Not Wicked Enough
Author: Carolyn Jewel
Publisher: Penguin Group / Berkley Sensation
Pub. Date: February 7, 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0425246603
Pages: 320
Digital Price: $7.99
Print Retail Price: $7.99
Amazon ~ B&N ~ iBookstore

When Lily Wellston heads to the Bitterward Estate to comfort her widowed friend Caroline, she certainly does not have romance in mind. In fact the playful but level-headed Lily is amused to no end when, en route, a gypsy gifts her with a beautiful medallion, claiming it will ensnare the romantic desires of a stranger.

But Fate has other plans in the form of Caroline’s ruggedly handsome brother, the Duke of Mountjoy. One day at Bitterward and Lily can’t deny the sizzling attraction between her and the roguish duke. Nothing can come of it, of course. She’s not looking for entanglements and he’s practically engaged. But whether it’s her outgoing nature and the duke’s outlandish ways sparking off one another; or the mysterious gypsy medallion working “magic”–hearts are stirring in the most unexpected and wicked ways…



With a title like Not Wicked Enough, who can resist the read? In addition to my attraction to the title and synopsis, I found myself intrigued with the potential cover, which had not yet been released as my copy is an ARC with title and author only. After finishing this romance, I hit up Amazon to find the cover art and found myself a little disappointed. I’m not sure it does the title justice. If the cover doesn’t catch your eye I hope you’ll still give this one a try.

The chemistry between Lily and Mount Joy in this romance is evident from the beginning. Lily, who arrives at her best friend Ginny’s home in an effort to improve Ginny’s depression after losing her husband, does not expect to fall for Ginny’s older brother, the Duke of Mountjoy. In public, Lily brings life to Bitterward with social engagements, entertainment and joy. In private, Lily indulges her appetite for Mountjoy, all the while believing she has loved and lost and will not love again. Mountjoy, who is betrothed to another, finds himself falling for his sister’s best friend, yet unable to secure her. Set on an estate far from London’s society, Not Wicked Enough supplies a refreshing and unique setting that grabs the reader and entices them to stay.

The characters are quite witty and a pleasure to read about. I enjoyed their banter from the get go. The chemistry and passion between the two pragmatists is evident as the two find themselves falling in love. The author does not write this devoid of humor. Lily is quite the character and the name Mountjoy, Bitterward and others like them bring a little smile to the face of understanding readers. She even includes a gypsy, who gives Lily a medallion, promising to bring romance to Lily’s life. This simple yet foreboding tidbit later comes into play when Lily and Mountjoy are falling in love. Lily’s belief that love only comes once is affirmed by the medallion, which she believes is affecting their attractions. I kept my nose in the book with this one as I read the pages of fiery passion and sincere doubt. I found myself wondering when Lily would give herself a chance to love again.

My only confusion with this title comes to play with the series theme. The series is designated as the Reforming the Scoundrels, which in my opinion Mountjoy doesn’t apply to. Mountjoy is a Duke who fell into dukedom through a series of deaths in the family. His family has a background in the farming industry and though he’s had his rogue like encounters, he didn’t strike me as a scoundrel. Though very minor, I thought it was worth the mention. I would recommend this book. It was a positively charming read. I loved Lily and her perky, upbeat personality. Likewise, Mountjoy is an intriguing and sexy character that is sure to spike the interest of romance readers everywhere.

Rating: 4 (Very Good)

Heat-Level: 3 (Sensual)

Reviewed by Tiffany

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50 Replies to “Review & Giveaway: Not Wicked Enough by Carolyn Jewel”

  1. Ohho….Gypsy Medallions and potential love spells ? Sign me up ! This does look like a fun book to read !

  2. I have been waiting for this book for a while and I’m very eager to read it! Thanks for the review and the giveaway.

  3. When I see the word ‘Gypsy’ I’m hooked! Thank you for the chance to win this book. Another absolutely beautiful cover!

  4. Great F/C… great review. I would love to read this one. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  5. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on Carolyn Jewel’s latest historical.
    The story of Lily and Mount Joy sounds fun and interesting.
    Throw in the medallion and its connection to love……well, I’m in! 🙂

    Thank you for the review and giveaway Tiffany!

  6. I know what you mean about some characters not really being rakes, but called that. To me a rake is someone who goes through multiple women with no emotion or regard for the other’s feelings. A rascal may be a better term for some of these guys. Thanks!

  7. I loved the review and would love to read this book. I love the dress she’s wearing – I want it!!! 🙂

    Thanks for this opportunity. 🙂

  8. This book sounds really good and I have added it to my TBR list. A scoundrel is a scoundrel no matter how he comes by his title.

  9. I’ve had my eye on this one ever since I saw the eye catching cover. I read Lord Ruin by Ms. Jewel last year and adored it and have been wanting to read more of her historicals, but for a long time it seemed like all of her new books were paranormals. After reading the review I KNOW it’s one I have to have 🙂

  10. I read Carolyn Jewel’s previous two historicals and liked them very much so it’s wonderful to see a new novel from her.

  11. I enjoyed your review and this sounds like something I would enjoy. What an eye catching cover – gorgeous.

  12. I just love the cover! That alone makes me want to read it. It will be going on my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. I’ve never read this author. The book sounds like a great read and I love the cover. Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. The witty banter sounds like it would be a charming read. I tend to like stories where there is some reforming for the hero, but I’ll take the humor as well. Or really good humor can make up for it.

  15. Not Wicked Enough sounds like a fantastic story with really interesting characters. I can’t wait to read Mountjoy and Lily’s story.

  16. I can never remember the names of these series because they don’t seem to have anything to do with the actual books. Anyway, I’d love to read this. It sounds great.

  17. Thank you for the review! I have never read Carolyn Jewel before, and your review has me really wanting to read NOT WICKED ENOUGH. Sounds like a great book. I also love stories that have a sibling falling for the other sibling’s best friend.

  18. Honestly I have this in my TBR list because of the cover! I love it.
    Not much of a scoundrel huh, oh well then maybe he isn’t the one not wicked enough. =) hahaha
    Nice review, can’t wait to read it now (and for more than just the cover).

  19. Wow! What a great review Tiffany. A must read. Lately, I’ve read several new authors, and I must say I’ve been impressed with not only the Preface, but these great reviews. This book is set in my favorite Historical with a splash of para/medieval. I know I’m going to like this book. Thanks for a great review Tiffany. 🙂

  20. Love the review and would absolutely LOVE to win the book. It sounds like one I would enjoy. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

  21. Sexual chemistry annd humor are two very big positives for me. I’d enjoy reading Carolyn Jewel’s
    book feturing Lily and Mount’s HEA.

  22. This book does sound charming. I can’t wait to read it. I chuckled when I saw “Mountjoy” and “Bitterward” in the blurb. 🙂

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