I loved this book. Sarah Mayberry is one of my very favourite authors because of books like this. To share that love, I’m giving away 3 digital copies — Nook (epub) or Smashwords (kindle, PDF, ePub). Comment below to enter to win. 

satisfactionMaggie Hendricks loves her life. Great job, amazing friends. Everything just how she likes it. There’s just one small problem. When it comes to sex, Maggie can’t quite get there. No fireworks, no screaming orgasms. And while she tells herself she’s fine with that, she can’t help wanting more.

When her friend shares the intimate details of a one night only fling with an extremely talented lover, Maggie makes a desperate pact with herself. She will seduce this man and if he can’t get her there…well, then she’ll hand herself over to medical science. A simple enough plan. What could possibly go wrong?

Within minutes of meeting Rafel Oliveira, Maggie knows the answer to that one: plenty. Rafel turns out to be far more than simply talented in the bedroom. As he takes her on a journey toward the ultimate pleasure, Maggie finds herself craving a lot more than his beautiful body. But can she win the one thing that will leave her truly satisfied…his heart?

Satisfaction is the latest release from best selling reader favorite, Sarah Mayberry.

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Sigh. Sarah Mayberry always manages to get me where I feel it the most, my heart.

You can read the blurb for the overview, I’m going to get right down to why I loved this book.

Rafel is hot! The first meeting between him and Maggie had me laughing and choking in mortification for her at the same time. It’s clear that chasing the elusive ‘O’ is going to get our heroine into some interesting situations. I mean throwing yourself at a complete stranger…is certainly another way to go.

Now I have to say, the way Rafel figures out why she approached him, IMO, makes him one of the most intuitive men in the world. However, Ms. Mayberry manages this feat with skillful aplomb. And once Rafel knows what she’s after, he’s more than ready to give it to her. LOL.

Rafel is very upfront with her. He’s not looking for anything long-term, their relationship will be all about sex and having a good time. He even admits that he’s still half in love with his ex-girlfriend, who left him a year ago for the bright, exciting lights of New York City. Maggie is fine with that…until it’s not enough.

It’s at this point that readers are taking on a rollercoaster of emotions. The angst, the agony, the heartbreak, it’s all there. I absolutely LOVED it. At times I had to put the book down and catch my breath, my heart aching, my stomach in knots. This is when you know a book is GREAT–when it can elicit all these emotions.

I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to spoil it but the black moment, the denouement is oh so good and it even gets topped off by a lovely epilogue. Did I ever tell you how much I love epilogues? No? Well, a LOT.

Overall, a fabulous romance, in which Ms Mayberry does what she does best. She reaffirms why readers love romance. If you’ve never read any of Sarah’s books, you absolutely need to check them out. This book is a bargain at $2.99. 

Reviewed by Beverley

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17 Replies to “Top Pick Review: Satisfaction by Sarah Mayberry”

  1. Sarah does write very emotional books and I agree that she’s a favorite! Thanks for the review and I really hope I win a copy!

  2. My goodness!! My reading list is growing more and more…need to add this one 🙂

  3. Sarah is a new-to-me author. Loved the description and the review. Really want to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I just discovered Sarah Mayberry last year and love all her books that I’ve read so far.

  5. It’s the first time I heard about this writer but I would like to read this book. Thanks for the review.

  6. Thanks for the blurb and great review. Satisfaction sounds fantastic. I’ve never read anything by Sarah before but plan to change that. Thanks for the giveaway.

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