characters are vividly entertaining in “To Match a Thief.”

Do you read anthologies or hold out for a full-length book? Have you discovered new writers by reading a story in an anthology? I’ve got a signed copy of Improper Gentlemen for one commenter, and I’ll be back next month (thanks Bev!) to give away a copy of Mistress by Marriage!

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances. For more information on Maggie’s books, please visit her at www.MaggieRobinson.net and follow her on Twitter at @MaggieLRobinson

55 Replies to “Giveaway: Maggie Robinson pens an Improper Gentleman”

  1. Hi Maggie!! I LOVE To Match a Thief! and if I hadn’t read any of your other books, this anthology would have been the perfect way for me to get a flavour for your writing so that I could decide whether or not to buy more! (Of course, I have read everything you’ve written but that’s neither here nor there)

    I used to not like anthologies because I thought I was spending the same amount of money on a book, but getting less than a full story, but after reading a few of them I saw anthologies as a blessing. No, I don’t get a full-length book, but I DO get 4 (or more) short reads that are almost always JAM PACKED with as much emotion, angst and conflict as a full length book, but which doesn’t take as much time committment (because let’s face it, I have NO time anymore)–and I can “try out” new authors without investing in that long book.

    *hugs* and congratulations on another fantastic release, Maggie!

  2. Welcome Maggie! You know I love having you on. I can’t believe this but I think this is the only one of your books I haven’t read yet. I’m flabbergasted and scratching my head wondering WHY? I have to rectify this immediately. I love your stuff. I’ll be stopping by in later too–at work here. Hugs and kisses, my dear, on your release and congratulations.

    JK that was me about anthologies too. I really really had to LOVE an author to buy an anthology she had a book in. Hmm, actually, it’s still kind of that way still. LOL.

  3. I do like to read anthologies. I find that it’s a great way to check out new writers.

    Maggie, I love your books and can’t wait the next one.

  4. I dont read anthologies very often. But when they are good, they are great! Who wouldnt love a good story that you can read in a shorter time. But I suspect it must be hard to write. Because it is hard to find good ones! 🙂 It is a terrific cover!

  5. I like anthologies, read them frequently, and in fact just read “Lords of Passion” this weekend (my library can be a bit slow, but they get the books eventually). I particularly like them for when my attention span isn’t the best, and really do appreciate how hard it is to get a complete and well-paced story told well within the short length of a novella.

  6. Lisa, this is my second novella in an anthology, and they both weren’t really “hard.” In fact, I had a whole lot of fun with them! You do have to pick up the pace tho, keep the time frame short, and it helps if the characters already have a connection to speed the relationship along. 🙂

    Amie, kisses to you! You don’t have too long to wait. 🙂

    Bev, check your email later. 😉 Thanks again for having me here!

    JK, right back at you, my ‘angel.’ 😉 For those of you who don’t know, my crit partner JK Coi just had Falling Hard release from Samhain last week, an angel paranormal.

    I used to be reluctant about anthologies too, but find them perfect when I want fall into something but don’t have a lot of time. Holiday anthologies are always fun.

  7. I tend to avoid anthologies, unless a writer I adore is part of one. I have been lucky enough to find awesome new writers through anthologies, however, so maybe I shouldn’t be so narrow-minded. 😀

  8. Maggie, I really do like anthologies, especially during the school year when I want a quick HEA fix and don’t want to take a long time to read a book. Anthologies can be just as satisfying and I admire how authors can write a great story in such a short length of pages. However, I read a lot of full-length novels in summer.
    Congrats on your success. I enjoyed following your comments on the old JQ/EJ Board. 🙂

  9. I read all kinds of books and I like anthologies. I have been introduced to authors I have not read when I select those kinds of books.
    Your book sounds really good.

  10. I read fast so novellas are usually too short for me. However, they are perfect to read on the treadmill at the gym. And I have found some good new authors through them.

  11. Anthologies are great when I want a quick read, and it’s one of the best ways where I’ve read and gotten addicted to authors I might not have read otherwise. Just saw Improper Gentlemen on my Amazon recommendations, and can’t wait to read 🙂

  12. There are some times when anthologies are perfect. When I’m busy and times are hectic I hate getting into a long, evolved book. I definitely have found new authors from anthologies. I usually know at least one or two names but then if I find other authors that I enjoy, that’s an added bonus. I recognize all the authors in your book, but somehow have never read any of them. This book would give me a great chance to find 3 new authors. Thanks for the chance.

