Before She Dies
Author: Mary Burton
Publisher: Kensington / Zebra
Pub. Date: January 31, 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1420110210
Pages: 416
Digital Price: $4.89
Print Retail Price: $7.99
Amazon ~ B&N ~ iBookstore


In death, they are purified. Holding his victims under water, he washes away their sins as they struggle for their last breath. Then he stakes their bodies to the ground, exposing them for what they really are. Witches, sent to tempt and to corrupt.


No one knows about defense attorney Charlotte Wellington’s murdered sister, or about her childhood spent with the carnival that’s just arrived in town. For Charlotte, what’s past is past. But others don’t agree. And as a madman’s body count rises, she and Detective Daniel Rokov are drawn into a mission that’s become terrifyingly personal…


At last, she is within his reach. All his victims deserve their fate, but her guilt is greatest. And with every scream, he will make her see what it means to suffer and repent—before she dies…



Before She Dies is a captivating romantic suspense that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go.

Charlotte Wellington isn’t what she seems. To the outside world she is an elite attorney that comes from good breeding and money. In reality she is the daughter of carnival workers and grew up moving from town to town following the carnival. Everything changed when he sister died and she escaped the carnival life and left everyone behind.

I loved that nothing is really what it seems in this book. There are a lot of twists and turns to the story that kept me guessing to the very end. The action is fast paced and the plot never drags.

The romance takes second place to the suspense part of the story, but with Charlotte and Daniel it works. Charlotte changes throughout the book and opens herself up. She needs the events of the story to make her open to Daniel and what he offers.

If you are a fan of romantic suspense Before She Dies is a must read.

Rating: 4.5 (Excellent)

Heat-Level: 3 (Sensual)

Reviewed by Carrie

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31 Replies to “Review & Giveaway: Before She Dies by Mary Burton”

  1. After your review, it sounds like quite a suspensful read which is something I would really enjoy.

  2. I read Mary Burton’s two previous books and they were very good also so I am looking forward to this one.

  3. Twists and turns will definitely keep me on my toes in suspense books. It sounds like I need to read Mary Burton’s books.

  4. I love Mary Burton’s books. A good suspense/intrigue story is hard to beat. The only bad thing about them is I can’t put them down and usually read all night. This sounds like it will be a good one.
    Thanks for the review.

  5. I love Mary Burton’s writing and romantic suspense in general. I’m behind in reading her books – just finished Senseless and need to read Merciless quickly so I can get to this one! Thanks for the review.

  6. Sounds like a very tense romantic suspense. Hope whoever wins ends up loving it!

    (please don’t enter me in the drawings, thanks)

  7. Carrie, from your review and checking it out on line… I went out and bought “Before She Dies” early this morning. Today is a great day to begin reading this book–it’s rainy and cold. Thanks for another great review, Carrie. 🙂

    1. PS. Please don’t put my name in, to win a copy of Before She Dies. As I mentioned–I already have a copy. Thanks for the great give away. Carrie, your review was too good to wait another day to read. 🙂

  8. This sounds great, and I’d love to get my mother who wants a new, good suspense author to read to try her.

  9. Great review. This sounds like a book that I would definatly love to read. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!

  10. I like finding books with twists and turns, they keep me intrigued and turning pages. Thanks for the review – this sounds like an interesting read.

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