Tuesday’s books are fabulous. I was particularly taken with Loretta Chase’s SILK IS FOR SEDUCTION and Lorraine Heath’s WAKING UP WITH THE DUKE–I think I mentioned that a month back. Click here to take a look.

Included in today’s offerings are 5 (five) digital books, which means instead of 5 (five) books per winner, there will be 6 (six). I definitely encourage you to take a look at these books, not only are they all eBargains but they’re also fabulous!

Now on to today’s questions. Answer all correctly and you will be entered into the drawing for the eGift Certificates and the ereader. Correctly answer 2 (two) and you’ll be entered to win 1 (one) of the 2 (two) eGift Certificates.

Tuesday’s Questions

1. In Anna Campbell’s CAPTIVE OF SIN, what is the name of the hero Gideon Trevithick’s house in Cornwall?

2. In Jackie Barbosa’s GRACE UNDER FIRE, how did the heroine get her black eye?

3. In Beverley Kendall’s AN HEIR OF DECEPTION sampler, who does Alex’s son strongly resemble?

***Answers can be found in excerpts or downloads on author’s website or sample downloads on most etailer sites.

My thought for today is how much the majority of romance novels do not make good movies. In the same breath, I will say that some do–huge example would be Jane Austen’s  Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion (some of my favourites!). Can you think of a current romance novel that would make a good movie? Or which book do you think is just too perfect the way it is to be tampered with? Comment and enter to win 6 (six) books from Tuesday’s offering.

73 Replies to “Day Two – The Party Continues”

  1. Happy Day 2 of your 2nd Anniversary Bash!

    I just finished reading IN BED WITH A HIGHLANDER by Maya Banks and would love to see it made into a movie. Just for the lush scenery. And the hot men in trews. Pamela Clare’s BREAKING POINT would make a great movie. Action, suspense and romance!

    I think the Black Dagger Brotherhood books would make a great TV series (I know we’re talking about movies) or even Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series.

    I think more romance books need to made into movies (as in made for theater, not made for Lifetime). I mean, there’s quite a few YA series being made. Why can’t romance books be next? They can be pared down to an R rating… just saying.

  2. I wish romance novels were made it movies, even if they just aired on TV. Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed Series would make a great TV mini-series or feature flick. I’d also love to see any book by Tessa Dare or Earl of Darkness by Alix Rickloff made into a movie.

  3. I think a few of Rachel Gibson’s(Simply Irresistible and See Jane Score) books can be made into romantic comedies.

  4. Day 2! Yea!
    Okay, it’s hard for me to pick the romances that should be made into movies. There are sooo many good ones. Honestly, Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels would be a wonderful movie IMO. If we’re talking TV mini series, well let’s get Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series out and about.
    Books that I think would not get justice: J.D Robb’s In Death series. I just don’t think they would cast the right actors/actresses to pull it off. Plus they would cut too many details.

  5. When I was reading Judith McNaught’s romance novels, I kept thinking how lovely it would be to make movies out of them. In particular, Something Wonderful and Almost Heaven.

    Of the newer authors, I’d love to see Elizabeth Hoyt’s Maiden Lane series on TV or the big screen. ^_^

  6. Let’s see. I read tons of books that I think “Hmm, make this into a movie NOW, Mr.Cuarón!!”
    I’d love to see something from Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory series adapted to film. Or one of the Bedwyns (Mary Balogh).
    I think the key would be to take a book by an author who has a ‘classic’ sort of feel/style to their books. I always feel like Lindsey and Balogh’s books have that quality to me . They feel more ‘regency’ish than some of the more ‘cutting edge’ historicals. I NEED to see James Mallory on PBS Masterpiece soon! lol. A facebook page should be created!!

    But if we’re talking real real current reads (since both series have been out for a while now)
    Lila DiPasqua’s A Midnight Dance would certainly have my vote. It’s Cinderella remade with a 17th century french twist. It has great market appeal since someone is always doing a cinderella story, PLUS the book is AMAZING beyond words =P I adored it and I would swoon to see Jules on a huge, physically lickable screen!

    Oh, and I haven’t said it yet: Happy Anniversary, Bev! Wow, it feels like just yesterday I was wooting and whooping for the 1st year anniversary! Lol! Time flies, but the site has kept getting better and better! Can’t wait to see what the next year has in store! All the best!