  13. Loved Improper Gentlemen. It was a great read and the Lucy’s story was wonderful. I remembered Jane Street from Mistress by Mistake (which I absolutely loved) so this little story was a great take on another Jane Street girl.

    I love anthologies because you get something a bit different 3 times over. I tend to agree with JK Coi that reading anthologies gives me ideas about the writing style of each author and the type of stories they write (helps me decided if I want to read more). At the same time to if your novella involves characters from a series you are writing then I’n even more enticed because I am a series junkie.

  14. I have read a few anthologies..sad to say I am not familiar with Maggie Robinson, but I would the chance to read some stories penned by you. Please….thank you!

  15. Hi Maggie and welcome! You are a new author to me, and I have to read some of your books after reading your blog.

    I don’t read a lot of anthologies, but they are a great way to meet new authors you have never read before. I have normally bought them around Christmas time, and that is it.

  16. I definitely read full-length novels more but I am not adverse to reading anthologies, I just don’t come across them often. I think it’s a great way for me to test-drive new authors and get a sense of their voice.

  17. I love anthologies! and historical romance! adding this one to my TBR list!! thanks!

  18. Hi Maggie. Congrats on your new anthology. I do like to read anthologies. They are a great way to find new authors. Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. Hi Maggie! I love anthologies because they are shorter stories and I find new authors by reading them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. I’m on the fence when it comes to reading anthologies. I’m not always the biggest fan of short stories because they always feel a little rushed and that there is something missing. But there are some that I’ve read and loved. I guess it just depends.

  21. I love reading anthologies! When I don’t have a lot of time to read I can set down and read one story at a time. Also gives you the chance to try different authors, love doing that also.

  22. Congrats on the upcoming release — it sounds interesting & I hope to get to read it (too many stories, so little time ;). I’m not a huge anthology reader, though I do like to pick up the occasional one when an author I enjoy is included (particularly if the story in it sounds particularly interesting) and have found the occasional new author to read via that route. They can be nice when under time constraints (ie: want to read something before bed but not get stuck staying up half the night cause you just have to finish the story) so when I do pick them up they tend to get held for that purpose.

  23. Gosh, I’ve been AWOL a long while. We just had some friends come over we haven’t seen in 4 years. I’ve laughed so much I feel a little sick, actually, LOL.

    Donna Ann, I used to read into the wee hours, but find I have the willpower to put…down…the…book. It has something to do with my eyelids closing. 🙂

    Quilt Lady, Chey, Na, Crystal & CEP: Thanks so much for stopping by! I love the idea of tasting & test driving to find new authors, but I really love it when the anchor for an antho is one of my autobuys. Just finished a Jo Beverley anthology, and enjoyed the other authors as well.

    Cathy, I love Christmas anthologies too, more so than full-length Christmas books. The shorter stories get me in the mood. 🙂

    Catslady, I hope you like it!

    Landra, so glad you enjoyed IG!

    Shari, I hope we can become more familiar, LOL.

    Deborah, thanks for adding me to the TBB pile!

    Danielle, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it’s hard to find an anthology where all the stories are “equal.”

    Sharon, glad Amazon is making such intelligent suggestions, LOL. You should see what they recommend for me some time. *scratches head*

    Cayenne, thanks for reading Lords of Passion. Love the cover with the guy and his big sword. 🙂

    VCP and Terri, I probably prefer full length books myself, but shorter works come in handy for me when time is limited, which seems to be the case right now.

    Julie, let’s expand our horizons together!

    Deb, boy do I miss the EJ/JQ BB. I met my critique partners there, and lots of other wonderful writing friends.

    Joye, thanks so much.

    Jen, reading and exercising! You go, girl!

    I hope I haven’t missed anyone. I’ll be back in a bit! No more company is expected. 🙂

  24. Dropping in to wave at Maggie, my neighbor at the RWA Literacy Signing! A lovelier lady you will not find. The Improper Gentlemen antho is on my TBR list!

  25. Hi! I love your books and I have them all. I can’t wait for this book to come out!!! (Yes, I’m a fan girl!?!?)

  26. Hi Maggie! I do read anthologies – that’s how I ended up falling in love with several of the authors who have become autobuys for me. I think anthologies serve a great purpose – you get to read a writers style without being fully committed to a full book…if one story doesn’t make you happy…there are usually at least three more in the anthology to try out…plus for published authors it gives them a chance to do a story with a secondary character that they might not have a full story for. I’m looking forward reading Mistress by Marriage next month.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  27. Yay, Dani! can we have a secret handshake or something? Thanks so much!

