by Janine

Given the voracious reading appetite of many romance readers, it’s nearly mandatory to find books by prowling the new book section of your bookstore or library.  I cull for new reads at my local library and Barnes & Noble Nook Book new releases daily in hopes of finding a great new book.  It’s difficult to imagine I have missed books but is always a welcome surprise when I read a newly discovered treasure.  I am pleased to share some of these gems with other readers in this inaugural edition of Did You Miss…

Did You Miss…Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall?  This first installment of a new paranormal series is a true keeper.  It has all the best elements of paranormal romance: strong leads, outstanding world building, plenty of action, and an intimate romance.  I thought I’d read every possible spin on the vampire mythos but Duvall’s Darkness Dawns is both refreshing and compelling.  Sarah, our lead, lands in the middle of a war between corrupt vampires and Immortal Guardians, protectors of humankind.  Sarah rescues a wounded Immortal Guardian, Roland, from sure death and in doing so finds love.  Roland and Sarah’s relationship is sexy, humorous, and emotionally intimate.  Their relationship sparkles and provides the perfect backbone for this strong read.  The plot is fast paced and the Immortal Guardian world is fascinating and complex but craftily structured to never overshadow Roland and Sarah’s relationship.  The secondary characters will hook you as well and leave you anticipating the second book, Night Reigns, due out in December (check back here for the review.)  Since reading Darkness Dawns in July, I’ve re-read it three times and it keeps my interest every time; this is as close to a perfect read as it gets!  5 stars, Chart Topper, 4 stars heat level, and the ebook price of $4.49 makes Darkness Dawns a must-read (also available in paperback.)

Did You Miss…Whispers in the Dark by Gayle Eden?  This ebook is a full-length novel set in Victorian England.  Joan describes herself as level-headed, mature, and blunt but Roger finds her fascinating precisely because of her unpolished, anti-ton ways.  Roger, on the other hand, looks at his ton life as a playground for the disenchanted where no one emotionally touches him.  This novel focuses solely on Joan and Roger’s relationship; there is no mystery, no villain, and no other plot to detract from their intimate journey.  Once I realized there were no subplots, I was suspicious the read would be boring but was I wrong!  Joan and Roger are compelling characters who are so wounded that it’s a joy watching them commit to each other.  Whispers in the Dark is the first of two books in a series, with cousin Simon’s romance in A Taste of TemptationWhispers in the Dark is more emotionally intimate than A Taste of Temptation but since separately the ebooks are $2.99 but together they are $3.99, I would recommend buying them as a package.  4 stars for Whispers in the Dark, Very Good (3.5 stars for A Taste of Temptation), 5 stars heat level, and the combined price of $3.99 from Barnes & Noble cannot be beat.

So have I missed other great books?  Comment to win an autographed copy of Darkness Dawns and other Immortal Guardian swag, courtesy of Dianne Duvall.     

36 Replies to “Did you miss…?”

  1. Don’t count me in for the contest because I actually did not miss Dianne’s book…I have it on my Kindle…haven’t had a chance to read it but at least I did buy it. I did however miss Gayle Eden’s books, which I’ll be buying as a pair. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  2. I missed it but it does sound intriguing. I am fairly new to the paranormal genre. I also recently discovered romantic fantasy and I guess it’s paranormal too with Katheryne Kennedy’s books – the most recent is her Elven series. I really think there are so many books out there now (which is a great thing) that you can’t possibly keep up with everything!! But it’s fun trying.

  3. I did miss both of these books! And that’s why I love blogs like this because I couldn’t possibly keep track of all these wonderful books otherwise. Thanks for the contest!

  4. Unfortunately, I haven’t read any romance novels by new, unknown authors or that I would have missed recently. My coworkers have been recommending books from other genres to me, so I have been trying those out! I have been reading books from authors that I know I like (titles that I have not read before), and testing the waters with fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, horror, historical… Whatever the librarians upstairs think I ought to read.

    I just read a fantastic horror novel that I didn’t find at all scary, but the writing was beautiful. It’s called “Those Across the River” by Christopher Buehlman, if anyone else likes that sort of thing.

    I’ve never read anything by Dianne Duvall or Gayle Eden, but I’ll put them on my list. The Season is always adding to my list. 😀

  5. Most of the books I’ve read lately have been recommended here, and all have been great. The best way I’ve found to find new authors (at least new to me) is when kindle or sony has discounted deals or have them free. I love how Amazon lets you sample the first chapter or so to see if it’s something you like. Nothing is worse then paying full price for a book that disappoints. I got Kieran Kramer’s books at a Borders closeout sale (which are recommended here too) Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage was cute and funny. They’re lighthearted reads. Getting the Gayle Eden Combo on Kindle today. They have both books for $3.99 or $2.99 each seperately on Amazon. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation

  6. I have to say i have yet to read a book by either author. The book sounds extremely interesting. I would love to win the book.

