So here’s the thing, I love love LOVE talking about books. And you can really only truly do this with someone–or someones–who have read the book. Because when I love–or have a “headdesk” reaction to a book, I don’t want to discuss generalities, I want to discuss the story in detail–which characters worked for me, which scene really moved me or got my goat, that sort of thing.

But it seems unless you’re Oprah, book clubs just don’t seem to work. Readers will say they want to do it but when the day comes, only one or two people end up participating. So here’s my thought, what if you had a whole month to read the book and trickle in with your opinion(s)? I’m wondering if that would help boost the participation. Bear with me, I’m thinking to myself.

Currently I’m completely immersed in the wonderful world of contemporary romances be it Adult, YA or New Adult. I’m discovering some great authors–as I’ve shared with you on this blog–and I’ve read some books that definitely had me scratching my head or doing the “headdesk” thing. I’d love to get a gauge as to where your reading interests are etcetera etcetera. Please complete the very short poll below.

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17 Replies to “Book Club Anyone?”

  1. I love reading AND talking about books. So , I voted, and I hope others wish to take part as well.

  2. Definitely all about this. While I have 3 friends who love to read, they read at a much slower pace. So, I can’t talk about a book with them for months. It typically defeats the purpose.

  3. I have been looking for a book club however none of my friends read as fast and as often as I do. I would love to have an in depth conversation about books.

  4. I would love to belong to a book club where I could talk about romance. Unfortunately I have only two friends that read romance, and they live far away.

  5. I’m interested in seeing the poll results. Blogs have become a natural place for me to discuss books.

  6. Always love talking about books and what worked for me and didn’t. Unfortunately not many of my friends read my chosen genre, or even up to the heat level that I do, so I rarely have anyone to discuss great reads with! Sounds like fun!

  7. I like the idea of a book club, but I’ve never been in one. It would be fun to discuss books with other readers.

  8. I love reading and discussing books. Its usually me and my mom talking about the books we are currently reading then we switch. I have never been in a book club I think I would have a hard time accurately telling my point of view. But would love to do it.

  9. My friends have been very tolerant about my talking about the books I am reading, but I would love to discuss a book with others that have the same intense interest. Count me in if the books are historical.

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