A Rogue By Any Other Name
Author: Sarah MacLean
Publisher: HarperCollins/Avon
Pub. Date: February 28, 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0062068521
Pages: 400
Digital Price: $4.99
Print Retail Price: $7.99
Amazon ~ B&N ~ iBookstore

What a scoundrel wants, a scoundrel gets. . .

A decade ago, the Marquess of Bourne was cast from society with nothing but his title. Now a partner in London’s most exclusive gaming hell, the cold, ruthless Bourne will do whatever it takes to regain his inheritance—including marrying perfect, proper Lady Penelope Marbury.

A broken engagement and years of disappointing courtships have left Penelope with little interest in a quiet, comfortable marriage, and a longing for something more. How lucky that her new husband has access to an unexplored world of pleasures.

Bourne may be a prince of London’s illicit underworld, but he vows to keep Penelope untouched by its wickedness—a challenge indeed as the lady discovers her own desires, and her willingness to wager anything for them . . . .even her heart.



In 1821 the Marquess of Bourne lost everything in a game of Vingt et deux. It was the eight of hearts that both ruined him and changed him completely. Bourne, who lost his parents at a young age, vows to take revenge on the man who cheated him out of his legacy. When Bourne discovers that Langford lost Falconwell to the Marquess of Needham and Dolby, his former childhood neighbors, he sets out to regain his inheritance even if it means taking a wife.

Lady Penelope Marbury has vivid and loving memories of her childhood friend Michael and dreams of the day she will see him again. After surviving the scandal of a broken engagement, Lady Penelope has turned down suitors offering marriage in effort to gain something for herself in a marriage. Penelope, whose engagement was broken for a love match, desires to have the opportunity for at least half that. When her friend Tommy proposes, Penelope is shocked and refuses. Tommy, who is like a brother to Penelope, only wishes to protect her from those who wish to obtain Falconwell, which her father recently won and attached to her dowry. When her father commands she marry before the years end in order to give her two younger sisters the chance to proper marriages, Penelope realizes her dreams of love will likely stay dreams. What she doesn’t expect is to meet and be forced into marriage by a man she once knew, still loves and is the picture of scandal itself.

Sparks fly throughout A Rogue by Any Other Name. The romance is full of heat and sexual tension that kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved these characters! Bourne and Penelope are two characters who were meant to be together though time and scandal have kept them apart. When they return to each other they are not the same people they were but as they peel the layers back and let down their walls they find the people they were inside of themselves. This book is so unique; it’s unlike other romances in the sense that its story is original yet believable. The story came alive on the pages, making me feel as if they really lived.

With a pace that kept me turning the pages and a story that kept my interest peaked, I found myself unwilling to put this book down. When I did, I was drawn back to it quickly. I thought about it when I wasn’t reading it. I ached to discover what would happen. Michael is a sexy and enticing character. The natural push and pull the characters have with each other was passionate and sexy. When the passion heated up it was hot! I loved Sarah MacLean’s writing and can’t wait to read more. The cliff hanger in the epilogue did not go unnoticed! I only hope I don’t have to wait too long to read the next installment!

Rating: 4.5 (Excellent)

Heat-Level: 4 (Hot)

Reviewed by Tiffany

Comment and enter to win your own copy of A ROGUE BY ANY OTHER NAME.

62 Replies to “Review & Giveaway: A Rogue By Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean”

  1. The cover drew me into this post. I absolutely love it. I loved reading the review, it’s always nice to see what other readers have to say about a book. Bourne and Penelope sound like amazing characters to read about. If the cover and blurb did not hook me this sentence in the review did :”Bourne and Penelope are two characters who were meant to be together though time and scandal have kept them apart.” Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Wow this sounds like a great read. I would love to win a copy!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  3. I so agree with your review of A Rogue By Any Other Name. I gave it a 5 star on goodreads. I have always loved Sarah MacLean’s books and I really loved this one.

  4. i haven’t read sarah maclean’s books, but your riview make me speechless, i cant wait to read this book.

    thanks for the change…i hope i win ^^

    success for you.

  5. I feel excited to read Sarah MaxLean books after read your review.. especially when you rate Lavel 4 for the heat level.. hahhha..

    Wish I could win the copied.. xD

    Thank You for making it International Giveaway

    More Success for you..


  6. I love the cover of this book. The monochromatic treatment is striking. I really didn’t care for it all that much at first, but it grows on you. Everything I have read about this story points to something a bit different and good. Thanks you for the review.

  7. This book sounds like a winner. I would be honored to win a copy of it. Your cover is so beautiful and eye catching.

  8. I love Sarah MacLean!!! And it makes me so happy to hear that her latest work does not disappoint. I can’t wait to read this one. Crossing fingers for the giveaway 😛

  9. I loved this book. After reading the it, I love the cover even more because of the meaning, and also what happened that night she received the rose.