  7. I think I did miss Diane’s book, though it sounds like an excellent read! I also love it when an author surprises me with a new spin on paranormal lore that’s already been done so many times, like vamps or were’s. 🙂

  8. I will have to say I have not read either of these authors before so yes I missed them. I haven’t read a lot of new authors lately. Kaki Warner was the last new author I read and I love her books, have read them all.

  9. What a great idea for a new blog post. I’ll look forward to this column. Yes, I did miss the Duvall and and Eden releases. Thanks for the heads up.

  10. Turns out I have missed these two great sounding reads and by authors who are new to me. I am always on the prowl for new reads and it seems for every book I read, I add 2-3 more to my TRB pile. I don’t think I would want it any other way. I try to alterante my reads between an author I have read before and a new one. I’m planning to try Brenda Novak, and Jane Graves’s books very soon.

  11. I haven’t read very many new releases recently, and those that I have read, I heard about here. I haven’t heard of either Dianne Duvall or Gayle Eden before, but your reviews on them sound great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I think it’s a great idea to feature titles/authors that would normally fly under readers’ radars —

    I actively seek out debut authors but I still miss one or two each month. ^_^

  13. I missed these 2 books. They both sound so good. I can’t wait to read them. Thanks for the chance.

  14. WooHoo!
    WTG Janine!
    Great idea…….’Did You Miss?’
    Congratulations on your inaugural edition!!
    This column will definitely keep me in the know, thanks!

    These two authors are new to me, so yes, I did miss them.
    I’m always on the look-out for new to me authors, I will be adding Gayle Eden to my list. Her book sounds interesting and she has a ‘cousin’ book too, right up my alley. I enjoy books that have connected characters.

    Thank you for the give-away and have a wondeful evening! 😀

  15. I remember seeing this cover (great abs!) but didn’t know if I felt up to another vampire book. But it sounds like I missed out! After hearing what you thought of it I will have to revisit my opinion.
    This makes me want to stop by the library and see what I can find =)

  16. I know I’ve missed a lot of great books, I just can’t bring them all home because I only have so much time to read. Unfortunately I have to work, eat and sleep occasionally, LOL. I did miss these two great books, and I’d love to win a copy of Darkness Dawns.

  17. well the way I find new books is, I sign up on all the authors I like sites and or newsletters. Almost all of them have a part of their newsletters where they suggest a new author,talk about a good read and so on. I always end up in the book section at any store and can hardly pass one while driving past. Thanks for your suggestions, I am happy to have another place to find good reads!


  18. I don’t know if this is just for the U.S or open for all worldwide…
    If it is international count me in. I have to admit the word swag drew me in.
    Other great books…If you haven’t read the black dagger brotherhood books by J.R. Ward, I’d say you need to get reading stat!


  19. Darkness Dawns has actually been on my wishlist for awhile. I did miss Whispers in the Dark by Gayle Eden though. It sounds interesting 🙂

  20. I am still in the sampling mode for paranormals. I am amazed at the wide variety of worlds and characters authors have created. Every author that writes about vampires seems to have a very different take on them. It makes for a varied and interesting genre.
    Dianne Duvall’s series sounds good.
    I am so far behind in my reading, I know there are many books out there I have missed. I am relying on review sites like the Season to keep me posted.

  21. HEART’S BLOOD by Juliet Marillier was a wonderful read for me. I have added both the above to my reading list.

  22. I haven’t read those books yet. Thanks for the suggestions… I have kind of re-reading Charlaine Harris again since none of my favorite authors have any new books out this month.

  23. I have read Dianne Duvall’s Darkness Dawns. I have not read Whispers in the Dark by Gayle Eden, but will be added on my reading list.

  24. I missed these! But that is why I like reading book blogs, they help point me in the direction of new authors – Diane Duvall’s book sounds right up my alley.

  25. I missed Gayle’s books but will certainly be buying them as I have always enjoyed her stories and historical stories are my favorite.

  26. currently reading this book and just it so far. Cant wait to get off work and finish 🙂 so glad i wont have to wait too long for Marcus’s story. Ill have to check into the gayle eden book though. 🙂

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