  7. Most of my favourite romances I think is too perfect to be made into a movie, in my eyes at least. I’m a visual reader and when I read a great story, the characters, the scenes, all the special moments have already been visualized in my head. It’s hard for any movie to match up to my own “inner movie”. That said, I’m always curious to see what a movie of a book I like would be like. Books like Karen Marie Moning’s FEVER series and J.R. Ward’s BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD series have such vivid worlds, it’ll be interesting to see what a the stories would be like on television.

  8. love extended celebrating & thanks for sharing it with us again 🙂 I can’t think of any that would make a good movie, but not because they are all perfect but rather that the emotions/thoughts that are part of the story are so hard to translate to screen that it makes it hard for the movie story to have the same depth & pull as the book. Plus, even though books tend to be shorter than they use to be & I’m a fairly fast reader, it’s still hard to fit a full length novel into an hour 1/2- two hours without having to loose something. I remember years ago, Julie Garwood’s book For the Roses was made into a tv movie. I was so excited to see it as I really enjoyed the book and was curious to see how Hollywood would pull it off. While I didn’t expect it to be exact, I was quite disappointed in the movie as it was nothing like the book. The story was so changed that if I had seen the movie first, I would have had no interest in that book or the rest of the series. After that, I’m almost afraid for Hollywood to go near any of the books I like 😉

  9. I enjoy the novels because they allow me to picture that setting, characters and locales. This is spoiled in movies which depict it totally wrong or differently from what I envisioned. Movies are always a disappointment and that is why I rarely see any. Books transport me and are always memorable. Many thanks for this lovely week.

  10. I think any of Julie James’ books could make a good movie. Her contemporaries are filled with sharp wit and strong heroines.

  11. I think most historical romances don’t make good movies… The wit just doesn’t seem to translate well into movies…. Books are better…. I can’t imagine the mess they would make if Julia Quinn’s books were made into movies… Argh…

  12. Some of the romantic suspense titles would probably translate to screen pretty well. On the other hand I wouldn’t want to see some of my favorites made (Dreaming of You, Lord of Scoundrels) because no actor could live up the the characters.

  13. This is a tough question but I’d have to say the book I’m reading right now would make a great movie. It’s ‘The American Heiress’ by Daisy Goodwin. It’s a Victorian era book set in American and England and is about American heiresses going to England to snag a titled husband. I don’t recall seeing that many films set in this time period.

  14. It’s very rare that a movie ever does justice to the book. I really can’t even think of any off the top of my head. What I imagine in my mind just never seems to match up to what they manage to put on screen. So, I like to stick to my books and if I have to watch a movie adaptation I hope I can do it first then read the book after 🙂

  15. Damily sag as, yes buy most romances with the exception of romantic suspense) imowould not translate well into a film.

  16. I’d rather prefer “original Regency movies” to book adaptations. Of course, with the plethora of Regency novels out there, it’s kind of unlikely anyone would NOT adapt one of said novels. But I’m not at all sure a movie of about 1.5-2 hours would do justice to a typical romance plot… I rather prefer spending 10 hours reading a novel than watching a movie that seems overly rushed.

  17. I agree most movies don’t do justice to the book. I wouldn’t mind seeing Lora Leighs breeds series on TV or movie.

  18. I think Lori Foster’s Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series would make a good series of movies. Action, romance and hot guys!

  19. Please don’t enter me for the ebooks as I don’t have an ereader. This isn’t a romance but I just finished Dan Brown”s The Last Symbol and it’s just as good as The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons.

  20. I would like some of my favorite romance authors to write screenplays, but I don’t think I want any books modified for the big screen. Movies are never better than books. The only book-t0-film adaption I really appreciated was Roald Dahl’s Matilda. It was so true to the book, and the actors really looked the way I envisioned the characters.

  21. I also have to agree that making a romance novel into a movie might ruin the image I’ve already created in my head. Mostly because they would never be able to do justice to all of the internal dialogue and smoldering looks! That being said, if I had to pick one I’d like to see it would be the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn.

    Congratulations on your second anniversary!

  22. In my opinion, most of Susan Elizabeth Phillips`s books would work very nicely as movies. On the other hand I agree with many of you, that it would take a lot of work to make most historicals to movies. But it would be very cool to see some of them in the big screen; for example Lisa Kleypas` “Devil in Winter” or “Lady Sophia´s Lover”.