    Maria, I shouldn’t say this, but Marriage is probably my favorite of the three Mistress books. Shh. Don’t tell the others. 😉

  28. I’ve always loved anthologies, they’re great for when you don’t have a lot of time to read and don’t want to get sucked into a long book. I’ve discovered many new authors to me after reading their stories in anthologies, and then went on to find more of their books.

  29. Hi Maggie!

    I read anthologies to get a ‘feel’ for a new-to-me-author. I also read them for the quickness of the story. The stories are wonderful, not lacking at all, just the perfect length for my reading fix at times. I do enjoy a full-length book, LOVE them, they’re great, but when I just need a quick fix an anthology is the perfect answer.

    Have a wonderful evening! 🙂

  30. I just finished reading an anthology so, yes, I enjoy those, too. I’ve found new-to-me authors through anthologies. Plus, sometimes I just can’t stay awake long enough to read a full-length book.

  31. I’ve definitely discovered some of my favorite authors through reading anthologies. I like the shorter stories for reading during my lunch hour. I leave the meatier books for evenings or books on tape. 🙂

  32. I love anthologies. I have a whole bookcase, double stacked, of them, and have gotten rid of many more. The shorter format of the stories lets me finish something when I really should go to bed or be doing something else. It is also the perfect way to sample authors you are not familiar with. I have found so many authors I went on to like this way.

    I hope the release of IMPROPER GENTLEMEN goes well. I’ll be looking for it.

  33. It depends what I kind of time I have to read. If I am just wanting a quick story to fill in while waiting for a specific novel to be released, I love either anthologies or novellas.

  34. I see I closed my eyes too soon last night, LOL. Thanks for stopping by librarypat, june, LilMissMolly, infinitieh, Dalila and Chelsea. Tiffany, thank you so much—I’m pretty happy I became a writer too. I may have waited a long time to start acting on a life-long dream, but I’m so glad I did!

    Thank you all so much for your support!

  35. Just want to congratulate you, Maggie! So much going on at this end, I’ve been quiet but thinking of you!

  36. Hi, Maggie!

    I really enjoyed reading your first book and I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

  37. I like full-length books. I just think the stories in anthologies are so short that you don’t have enough character development.

  38. Thanks, Mrs S! I know the feeling. 🙂

    Marjana, I understand about the characters seeming undeveloped sometimes, but so many authors can still give you a big helping of character pie in a short space.

    Tin, I hope you have a s much fun reading them as I did writing them. 🙂

  39. Hi Maggie,

    Improper Gentlemen is on my wish list and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Maybe I’ll get lucky here today! LOL

    I have a couple of your books (one for each pen name) on my TBR shelves but haven’t pulled them out yet to read. I usually wait to read a series until I have all the books in the series on hand. Maybe that won’t be the case this time. The more I read about your work, the more I really am missing something. Note to self: pull Maggie/Margaret’s books to the top of the heap!

    What’s next for you after the release of Mistress by Marriage?

  40. I love anthologies & this looks like such a fun summer read! Sometimes you just want the HEA quicker.

  41. Maggie, you know I love everything you write !!! And anthologies are great for me as I try to read on my breaks and at lunch at work. A novella is a great way to get a quick read in and I can usually finish it by the end of my work day. And there is usually at least one author I haven’t read in these anthologies and it gives me the chance to get a taste for them!

  42. I enjoyed reading your post Maggie! Your new novella looks really good! I love reading anthologies. It’s a wonderful way to find new authors, and they are perfect at times when you are in the mood for a short read. IMPROPER GENTLEMEN looks like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I have found a few authors while reading anthologies and some have become my favorites. I do love reading full novels, though as compared to shorts since I always want to read more about the characters.

  44. I happen to absolutely love Brava anthologies! Back in their Bad Boy hay day I found authors Jill Shalvis, Shannon McKenna, Erin McCarthy and so many of my now auto buy authors from reading those anthologies. It actually got me hooked on Brava period. I used to troll through the library and pick up any book that had that little “B” on the spine because more often than not I loved the stories…some more than others, but I was almost guaranteed a great read.

    I miss those Bad Boys, but I am glad that they are bringing them back (sort of) with the Improper Gentlemen antho, because Historical Romances were my first romance love. It’s a great combo of the two.

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