Yesterday, I was forced to take stock of my life when I realized AN HEIR OF DECEPTION wasn’t going to be ready by January 2012. It literally hurt my heart to admit it to myself. I then looked back and realized I managed to complete the first draft of SINFUL SURRENDER in 60 days. I wrote 115,000 words in 60 days!!! Was I on speed or something??!! (**Note — Although I completed the first draft in 60 days, I then sent 9 mos on and off rewriting, revising, and polishing the book  about 3 times before I sent out the version that was contracted by Kensington. After it was contracted still more revisions and polishing prior to publication. Suffice it enough to say, I spent a great deal of time writing this book.)

Once I realized how far writing had taken a back seat in my busy life, I knew what I had to do. And don’t get me wrong, I didn’t make this decision lightly. I was going to do it earlier this year, targeting April 2011 for the cut off. I didn’t. I just let it go and go. But now, for the sake of my writing career, the one I want so desperately and all the books and series I have brimming inside me, I have to let something go, which means The Season website has become the casualty.

Doing a monthly issue is really taking too much time out of my days. It’s literally that or write. And I’m a writer first and foremost.

The good news it that this blog will remain, pretty much the same as it is now but with more reviews. You’ll still see giveaways, newsy and celebratory posts and guest post by authors but the site itself, while I will leave it up, will not be getting the monthly updates and reviews.

For aspiring and published authors, I will be building out the Publishing Resources section of the website. Also, the front page of the site will remain and change monthly, including things like Feature Pick of the month, eSteals and eDeals and Top Picks. 

So this isn’t good-bye at all, just me divesting myself of a tremendous monthly workload so that I can write. 🙂


42 Replies to “Ccccchhhhaaaannnnges…”

  1. If this means we get more of your books, I am all for it. So sorry you won’t be getting the new book out in January. Will be waiting for when you do. Happy writing!

  2. I love your books, and totally support your decision. Good luck with your writing – may your muses be plentiful and your writing prolific!

  3. Good for you! It’s important to reassess every once and awhile and decide what’s working for you and what’s not.

  4. I know that was a difficult decision. Your writing comes first. Like others, I’m supportive of whatever you need to do to continue to give us those wonderful books. Take care. Happy Writing.

  5. Love the site, but it is so true that no one person can do absolutely everything. Glad the blog will be around and that you’ll have more time to write! Kudos to you for taking steps to make sure you’re doing what it is that you need to do for yourself 🙂

  6. Only you know what is best for you and I totally support you in your choices. At first I thought you were going to say you were closing your site, so I am thrilled that there still will be a blog. Thanks for all you do.

  7. Wishing you a productive month 🙂 I imagine a lot of time and work goes into blogging and I don’t mind you channeling some of this into your work. I am sure when your books are ready, they’ll be good!

  8. There are only so many hours in a day, so I can’t imagine how you’ve juggled everything up until this point. In any 24 hour period, you have family obligations, an outside job, writing, a website and research. When do you relax? 🙂

    As everyone has already said, it’s nice that you’re keeping the blog going. As for Alex’s book, we’ll wait until it’s absolutely ready for publication. Just the excerpts that you’ve posted have been great, so whenever it comes out, I’ll buy it.

  9. I agree with everything, your work comes first. I truly enjoy stopping by your blog, always something fun to read. But I also adore your books and maybe selfish in saying I want more of them (I can’t wait for Alex’s story!!). So do what you need to do, we will be here when you come back =)

  10. Everyone has to prioritise at some point. Glad the blog will still be here but I think you’re doing the right thing. Good luck with the next book.

  11. I can see where you writing comes first, your books are awesome and I am sure blogs take us to much time. I still love this site and will be here every day. Your books should alway come first! We do understand.

  12. Sorry to hear that you are cutting back, but don’t know how you’ve managed to do all these things for this long. Now you will have time for your writing, and that is a top priority for all of us that you write. Really looking forward to Alex’s story. Glad the site will still be here.