  23. Usually I cringe when I see the words “based on a book.” I can’t really see any series/book that is shifter-based being great screen adaptations, unless there was a huuuge budget attached. I can, however, see J.D. Robb’s In Death series as a TV show.

  24. From what I can tell about books made into movies the books are always better. It kind of nice reading the book and then being able to watch the movie also. I think Christie Craig’s and Kristan Higgins books would be great made into a movie. Also Kaki Warner’s books would be good in a movie.

  25. I think I hated when a good books are turned into movies because almost 99% of the time, the movies don’t do justice to the book so I rather have them not mess with any of my favorite books.

  26. I think Sandra Brown’s book MIRROR IMAGE would make a really intereting movie. I think it would appeal to men and women. Most books made into movies don’t really follow the book so that makes it unbelievable.

  27. Thata a hard decision. Anything with Highlanders, or a Julia Quinn book or anything by Lisa Kleypas. I would love to see Roxanne St Claires Bullet Catchers made into a movie. Or the breed series Lora Leigh

  28. I am a BIG fan of Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series and I think those stories could be made into movies – the heroes and heroines are great, certainly, but the secondary characters are awesome. There’s a great mix of drama, comedy and hot romance in each story.

  29. I think Diana Gabaldon’s, Outlander mostly so my family & friends that would never read the book could experience it, at the same time I’m afraid the movie would ruin it.

  30. I just got done reading Playing Dirty by Susan Andersen and I think it would translate well to the big screen. With the wonderful relationship between the female friends, emotional background story, and sexy exchanges between the h/h it would make an entertaining movie.

  31. I agree with part of Sherry T’s comment about the Outlander series. I would not want to see a movie made out of this series and if it is made (I think it’s in pre-prodcution), I don’t want to see it. IMO, the series is just too wonderful to be “tinkered” with by Hollywood. Read the book!!

  32. I just love Broken Wing by Judith James. One of my all time favorite books. I think it would make a great movie. I cried and cried all the way through this book. LOL I don’t think the Breed Series by Lora Leigh would make a good movie, because there would have to be to much info that would have to go into the movie about how the breeds came about. I love these books too.

  33. The giveaways just keep getting better and better!

    I think having a good outcome from turning a book into a movie would be affected by who was doing it. I think sometimes it is had to relay all the details from the book into a movie given the limited amount of time there is to do it.

  34. Most of the romance books that have been turned into movies are poorly done. That said, I would like to see Julie James, Susan Elizabth Phillips, Rachel Gibson or Lisa Kleypas’ contemporaries turned into a movie.

  35. I’m not a fan of books to movies, I think they ruin them.But if done by the right people I think the BDB books by JR Ward would make a good tv series.

  36. I’ve always thought someone should make movies of Georgette Heyer’s books. OK, that’s not contemporary, exactly! But I also think Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie would make a fun movie. I just finished Silk is for Seduction, which I thought was utterly splendid, but I don’t think it would translate well because the dynamic between the characters would be so hard to make compelling and believable onscreen. Though the fire would be dramatic and of course it would be a treat to see those dresses IRL!

  37. I don’t enjoy seeing movies of my favorite books, because they almost always interfere with how I view the characters. I’m always surprised by how much people want movies to be made of their favorites!

    But I do think Lightning that Lingers — it’s just come out as an ebook, so counts as current! — could make a great movie, with its male stripper/biologist hero. 🙂 It probably wouldn’t, but it could if the right people made it.

  38. Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James would make a good movie.

    I do agree with the comments made by some others that movies from books usually are disappointing to those who love reading. There’s just so much more in a book. The reading experience is more interactive, too. I need my immagination, along with the author’s vision, to really “see” those characters, that setting. Not so with movies.

  39. I would love to see Lord of Scoundrels being turned into a movie. That would be fun too I think! Lisa Kleypas’ Wallflower series would be great as a mini-series.

  40. I know that Dreamworks has picked up Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series to do a movie out of and I’m excited about that. I would LOVE to see Julia QUinn BRidgerton’s be made into movies, how fun would that be?

  41. I don’t like to watch movies based on books since Hollywood usually botches them and they usually don’t even remotely resemble the written book. I prefer reading the books myself so that I can get the author’s take on them as well as use my own imagination and enjoyment of the reading process. If not for that, I would like to see one of your books or Nicole Jordan’s on the screen.

    Again, happy 2nd anniversary!