  10. A great review, n also a great giveaway. Thank 4 share. Hope someone outside US could win the prize, n i wish i’ll be tht lucky person :D.
    By the way, i like Love By no #1 ^^

  11. How could I not want to read this book after seeing a cover like that? Although the premise for it sounds just as appealing.

  12. The cover is to die for. So absolutely gorgeous. I do enjoy Sarah MacLean’s writing.

  13. I LOVED the numbers series by Sarah MacLean! I can not wait to read more from her, this book sounds wonderful and I love that it is a spin off from the other series. Hopefully Ms. MacLean will have the previous characters to make cameos so we can get some updates on them.
    This cover is just gorgeous! And I am sure that the book inside is even better.

  14. Thank you for the review and giveaway. I have been hearing good things about this book and can’t wait to read it.

  15. I am really looking forward to reading this book! 🙂 I enjoy your other 3 books and really want to read this one too!

  16. title, cover and story make me really fell in love, looking forward to read this book, soon ^^

  17. The story sounds amazing and spellbinding. It looks like Sarah has another winner here. Thanks for this opportunity. 🙂

  18. I love marriage of convenience stories! I can’t wait to see how he reacts when he realizes his new wife wants to have a real marriage with him.

  19. I’m reading this book right now and agree with your review. The secondary characters of Pippa, Olivia and the other Fallen Angels are just as fascinating.

  20. I really love the cover. I would love to read this book. I will put it on my TBL(To Buy List)

  21. Oh I can’t wait! Sarah Maclean is one the best authors , her books sre so well written and the characters take you completely into their worlds/thoughts and feelings. I always get a fuzzy warm feeling after reading her book and for a while I have to stop reading historical romances because I somehow feel no other author can compare her.

  22. I really like Sarah Maclean’s writing style. Looking forward to reading this book.

  23. Sounds like another great read and what an absolutely gorgeous cover – so eye catching.

  24. I really enjoy Sarah macleans books so I’m certain tthis one will be no different- the cover looks great and the story sounds it to match- perfect package. Thank you

  25. I read Sarah’s LOVE BY NUMBERS series and was hoping for some more of the same.
    Lucky us, we got it!! 🙂
    Her new series RULES OF SCOUNDRELS, which starts off with ‘A Rogue By Any Other Name’, sounds like another hit to me.
    I would really like to get my hands on this book!
    Thank you for the wonderful review and the great giveaway Tiffany!
    Have a wonderful day!

  26. Thanks for the review. Don’t enter me in the giveaway–I just read this book and loved it, too. And I’m with you, Tiffany; I hope we don’t have to wait long for the next one!

  27. I can not wait to read this book. I have read her first trilogy and loved loved Loved it. Thank you for your review it added to my excitement about reading it.

  28. Love this cover. This book looks great and would love to win and read. Thanks for the giveaway. Sarah is also a new author for me and always looking for new books to check out.

  29. Thanks for the review, Tiffany! I love the cover, and after reading your review, I have to read this book. It sounds delicious.

  30. I have been following Sarah MacLean since her first book came out, Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake. So far, I have loved ALL of her books, and I am sure that this one will not be an exception. I absolutely cannot wait to read it!

  31. I would love to have a copy of this book. I have all her others. Am on a fixed income so it is hard to get newest items. I would love a copy.

  32. Absolutely MUST read this book after reading your review of proper Penelope and gambler Bourne’s roller coaster ride to a HEA. I like that it’s a believable, unique storyline. I haven’t read any of Sarah MacLean’s books yet but this sounds like an excellent place to start.

  33. Great review. The book sounds like a fantastic read. I would Love to win a copy.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  34. Great review! I can’t wait to read this book. I love Sarah MacLean’s writing and am excited for her new series. Hope I win the drawing!

  35. I like to hear that this is not just another run of the mill historical. And I like to hear they have some serious sparks! The name gets me, Penelope. I would have to just think of “Pen” when reading it I think.
    Nice review!

  36. I love Sarah MacLean’s books. I cannot wait to read this!
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  37. Thanks for the excellent review. I am so looking forward to reading this latest from Sarah. Her by the numbers books were great! Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. I have loved Sarah McLean’s book since her first book 9 rules to break ~ great character and wonderful storylines! Even the things you used to is done in such a better way!

  39. I absolutely loved this book!! If I was reviewing it myself I would have given it them same amount of stars. This one was delivered to me at midnight upon release, and let’s just say I happened to be up when it came in. 4 hours later, and I was done! That’s how quick I devoured. This is one you won’t be able to put down so I recommend time to gobble the whole the thing up at once.

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