  13. I’m sorry to see the site falling by the wayside, it’s been a invaluable one-shot spot to keep me up to date on new releases. That being said, I can (and gladly will) invest a little more of my own time to keep track of upcoming titles. I would much rather see you devote yourself to your writing career and putting out quality books for my enjoyment. I’ve loved everything you’ve written so far and will patiently wait for An Heir of Deception and any further releases. Best of luck and I hope that a wordy writing streak befalls you soon 🙂

  14. Bev, You see… You have loads of supporter who deeply prioritize their daily life, and supports your decision. Your writing exceeds our expectations every time, and for that you have fans who will patiently wait for your next book. Once again, you’ve made the right choice by chosing your passion to write. Besides, we still have you here, so no one will miss your wonderful BLOG. Thanks for sharing your plan. It shows us how much passion and effort you put in your work, and how much you care for your fans.

  15. The bad news…we must wait for Heir of Deception 🙁 Good news, you’re still with us. Do you have an estimate release date for Heir of Deception. I know you probably don’t want to shoot for the stars on this one, but it helps ease the anxiety levels in my household. Thanks.

  16. I love your website and am sad to see it go, but I totally support your decision. Writing should be your first priority. Period. I’m so glad you’ll be keeping the blog, though, because it’s one of the only ones I read every day. Yep, it’s that good. Best of luck with Heir of Deception. I look forward to reading the book when it’s available.

  17. Life is short; you need to do what fulfills you and makes you happy. Kudos for recognizing what you need to do and for actually making the change. Best wishes for continued success.

  18. No worries Beverley, writing is first on your list as it should be.
    Best wishes and happy writing!! 🙂

  19. Hey Beverley,
    Having a blog myself I completely understand where you are coming from. It takes a LOT of time to put together these things, more time than anyone who doesn’t do it can actually know. I’ve taken stock a couple of times on how I approach my blog and keep changing it to fit my lifestyle as well as my wants. Sometimes you have to make the tough decisions for the better good so I applaud your decision to follow your Muse. I hope you find the time you need to write the books we love to read!

  20. Good lucky Beverley, I think you’re making the right decision. Doing what you love should come first, and I’m looking forward to reading much more from you. I’m glad the Blog will stay up because I love it.

  21. Good to hear you have decided to do what you need to do in order to be able to write more. I enjoyed the website but I’m glad the blog is still here. And we are all looking forward to your upcoming book/books! 🙂

  22. I was wondering how you were managing to put together and maintain such an extensive site and still write. Question answered. I am sorry you have to cut back, but it is most understandable. I am glad the blog will continue.

    Best of luck with your writing. Hopefully these changes will take some of the pressure off.

  23. Totally understand – I can barely keep up with my own blog, and this site has so much! Anyway, yay books – reading and writing is why we’re all here [first] anyway. 🙂

  24. I will miss the regularity of your posts and updates and I appreciate that the website will still be up. (It’s a daily morning habit, together with my coffee.)

    Good luck with your book!

  25. I have often wondered how an author could maintain her balance and keep all those balls in the air at once! Not an easy task. But you’re making the right choice. Your writing is more important that a newsletter any day of the week, IMHO!

  26. You have to do what is best for You! I was worried, that You will close this blog too and was so happy, that it continues to be my daily joy. Happy writing!

  27. You knew you had a book in you and it poured out in sixty days. It was an enjoyable work. 🙂

    I think it’s better for your future books if you take your time. I haven’t been crazy about so many of my favorite writers doing 3-7 books in one year. For all but a select few, the quality of those books has been disappointing. I buy my books and it’s been very expensive to keep up with them. Also, my “to be read” pile has become unacceptably gigantic. Not good. My husband is tired of books piled on the floors and against the walls.

    I will miss your reviews and previews of upcoming books. A Season for Romance has gotten my daily visits from the beginning. Thank you for your wonderful efforts,

    1. Hi Elaine,

      Although I wrote the first draft in 60 days, it took me many many more months to actually finish the book as in polished enough to send it out to publishers and even more revisions to get it ready for publication. So I poured a lot more than 60 days into my first. All in all, it was a good nine months of writing and revising and then polishing. Suffice enough to say, I do tend to take my time with every single book I put out. 🙂

  28. This website has been a great romance discovery tool for me these last two years – thanks for all your hard work! And best of luck for concentration on the writing – good stories are what brought me here in the first place 🙂

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