  42. Two nominees:
    Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.

    With great misgivings, however, as books rarely are translated to film well.

  43. My trouble with books translated into movies is that my internal vision of the characters may not fit the particular actors chosen to play the parts and that would ruin it for me. Also, the intimacy of the love scenes may be fine in the written word, but the same scenes could border on pornography when put on film. A safe novel would have to be one like a Georgette Heyer where the romance is very subtle–think A Convenient Marriage, for example.

  44. I’m always optimistic about my books being made into movies. I get so excited for them and then I see them and I’m totally disappointed. I think the problem for me is that they take too many liberties and stray so far away from the original story that I fell in love with.

    I would definitely like to see more historicals being made into movies. Those always seem to be the ones that come out the best and I just love that genre so much.

  45. I can think of several contemporary romances that would make good movies/tv. I would suggest nearly anything written by Jill Shalvis and Julie James.

  46. I would love to see Grace Burrows The Heir made into a movie! It was an awesome story and so was the second in the series, The Soldier

  47. I’d like to see Lara Adrian’s Breed books made into a movie (or series of movies), I think it would be pretty action packed but with great romance as well.

  48. I think any of Madeleine Brent’s books, maybe The Long Masquerade or Moonraker’s Bride, would make very good movies. They’re so full of adventure, exotic locales, and kick-ass heroines.

  49. I think any of Cindy Miles’ book would make fantastic movies! She writes she sweetest romances 🙂

  50. I would like Jude Deveraux’s books made into movies. I do agree that most romance books do not make good movies.

  51. I think Jill Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series would turn into great movies. Also Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld series were make good movies too. I enjoy the Lifetime movies based on Nora Roberts books on are pretty good. I loved Montana Sky.

  52. I think they could make any of Lisa Kleypass books into a movie – especially if she were to maintain creative control over the script

  53. I think Pamela Clare’s Romantic Suspense I-Team series would make fabulous movies! They have intrigue, action and romance so it has something for everyone and would make great date movies.

    One book that I would love to see come to life is Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander. But, and this is a big but, it would have to be a mini series like on Showtime, or HBO or something to really do it justice. If they made it into a 2 hour movie I think I would have to NOT see it simply because I just can’t see how they could cram all of the Jamie goodness into so short a time period.

  54. I love Anna Campbell’s books but had sort of forgotten about them, I better look them up to see if I have missed any!

    Anyway I always think books are better than movies so if I like/love a book I steer clear of the movie. I have been dissapointed too many times…

  55. I’m not a fan of seeing my favorite books turned into movies. The movies are such disappointments to me. It would be interesting though to see how they would cast Jamie from Outlander.

  56. Diana Gabaldon’s books would be interesting to see put onto the big screen.
    Linda Lael Miller’s PIRATES is a time travel romance an might be interesting made into a movie, but it is a old book. I think a book with an adventure or suspense element would do better than a strictly relationship focused story.

  57. Most times the book is always better, but I could possibly see Joanna Bourne;s series adapted for a TV miniseries.

  58. Definitely not a fan of books made into movies as they usually disappoint. I didn’t like Pride and Prejudice even, especially the one with Keira Knightly! agh! I did love Sense and Sensibility, though!

  59. I think Julie James’ stories would translate well into movies and I think I read somewhere that she was originally writing screen plays.

  60. I think Jennifer Crusie’s “Anyone But You” could be really fun as a movie. And I don’t want anyone to destroy my fantasies of how Rupert looks in Loretta Chase’s “Mr. Impossible”.

  61. I don’t like movies that are based on books I love. They can never include the entire story and I always get ticked off about what they change and/or leave out. If any of my favorite books were changed into movies, I would not watch them.

  62. I think Julia Quinn’s novel “What Happened in London” would make a great film. The whole mystery over whether or not her neighbor killed his fiancee, followed by their adorable relationship development (especially the marriage proposal!!!) and ending in the climax at the palace would make a very satisfying film. I would watch it. I also think that Rules of an Engagement by Suzanne Enoch might make a good film, or perhaps mini-series. Ship battles and angry natives as the background to the love story might fit the big screen better than many romances.

    Some of the very best novels just don’t lend themselves to film-making though. Film as an art form does not really go well with very introspective, thoughtful characters, but those sorts of characters can be very enjoyable to read.

  63. I think it would probably depend on how closely it followed the book and who developed the movie.

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